Zimmer looking at Sintx for spine and total joints?

Once again, nothing Zimmer related, nothing even ortho related. Take this to a sintx forum and stop using Zimmer to sell sintx stock. Then to bring up a car company on an orthopedic website? You can’t control your emotions, very narcissistic and telling. The data Tesla has on roads and cities alone is worth a fortune. Everyday more and more data collected, I can even see that and I drive gas powered cars and don’t care about electric cars. I see teslas everyday, I have never seen a sintx implant ever at a hospital. Whats sintx market share in ortho market? Whats sintx market cap?
Sintx worth less then 3 million. Those are real numbers. Regardless of what anyone says, market cap 2.9 million. Sintx sold spine to CTL, CTL has a tiny tiny share, less then 1% of spine market. How much CTL uses Si3n4 implants isn’t known as they are private but the number of surgeons who used Si3n4 when sintx was called Amedica before CTL bought the name and spine portfolio it was less fingers then on 1 hand. Amedica aka sintx could not sell their own product. They paid extremely high commission rates at Amedica, I know who was the rep for the busiest Si3n4 user in Arizona at that time and was friends. They use some CTL still, but the commission has been chopped so it’s not pushed hard anymore and the reps have changed hands multiple times.

Sintx worth less then 3 million. Those are real numbers. Regardless of what anyone says, market cap 2.9 million.
That is a real number but that does not mean it reflects reality. Its a manipulated number thats been created by a conspiracy of entities working together so you have something you can reference to help create the illusion Sintx is worse than it is. The companies marketcap does not reflect the value of the companies IP at all. Hell it doesnt even reflect the companies current assets or stockholders equity.

Yes Sintx sold its outdated Spine IP to CTL. This is because it switched to a licensing model with its generation 2 spinal IP which is precisely what Zimmer wanted according to that quote from 2011.

You guys keep acting like Sintx is out of the R&D phase when you talk about how little of the market they currently have. They have other partners than CTL in regards to spine but like everything with Sintx the companies are hidden behind NDAs. Those companies commercializing their implants with Si3N4 will be key to Si3N4's growth in the Spinal market. You can consider what has occurred so far with Sintx & CTL spine sales to date as a public trial like Teslas FSD. Difference being Si3N4 implants have had few complications while FSD/AP continues to kill people. Tesla autonomous tech will continue to go out of control killing people as the earths magnetic field continues to weaken because that means the tech will be exposed to greater amounts of natural electromagnetic radiation which is causing the tech to go out of control.

According to this study Sintx Silicon Nitride is destined to replace current biomaterials in multiple fields of medicine. The study was not funded by anyone connected to Sintx.

Silicon Nitride, a Close to Ideal Ceramic Material for Medical Application

examples of their medical applications that relate to spinal, orthopedic and dental implants, bone grafts and scaffolds, platforms for intelligent synthetic neural circuits, antibacterial and antiviral particles and coatings, optical biosensors, and nano-photonic waveguides for sophisticated medical diagnostic devices are all covered in the research reviewed herein. The examples provided convincingly show that silicon nitride is destined to become a leader to replace titanium and other entrenched biomaterials in many fields of medicine.

Silicon Nitride, a Close to Ideal Ceramic Material for Medical Application


Markets Si3n4/Sintx Ceramics can be used in (not comprehensive)

Otho Market = $64 billion
Personal Protective Equipment market = $79.53 billion
Global Catheter market = $55bn
Antibacterial market = $44.5bn
Wound Care market = $22.25bn
Biosensors Market = $28.9bn
Condom Market = $11.6bn
Dental Implant market = $4.99bn
Armor Materials Market = $13.59bn

Total = $324.26bn


Evidence indicating NP Aerospace & Sintx are working on female specific body together

