Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

It is now mandated that U buy it. U know, OBAMA CARE.

So how do these people who couldn't afford insurance before now are able to afford it after Obama forced Obamacare down our throats? I guess if private insurance had the same power to force people to buy their insurance we wouldn't be crying a river for these people with so-called pre-existing conditions. The truth is people who could not afford insurance still can't afford it, but healthy people who could afford it and chose not to buy insurance will now be forced to buy it to pay for the sick people who can't afford it. Yet another redistribution of wealth scheme by our beloved socialist president.

So how do these people who couldn't afford insurance before now are able to afford it after Obama forced Obamacare down our throats? I guess if private insurance had the same power to force people to buy their insurance we wouldn't be crying a river for these people with so-called pre-existing conditions. The truth is people who could not afford insurance still can't afford it, but healthy people who could afford it and chose not to buy insurance will now be forced to buy it to pay for the sick people who can't afford it. Yet another redistribution of wealth scheme by our beloved socialist president.

I'm happy to C that U R so concerned about our poor folks in America:rolleyes:
Here R some things they can do.

Its funny, U folks complain when these poor folks flood the ER and use it as a family doctor. The Affordable Care Act will work for EVERYONE not just for some.

So I'll ask the ? again.

Some of these folks wish they had H/C ins. Will they face preexisting conditions should Romney be elected and repeal the H/C bill?
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I'm happy to C that U R so concerned about our poor folks in America:rolleyes:
Here R some things they can do.

Its funny, U folks complain when these poor folks flood the ER and use it as a family doctor. The Affordable Care Act will work for EVERYONE not just for some.

So I'll ask the ? again.

Some of these folks wish they had H/C ins. Will they face preexisting conditions should Romney be elected and repeal the H/C bill?

What pre-existing conditions are you talking about? It says they are being taken care of by donations, not wasteful government programs. So how does Obamacare work for everyone, other than it takes money from one group of people who earn money and gives it to another group of people who don't. The process of taking money from people against their will is commonly thought of as theft. Government is not solution to all of life's problems... Many times it is the cause.

AURORA, Colo. (KABC) -- Three hospitals taking care of people wounded in the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., say they will limit or completely wipe out medical bills for the victims.

Some of the victims are uninsured and face mounting hospital bills.

Children's Hospital Colorado said it would use donations to cover the medical expenses of the uninsured. For those who do have insurance, the hospital said it will waive all co-pays for shooting victims.

HealthOne, which owns the Medical Center of Aurora and Swedish Medical Center, also said it will limit or eliminate charges based on the individual circumstances of the patients.

There's no word yet on what the other two hospitals plan to do.

We do not know what problems they will have down the road. But lets say that one person is paralyzed. Another might have a brain injury. So down the road if they want to get Health ins. They will have a preexisting condition.
So should the unthinkable happens and Romney becomes president, Preexisting conditions will be back. Dig?


The problem with this whole bill, and the reason why my Democratic Sen. who voted for it is now running from it, is that it NEVER did anything to control costs. It was a feel-good bill not rooted in reality. The mentality of the folks who voted for this bill was "money is limitless, resources are infinite." The benefits started long before the tax increases start. Pretty clever politically because the politicians know that many in the US love entitlements and don't understand that someone has to pay for it. So long as it isn't them, why shouldn't the 50% who are being carried by the other 50% care?

Case in point, I buy extra insurance for short term and long term disability. I also bought coverage I need to be put in hospice. They aren't cheap but I buy it instead of buying a boat or another car.

I wish I could see the world through your rose colored glasses.

U R correct my well educated friend. Its not perfect but will B improved upon in the future.

Yeah, I won't be downloading a PDF from a site I've never heard of.

So you trust that the politicians really care about you? Laughable. They want you to be beholden to them so you keep voting for them.

When a politician tells you trust them, they'll make things better (a la this bill) you have to distrust them. Any time I hear "I'm from the government and I am here to help" i look the other way.

I don't know how you trust that it will get better. If the argument is the bill is so horribly written, then maybe I can see your point, which is to say that there is nowhere to go but up.

AURORA, Colo. (KABC) -- Three hospitals taking care of people wounded in the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., say they will limit or completely wipe out medical bills for the victims.

Some of the victims are uninsured and face mounting hospital bills.

Children's Hospital Colorado said it would use donations to cover the medical expenses of the uninsured. For those who do have insurance, the hospital said it will waive all co-pays for shooting victims.

HealthOne, which owns the Medical Center of Aurora and Swedish Medical Center, also said it will limit or eliminate charges based on the individual circumstances of the patients.

There's no word yet on what the other two hospitals plan to do.

We do not know what problems they will have down the road. But lets say that one person is paralyzed. Another might have a brain injury. So down the road if they want to get Health ins. They will have a preexisting condition.
So should the unthinkable happens and Romney becomes president, Preexisting conditions will be back. Dig?


