Zone Director

There is a long history of losers running this company going back many years. At least in the past there were a few good ones but now overrun by ass kissing company people.

The corporate culture is such that any one in a mid to upper level management will only respond yes to any suggestion from a higher ranked individual. It is a " Yugo" mindset. Some one in upper management said how well the Yugo will do in the U S market. There had to be dozens that knew that an ugly, technically weak, shoddily built vehicle would fail in the market but you say yes or you are considered a non team player. The old GM had the same mindset when they brought out the Pontiac Aztec or proposed to save six pennies on ignition switches. MAH needs managers with the intestinal fortitude to say no to bad marketing and sales schemes. We don't have them . So dumb programs that we know will fail are implemented and when they crash it is the sales force fault. Activyl plus is a loser because of the sales force not the cosmetic issues. The list continues. Horrible marketing programs and no opportunity to compete with comparable programs that our competitors have at their disposal.

There is a long history of losers running this company going back many years. At least in the past there were a few good ones but now overrun by ass kissing company people.

Spot on accurate. THIS really is the fatal flaw right now. While management has historically been a train wreck at this company the "yes man" culture is the driving force now. I see it crystal clear in my own team and it really makes me puke.

I wonder if this is not the result of so many mass layoffs in the past few years? People look around and see who was "terminated" and decide they will just do anything to keep their job. It's a horribly unhealthy environment and makes respecting your teammates and managers difficult. And it is yet another catastrophe for the company.

The question is how can we even start to turn it around? Or are the "#@% kissers" so entrenched that we can't?

Spot on accurate. THIS really is the fatal flaw right now. While management has historically been a train wreck at this company the "yes man" culture is the driving force now. I see it crystal clear in my own team and it really makes me puke.

I wonder if this is not the result of so many mass layoffs in the past few years? People look around and see who was "terminated" and decide they will just do anything to keep their job. It's a horribly unhealthy environment and makes respecting your teammates and managers difficult. And it is yet another catastrophe for the company.

The question is how can we even start to turn it around? Or are the "#@% kissers" so entrenched that we can't?

Until senior management realizes that the marketing department is void of any intellect and understands that it takes money to develop key marketing strategies with good marketing companies(only large animal health company that doesn't) MAH will continue to wallow in mediocrity until the AH division is divested. It is unfortunate that MAH continues to go blindly into this market with no accountabilty at any level outside of the sales area. But then who in their right mind with any sence would want to oversee MAH. Your current leader was the 4th choice. Good Luck!!! LOL!

Until senior management realizes that the marketing department is void of any intellect and understands that it takes money to develop key marketing strategies with good marketing companies(only large animal health company that doesn't) MAH will continue to wallow in mediocrity until the AH division is divested. It is unfortunate that MAH continues to go blindly into this market with no accountabilty at any level outside of the sales area. But then who in their right mind with any sence would want to oversee MAH. Your current leader was the 4th choice. Good Luck!!! LOL!

Don't worry we are well aware. Instead of saying how much smarter you are, why don't you apply for one of the home office jobs and make a difference. Anyone can identify issues but fixing systemic problems takes time. If you look at it objectively there has been tremendous progress in the last 2 years. No doubt a lot more to do but change is happening. Ask yourself, what have you done to make it a better organization?

Because don't you know the purpose of this board is to berate and judge people you don't even know? One look at some of the comments on here and you will find what is truly "wrong" with the company. The mirror would be a great place to start.

Because don't you know the purpose of this board is to berate and judge people you don't even know? One look at some of the comments on here and you will find what is truly "wrong" with the company. The mirror would be a great place to start.

Most if not all of those commenting know their experience with the individual they blog about. That is what they write, what they personally have experienced. You seem to fall into the category of say yes to everything or you are a person that is not on board.The comments can be taken at the viewers discretion. Some in my opinion are spot on while others are designed to be hurtful and come off as immature. You cannot judge every posting and then stereotype all board users. My interpretation on your writing is that all is good and the lowly sales grunts are not aware of the big picture. You are more than likely some type of manager or aspiring position climber. I appreciate your input and conclude by asking you to clean you mirror so that you may clearly see what most others do from your writing.

Like the old cliche...Talk is cheap. With Merck senior management this seems to be the course they take. How can you look at the past 3 years and even begin to believe that MAH is moving in the right direction within any area of the business. Do you really believe that your marketing managers make a difference? Do your really believe your ZD's and RM's make a difference? Cmon, who are you kidding. You don't have to look in any mirror to see what MAH can't deliver in the way of strategic marketing programs. Really, AS promoted to a Director because of someone truly believing he has political clout. WOW!! It starts at the top.

Like the old cliche...Talk is cheap. With Merck senior management this seems to be the course they take. How can you look at the past 3 years and even begin to believe that MAH is moving in the right direction within any area of the business. Do you really believe that your marketing managers make a difference? Do your really believe your ZD's and RM's make a difference? Cmon, who are you kidding. You don't have to look in any mirror to see what MAH can't deliver in the way of strategic marketing programs. Really, AS promoted to a Director because of someone truly believing he has political clout. WOW!! It starts at the top.

The entire animal health industry is headed in a questionable direction. It is now big business and getting bigger. Upper management is pressured by the powers that be at the parent company. ALL segments of the company must contribute positively to the bottom line. Everything and anything will be tried to attain a positive outcome. Those decisions trickle down. I do not think that there are many upper management individuals in animal health that know how to handle the pressure. I do not have the answer. It is evident that animal health is looking more and more like human health. Do not know if that is good, but it is heading that way.

The entire animal health industry is headed in a questionable direction. It is now big business and getting bigger. Upper management is pressured by the powers that be at the parent company. ALL segments of the company must contribute positively to the bottom line. Everything and anything will be tried to attain a positive outcome. Those decisions trickle down. I do not think that there are many upper management individuals in animal health that know how to handle the pressure. I do not have the answer. It is evident that animal health is looking more and more like human health. Do not know if that is good, but it is heading that way.

Well put!

The entire animal health industry is headed in a questionable direction. It is now big business and getting bigger. Upper management is pressured by the powers that be at the parent company. ALL segments of the company must contribute positively to the bottom line. Everything and anything will be tried to attain a positive outcome. Those decisions trickle down. I do not think that there are many upper management individuals in animal health that know how to handle the pressure. I do not have the answer. It is evident that animal health is looking more and more like human health. Do not know if that is good, but it is heading that way.
It is amazing that the corporate heads don't see the differences between human side medicine and animal health. A comparison with dental medical practices and veterinary practices is a more logical analogy. The issue is that most of the management infusion to animal health are displaced human side managers and that system is all they know. They continue to try to pound a square peg into a round hole. All animal health divisions are held to a number by corporate but not all go about it in the same manner. Animal health managers directing animal health divisions do far better with results, customer satisfaction and sales staff morale compared to those that have human side managers guiding animal health organizations.

It is amazing that the corporate heads don't see the differences between human side medicine and animal health. A comparison with dental medical practices and veterinary practices is a more logical analogy. The issue is that most of the management infusion to animal health are displaced human side managers and that system is all they know. They continue to try to pound a square peg into a round hole. All animal health divisions are held to a number by corporate but not all go about it in the same manner. Animal health managers directing animal health divisions do far better with results, customer satisfaction and sales staff morale compared to those that have human side managers guiding animal health organizations.

Correct. The flaw is that "logic" is being used. The thinking at Merck seems to be that MAH accounts for somewhere between 5% & 10% of the total business, so it would make sense to do things the "medical" way and the contribution will be increased. Can't say I agree, but that is the unfortunate direction things are going.