Since announcing our intent to enter the ceramic armor market in 2021, we have received many inquiries for aircraft, vehicle, and body armor. The war in Ukraine has further increased the worldwide need for ceramic armor. Our Salt Lake City armor facility will produce boron carbide and boron carbide/silicon carbide composite armor – materials which are some of the strongest, lightest weight options for ceramic armor. We are developing female-specific torso plates with a partner and expect this market to grow. We also have early-stage relationships with integrators for body armor and aircraft armor.
Outside the fact that war is spreading to more than Ukraine, i'd like to draw readers attention to the fact that they are developing female-specific torso plates with a partner. So they have 1 active collaboration with a strategic partner for armor, further indicating its unlikely they abandoned the armor market and supports the idea that they will manufacture armor at their TA&T facility which Sintx recently expanded its Quality Management system to per the companies Jan presentation.
The fact these plates are female-specific suggests their partner on this is in fact...NP Aerospace. Why do i say that? Well lets look at a NP Aerospace news from June. Interestingly NP Aerospace news was released the week following Sintx revealing it was exploring Strategic Opportunities with Ascendiant Capital working as its agent in negotiations. The same company that helped Sintx acquire armor assets and TA&T

Award Winning Woman Engineer Joins NP Aerospace to Support Armour Strategy

he will work with the R&D team to develop more inclusive body armour – a key area of focus within the defence industry. She will accomplish the shared vision of further inclusivity for women in line with the company’s mission, to protect the lives of military and security personnel through best-in-class products and services.
There you have it. Sintx & NP Aerospace are working on designing and developing female specific body armor in either parallel programs or together. Given the companies histories, connections to Morgan Ceramics, and shared resource in Donald Bray (hes still a consultant for Sintx), evidence supports they are working together further solidifying they are strategic partners as ive have suspected for some time and that Sintx exploring strategic opportunities is connected to this partnership.

Qoute Sources:
https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1269026/000149315224011546/form10-k.htm pg 11
Award Winning Woman Engineer Joins NP Aerospace to Support Armour Strategy | NP Aerospace

Interestingly back in April, there was a concerted effort on Ihub to get me to post here on cafepharma years after i had stopped posting here. I suspect that they were trying to repeat what occurred in 2018 when i thought Zimmer was going to acquire Sintx but that did not happen despite them being partners. That implies that when Zimmer did not acquire Sintx, despite Sintx exploring strategic opportunities, they could point to me "pumping" Sintx and maybe even use me as a scapegoat. For that to be true that means the account was in the know of what seems to be going on between Sintx and NP Aerospace. Meaning that account is part of the conspiracy; the account has been bashing Sintx on and off for years on ihub. As you can see the account is claiming, like they do here, that i work for Sonny and am trying to lure in bagholders. That im the fraud when they are in fact the ones that are.

Some years ago he spammed the Cafepharma and some other forums with the absolute same BS like he is doing here to lure in some new bagholders for Sonny. He also had a "blog" with some wild Amedica stories/predictions which never materialized for sure.

Ironically its this sort of thing thats working against them as they wanted me to slink away dejected at being wrong and maybe prompt lawsuits my direction. However the way i see it, me walking away would have been tacit admission of guilt.
Instead of walking away i can use their efforts against them, continue to research to support my original hypothesis, and exposing the real conspiracy that has been going on in regards to Sintx. Turnabout is fair play.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me is a proverb that means if someone deceives or tricks you once, they’re to blame. But if the same person deceives you again? Well, you might as well hang a big sign that says gullible around your neck because now it’s your fault for letting it happen a second time.

Quote Source.
SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): Some years ago he spammed the Cafepharma...

Same account indicates that Sintx will sell for pennies just like his buddy over at ConforMIS. Now if Sonny were to sell Sintx to say NP Aerospace at pennies on the dollar, then this account knew all about the plan and it would mean that Anson and the conspiracy of funds were working with Sonny instead of against as ive thought. I really hope that isnt true.
Btw CFMS buyout is completed. Shareholder fraud completed. CEO good friend of Sonny. Sonny will do the same and sell for pennies in the dollar. Shreprice or buyout price here will never recover and be max. USD 10-20 million If ever happening.
SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): Btw CFMS buyout is completed. Shareholde...

August 25th 2023,

This is my one concern in regards to NP. It sells into the medical domain as an OEM which Sintx is also setup as.
If NP were to make an offer on Sintx then that could be why Sintx is so undervalued. If NP were to acquire Sintx it would go private just like people said Sonny intended to do with Sintx. Then NP could make alot of money selling Sintx IP to a different company later.