I love this government website to which this guy linked... Check it out and pay special attention to the area referred to as "FREE" insurance. How sadly laughable is that, but that's the entitlement mentality to which Democrats pander.


I love this government website to which this guy linked... Check it out and pay special attention to the area referred to as "FREE" insurance. How sadly laughable is that, but that's the entitlement mentality to which Democrats pander.


Free or Low-Cost Care
If you don’t have and are unable to afford health insurance, you have options that may provide free or low-cost care. Use the resources below to find the health care options that work best for you.

"Free".... Wow, they can't even be honest about the cost of "Free" insurance and how it is actually paid for. Pathetic, but that's exactly the kind of dishonesty we have come to expect from our government.

Free or Low-Cost Care
If you don’t have and are unable to afford health insurance, you have options that may provide free or low-cost care. Use the resources below to find the health care options that work best for you.

"Free".... Wow, they can't even be honest about the cost of "Free" insurance and how it is actually paid for. Pathetic, but that's exactly the kind of dishonesty we have come to expect from our government.

Well I C U will B giving up your health care ins. for free H/C. Go for it:D


Well I C U will B giving up your health care ins. for free H/C. Go for it:D


I probably will have to be looking for something, since many companies will surely drop their current insurance plans. How can this be.... Obama said if I like my current doctor and my current plan, nothing will change for me except that my rates will go down. But my rates haven't dropped, quite the contrary, they have increased. When my company dumps my current plan, I will have to find a new family physician.... yet another Obama lie. Pathetic. All these lies and deception just to make you morons think that somebody will get "free" insurance.... how stupid do you have to be to believe that?

I probably will have to be looking for something, since many companies will surely drop their current insurance plans. How can this be.... Obama said if I like my current doctor and my current plan, nothing will change for me except that my rates will go down. But my rates haven't dropped, quite the contrary, they have increased. When my company dumps my current plan, I will have to find a new family physician.... yet another Obama lie. Pathetic. All these lies and deception just to make you morons think that somebody will get "free" insurance.... how stupid do you have to be to believe that?

For someone to believe what U say would have to B stupid. U blame ACA for your rising insurance cost. U blame ACA for your company dropping their H/C ins. and ACA has not taken effect yet. Hey man, I have some swamp land to sell U in Georgia.

For someone to believe what U say would have to B stupid. U blame ACA for your rising insurance cost. U blame ACA for your company dropping their H/C ins. and ACA has not taken effect yet. Hey man, I have some swamp land to sell U in Georgia.

Is it possible for you to write a response without teenage-like "u" and "b?"

For someone to believe what U say would have to B stupid. U blame ACA for your rising insurance cost. U blame ACA for your company dropping their H/C ins. and ACA has not taken effect yet. Hey man, I have some swamp land to sell U in Georgia.

ACA stands for what exactly? A is for affordable, C is for care and A is for act.
Lets focus on affordable, ok genius? When Obamacare was passed, the result was NOT affordable. The result was increased cost. Affordable apparently ONLY applies to people who get that "free" insurance.... the rest of us schmucks have to pay more.

Perhaps you can read this article from the LA Times (hardly a right-wing think-tank), which might actually educate you.

Nearly 10% of employers anticipate dropping health coverage for their workers in the next three years as medical costs keep rising, according to a new survey by consulting firm Deloitte.

So much for AFFORDABLE!?!?!?!?

ACA stands for what exactly? A is for affordable, C is for care and A is for act.
Lets focus on affordable, ok genius? When Obamacare was passed, the result was NOT affordable. The result was increased cost. Affordable apparently ONLY applies to people who get that "free" insurance.... the rest of us schmucks have to pay more.

Perhaps you can read this article from the LA Times (hardly a right-wing think-tank), which might actually educate you.

Nearly 10% of employers anticipate dropping health coverage for their workers in the next three years as medical costs keep rising, according to a new survey by consulting firm Deloitte.

So much for AFFORDABLE!?!?!?!?

Its a good thing the ACA was passed. If not there would have been more companies dropping H/C coverage.
I liked this comment from your article.
Gopswines at 4:46 PM July 24, 2012
If the 10% er's want to drop HCI, time to cut 100% of any and all tax write offs to those business.
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Its a good thing the ACA was passed. If not there would have been more companies dropping H/C coverage.

Please show any evidence to support that claim. The problem is clearly rising costs and Obamacare has done nothing to lower cost. In fact, Obamacare has made it worse. Obamacare was never intended to make healthcare affordable, it was all about controlling people's money thus controlling people. The only way to lower cost is to free-up the economy and introduce as much competition as possible.

Please show any evidence to support that claim. The problem is clearly rising costs and Obamacare has done nothing to lower cost. In fact, Obamacare has made it worse. Obamacare was never intended to make healthcare affordable, it was all about controlling people's money thus controlling people. The only way to lower cost is to free-up the economy and introduce as much competition as possible.

Like U I have no evidence.