Zone Director

It could be any of a number of RMs. They are simply tools that push illogical sales programs that result in failure. They then blame the failure on the sales rep because neithet they or their superior will admit to not knowing what they are doing. They stay greasy to let the blame slide to their reps. They then will push a rep out to justify that they are whipping the troops into shape. Why can't they just hire directors and managers that have proven animal health sales success? All we get are dorks that attempt to implement programs that have previously failed. Of course they don't know that because they have no animal health experience and refuse to ask or even listen to experienced reps.

It could be any of a number of RMs. They are simply tools that push illogical sales programs that result in failure. They then blame the failure on the sales rep because neithet they or their superior will admit to not knowing what they are doing. They stay greasy to let the blame slide to their reps. They then will push a rep out to justify that they are whipping the troops into shape. Why can't they just hire directors and managers that have proven animal health sales success? All we get are dorks that attempt to implement programs that have previously failed. Of course they don't know that because they have no animal health experience and refuse to ask or even listen to experienced reps.

What exactly is meant by "push a rep out"? How many reps have actually been fired?

What exactly is meant by "push a rep out"? How many reps have actually been fired?

Our "attrition rate" in companion animal has been at about 33% a year for several years. Other companies (or even other MAH divisions) don't seem to have ANYWHERE near this termination rate. Whether they get fired or fed up, the result is still the same. We lose many quality people because the way the BU is managed is horrific.

Of course MAH doesn't ever tell anyone when these people leave - would harm morale....

I am a long term employee that has had and continue to have good success in my territory. The attrition rate has escalated since 2004 to the point that we average about one out of three reps leave or are dumped. It is my turn in the barrel. My RM told me that my position is in jeopardy because with my experience being over quota is not acceptable. He continued to tell me that I didn't finish high enough above quota. So I exceeded my number and I am told that it should be better. Obviously he wants me out. Why? It is beyond me. I just hope he is dumb enough to put the threat on paper. Do RMs receive incentives for getting rid of employees? Go team go.

I am a long term employee that has had and continue to have good success in my territory. The attrition rate has escalated since 2004 to the point that we average about one out of three reps leave or are dumped. It is my turn in the barrel. My RM told me that my position is in jeopardy because with my experience being over quota is not acceptable. He continued to tell me that I didn't finish high enough above quota. So I exceeded my number and I am told that it should be better. Obviously he wants me out. Why? It is beyond me. I just hope he is dumb enough to put the threat on paper. Do RMs receive incentives for getting rid of employees? Go team go.

Sounds like a call to HR may be in order.

I am a long term employee that has had and continue to have good success in my territory. The attrition rate has escalated since 2004 to the point that we average about one out of three reps leave or are dumped. It is my turn in the barrel. My RM told me that my position is in jeopardy because with my experience being over quota is not acceptable. He continued to tell me that I didn't finish high enough above quota. So I exceeded my number and I am told that it should be better. Obviously he wants me out. Why? It is beyond me. I just hope he is dumb enough to put the threat on paper. Do RMs receive incentives for getting rid of employees? Go team go.
Our HR is nothing more than an extension of management. If you believe they are your advocate you are seriously mistaken. I would document and date every conversation and then speak with his or hers most locally well known employment law specialist.

Our HR is nothing more than an extension of management. If you believe they are your advocate you are seriously mistaken. I would document and date every conversation and then speak with his or hers most locally well known employment law specialist.

So HR is a dedicated arm of management whose only goal is to make life miserable for the Animal Health sales force. WHAT?

So HR is a dedicated arm of management whose only goal is to make life miserable for the Animal Health sales force. WHAT?

The poster never wrote that HR is there to make life miserable for the sales force BUT HR IS AN ARM OF MANAGEMENT . They will protect the corporation and they are not an advocate for the employee. If you havent figurd that out then you havent done even a perfunctory review on how all multinationals operate.

The poster never wrote that HR is there to make life miserable for the sales force BUT HR IS AN ARM OF MANAGEMENT . They will protect the corporation and they are not an advocate for the employee. If you havent figurd that out then you havent done even a perfunctory review on how all multinationals operate.

HR should be an arm of the entire company. No I don't know how multinationals operate with regard to Human Resources. In the US HR is there to protect both the company and the employee. Anything less could result in a multimillion dollar mistake. I have never had to deal with HR and maybe I am naive on what I would expect from them.

HR exists to CYA. Making sure that no one has or is about to create a legal liability for the mothership. And if they did cause exposure or risk of liability , jettisoning the offenders in whatever way causes the least liability.

HR exists to CYA. Making sure that no one has or is about to create a legal liability for the mothership. And if they did cause exposure or risk of liability , jettisoning the offenders in whatever way causes the least liability.

Well said and spot on. Take a concern to HR and if they feel it is a potential liability for the company you will soon be history.

So HR is of no benefit to the employee?

What planet are you folks from? HR has one sole function. It is to protect the corporation and add to the profitability of the company. They benefit the employee to the extent that they implement federal and state employee protection laws but that is to shield the corporation from potential legal actions. always be cautious when talking with anyone from HR.

What planet are you folks from? HR has one sole function. It is to protect the corporation and add to the profitability of the company. They benefit the employee to the extent that they implement federal and state employee protection laws but that is to shield the corporation from potential legal actions. always be cautious when talking with anyone from HR.

Then if one had some issue (ie harassment of some type) with their immediate supervisor; they should not seek any assistance from HR? If not HR, where?

HR should be an arm of the entire company. No I don't know how multinationals operate with regard to Human Resources. In the US HR is there to protect both the company and the employee. Anything less could result in a multimillion dollar mistake. I have never had to deal with HR and maybe I am naive on what I would expect from them.

Extremely naive.

So I con surmise you have had dealings with HR and the results have been negative from your standpoint?

I was told by a respected long time employee when I first joined SPAH that"HR is not your friend!" They are there to protect Merck. They are not mediators between you and Merck. The only concern they have with an employee with a legitimate concern is how to do the least possible to convince the employee to not retain legal representation. I know too many employees that brought obvious employee illegal treatment that believed HR was going to address and solve their complaint. The short term had the employees believing that their issue was resolved. Within one year each was gone. "HR IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!"