Still i think Sintx better fits into Zimmers portfolio as a subsidiary which could help Zimmer expand its ortho dependent revenue stream.
August i was concerned about NP acquiring Sintx directly given how undervalued the company is and the likelihood of a strategic partnership between the companies. However by this year i began to suspect a reverse merger was more likely which only increased in concern with the new/old CEO is experienced with taking companies public and reverse mergers. It explains why its so important for Sintx to maintain its nasdaq listing.
One thing thats interesting is the accounts on ihub will not talk about NP Aerospace when ive repeatedly tried to engage them on the subject suggesting they are somehow restricted from discussing the company. As i just showed, its very very likely the companies are developing femal armor together.

March 8th, 2024
Madg, I am not guaranteeing an acquisition by Zimmer one day. Yes I think it makes strategic sense for it to, but then i dont know Zimmer's strategy for diversification. With how Eli Lilly traded Amylin, ive amended my analysis to indicate that i expect Zimmer to use Sintx for its strategic benefit the way Eli did with Amylin. That could even include Sintx merging with NP Aerospace first, a concern i have expressed. NP could take Sintx private, or there could be a reverse merger so NP can go public. Any scenario like that would only delay Si3n4's development for medical purposes as NP does not have the capital necessary to invest in R&D and clinical trials. Hopefully this concern is just me overthinking things. There is something going on with NP Aerospace on the level of a NDA as you guys will not even discuss the company in relation to Sintx. It'll be interesting to see how things play out. I anticipate at least NP using Sintx as an armor supplier for the US market as that what NP does. It has several partner facilities that help it fulfill its contracts.

Quote Sources:
SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): As it gears up to complete a number of m...
SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): Madg, I am not guaranteeing an acquisiti...

Scott Mosier now saying if Zimmer implants are any good they would use Sintx… (sintx has no FDA approved total joint implants). Sintx tested their own femoral heads in a Japanese study by sintx on Zimmer hip liners (which are actually FDA approved and used). They released initial findings stating that a 2nd round of research was in place and they would release those results soon also. That was YEARS ago, and sintx still has no total joint implants FDA approved, is not seeking FDA approval on total joint potential products…. Zimmer still uses the liners from the femoral head study to this day…. Why on earth would someone say if their implants were any good they would use sintx as well, when sintx has ZERO proven good total joint implants… seems like sintx products are no good and Zimmer products are great, based off sales, fda approval, and surgeon feedback. A complete moron for saying this, we all can see how desperate sintx has become.

You need to learn to read. Or maybe you purposefully change what was said to make it sound more ridiculous...aka strawman argument?

We already know Sintx and Morgan were working together. If there is going to be some sort of NP/Sintx merger, that just solidifies it. We know Zimmer Biomet and Sintx have had a long standing relationship (going on 20 years) so as long as Sintx components for Arthroplasty are any good, Zimmer Biomet will come out from behind the curtain. With ZB comes ZimVie and I believe Solventum because of Bryan Hanson. Leaving only Cardinal Health which is suggested by Sintx hiring of Joseph Palomo who joined Sintx from Cardinal Health R&D division.

Morgan Ceramics = Aerospace products
Zimmer Biomet = Arthroplasty oriented products
ZimVie = Dental?
Solventum = Wound Care, Catheters, & possibly Cancer treatment products.
Cardinal Health = PPE & Medical protection apparel.
NP Aerospace = Armor plates & other possible products connected to TA&T.

SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): I will continue to hammer the table abou...

straw man is “making an opponent’s argument out to be something it actually isn’t, then responding to that made-up argument.”

Jan 2024 presentation
ARTHROPLASTY (Silicon Nitride)

Renewed interest in silicon nitride’s use as a femoral head and acetabular cup.

June 18th, 2024 press release
More recently, the Company’s femoral head technology has attracted renewed interest from several global partners.
Renewed interest from Several global partners includes Zimmer Biomet as its the original global partner. Technically that'd be Biomet. However as Biomet is part of Zimmer Biomet, i group all subsidiaries under it including Centerpulse. I'll also say Zimmer or ZB when referring to Zimmer Biomet and its subsidiaries despite Zimmer being a subsidiary of Zimmer Biomet.

