Zimmer may not work in the future with Sonny Bal, although it did in the past before the merger, but Zimmer Biomet, or its subsidiaries, would and have. I wonder if you're purposefully saying "Zimmer" knowing Zimmer doesnt really exist anymore? Is the Zimmer name just a shell now or is there any business connected to this particular subsidiary? While your statement is not untrue technically speaking, your intent to mislead is obvious. Also you're completely ignoring the fact that Zimmer Biomet CEO, in 2017, and Dr Bal were in fact hobknobbing while Dr Bal was working as an Expert Witness...which worked to the advantage of Zimmer Biomet.
A basic roadmap laid out of Zimmer's intentions for Sintx back in 2011. This quote predates Sintx vast IP portfolio expansion. Any markets Zimmer Biomet does not currently participate in, that Sintx does, represents potential markets Zimmer Biomet can utilize Sintx to bolster its revenue through licensing as well as diversify those revenue sources.
Zimmer Biomet is one of Sintx strategic partners:
Sintx 2016 10k
This quote indicates the results of testing of their femoral head with a strategic partner will be released in 2017.
Those results were released testing Sintx Femoral head against Biomet's E1 liners. Thus Zimmer Biomet, or any of its subsidiaries, is Sintx strategic partner in this testing.
Quote Sources:
Who's Next?
2016 10-k pg 13:
2017 results:
Amedica Announces Results of Independent Femoral Head Wear Testing
Wayback Machine
Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects pertaining to Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other reseearch topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...