Quote Sources:
SINTX Technologies to Explore Strategic Opportunities

Scott Mosier is a con man and a Sintx puppet. Nothing more, has zero to show for himself in his lifetime of scamming people on a companies behalf. Literally. Keep pumping trash on Zimmer forums, make sintx look even more like a special kind of stupid. Look at all that revenue all those global partners bring on for them…. Oh Nevermind, the sell diluted shares to moron investors who get information from trash stock pumpers like yourself. Look at Sintx history. Looks like a scam, smells like a scam, probably is a scam. There’s a reason why they can’t get any products out with all these partners and have 300 million deficit with no signs of revenue before needing to ask shareholders for more money again. 10 years of this, 10 years of Scott Mosier being completely wrong and 10 years of people losing all their money listening to him pump away for sintx. Lose lose lose situation with Sintx. History PROVES that, and that’s the only fact about sintx. Scott Mosier and sintx can’t go away, they need investor money to keep the lights on. The only attention sintx can get is though Scott Mosier yelling on every forum everywhere that sintx is the best. Better then Tesla… Writings on the wall for Sintx and Scott Mosier. New low record stock prices almost daily… that’s why Scott’s here on Zimmer forums. Sintx needs attention, they are desperate

The correct approach is to go to 3M and try to license into their filtrete line or any other filter maker. That’s where the money is if adding sini doesn’t decrease airflow by a significant amount
3M would be game changer. F any other company. You get them, you get the kings loot. Everyone comes for it to license. So the issue then becomes sonny being able to get it done. Need laser focus and keep knocking until they answer
I do not disagree with this posters comments about 3M, however at the time i didnt see a link between Sintx and 3M. However once Bryan Hanson became the CEO of 3M's healthcare spinoff company Solventum, I see the partnership as extremely likely.

Several new collaborations in developing products for wound care, cancer treatment, and an antipathogenic coating for catheters.
Those are all markets Solventum participates in.

Bryan Hanson Named CEO of 3M’s Health Care Business Group
Bryan Hanson Named CEO of 3M’s Health Care Business Group

Quote Sources:

SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): The correct approach is to go to 3M and...
SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): 3M would be game changer. F any other co...

Updated investment information. Turns out that Sabby management held shared during Sintx price pump in 2020 after the dump that occurred in the early part of Q1 2020.

The following will show there has in fact been a conspiracy of funds, shorting and distorting SINT & Sintx for the past 9 years. It will also show that one of the family of funds acquired shares and disposed of them for SINT price pump that occurred Q2, 2020. Sabby acquired its ~19k shares between Jan-March and likely sold them in June as fintel shows those shares disposed of on its Q2 13F filing.

The Conspiracy of Funds

First off lets establish the conspiracy of funds working together. Fortunately, in another unrelated lawsuit, the list has been provided:

Plaintiff further asserts that many of the potential investors that it contacted on behalf of Defendant operate as a family of hedge funds, all managed by the same investment advisor.

List of potential investors the Plaintiff was referencing. All the funds that seem to be connected are in red.

List named the following:
Anson Funds Management LP and its affiliates
Ayrton Capital, Altos Opportunity Fund and their
Crede Capital Group, Acquitas Capital and its affiliates
CVI Investment, Heights Management, SIG and their
Connective Capital and its affiliates
Empery Asset Management and its affiliates
Intracoastal Capital LP
and its affiliates
Hudson Bay Capital Management and its affiliates
Ionic Venture LLC and its affiliates
Lind Partners and its affiliates
Li Capital Global Opportunities Master Fund and their
Sabby Management LLC and its affiliates

History of those Funds stake in AMDA/SINT since 2015

List of Funds that have had stakes in AMDA/SINT at one time or another. The first three listed could be accumulating positions in SINT like what was done to NANO. These three funds are connected.

4/01/2024 L1 Capital Global Opportunities Master Fund, Ltd.
EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001079973-24-000472

2024-05-14 13F Anson Funds Management LP 959,297 47

2/07/24 Lind Global Fund II LP
EDGAR Filing Documents for 0000929638-24-000396

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001213900-23-012455

2/14/2023 Lind Global Fund II LP
EDGAR Filing Documents for 0000929638-23-000614

2020-05-15 13F Sabby Management, Llc 18,272

05/18/2018 CVI Investments, Inc.
EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001104659-18-034362

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001535610-17-000068

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001213900-16-014963

9/14/2015 Frigate Ventures LP = Anson Group
This Schedule 13G (this “Schedule 13G”) is being filed on behalf of Frigate Ventures LP (d/b/a Anson Group), a Texas limited partnership (“Frigate”), Admiralty Advisors LLC, a Texas limited liability company (“Admiralty”), Mr. Bruce R. Winson, the principal of Frigate and Admiralty, M5V Advisors Inc. (d/b/a Anson Group Canada), an Ontario, Canada corporation (“M5V”), Mr. Adam Spears, a director of M5V, and Mr. Moez Kassam, a director of M5V, relating to Common Stock, $.01 par value (the “Common Stock”), of Amedica Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the “Issuer”).
EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001193125-15-319457

Hudson Bay Capital Management LP 2,789,867 2.16 870,438 Sep 30, 2015
SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): AMDA Institutional Holders(as of 9/30/15...

XenaLives connecting CVI to ALPHA CAPITAL ANSTALT
SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): There will be footprints - ALPHA CAPITA...

Lawsuit Sources:

This case connects additional funds to Anson that have not had a stake in SINT in the past like Empery Asset Management.

Sabby disclosed a value of 7k for those 18k shares. That means it had an average price of .383 per share which means it acquired those shares around March 27th, 2020. As Sabby indicated it disposed of those shares Q2'20, it likely sold around June 20th, 2020; thats around the time Dr Binsalamah did. Dr Binsalamah is a Thoracic Surgeon that has SEC filings for the years 2019/2020 only. Investing in 4 companies all with ties to the above mentioned family of funds. One of those companies is Tenax Therapeutics which had a cardio drug trial ongoing during that period of time. Dr ZB bought and sold Tenax & Sintx shares in less than 1 month periods of time for the stocks price pumps suggesting that Dr ZB fed Ansons family of funds information about the trial, he was not involved in the trial but may have fed information to Ansons family of funds. In exchange he was given inside information on when to buy SINT. Thats how things appear to me. The other two companies Dr ZB invested in look to misdirects to help cover the insider trading.

SiNtx Technologies Inc (SINT): As i indicated in post #4&#x31...

Go here if you want to follow my research covering multiple subjects including the conspiracy surrounding Sintx. I only just started this board. Its current posts focus is on SpaceX/Tesla/Musk. If you want to know how dangerous Teslas are because of their tendency to go out of control (Sudden Unintended Acceleration/locked steering)/spontaneously combust due to EM radiation, i'll be covering that as well as ive been tracking this problem since Q1 2021. Be warned if you own a Tesla.

Bostons research Message Board | InvestorsHub

I'll update the pinned posts with new links as more information is posted but this is the best index for the board.

Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects:
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...

Go here if you want to follow my research covering multiple subjects including the conspiracy surrounding Sintx. I only just started this board. Its current posts focus is on SpaceX/Tesla/Musk. If you want to know how dangerous Teslas are because of their tendency to go out of control (Sudden Unintended Acceleration/locked steering)/spontaneously combust due to EM radiation, i'll be covering that as well as ive been tracking this problem since Q1 2021. Be warned if you own a Tesla.

Bostons research Message Board | InvestorsHub

I'll update the pinned posts with new links as more information is posted but this is the best index for the board.

Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects:
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...
This is for Zimmer. Keep that crap off our forum. Make one for sintx if you wanna talk about sintx. We are over this nonsense. Zimmer hates Sonny Bal. #FACT. Why would we work with someone who was suing us on behalf of others? There’s plenty of info online about Sonny Bal being the expert witness for those Suing Zimmer while Sonny Bal was CEO of Sintx. We don’t work with the enemy, probably why Sintx doesn’t have a hip implant out. Brutal industry, especially if you play with fire like Sonny Bal did, as we can see he got burned! That will happen! Other companies will learn from Sintx mistakes..

First off i doubt Zimmer Biomet "hates" Dr Sonny Bal". Also your description of Dr Bal suing Zimmer Biomet is grossly inaccurate. Dr Bal only served as an expert witness and thus wasnt involved in the "suing". Honestly its surprising, given Dr Bal's bias and ties to Zimmer Biomet, that the Plantiff's attornies would even opt to use him as ZB's attornies would know more about Dr Bal's strengths and weaknesses than the Plantiff's attornies.
Oh and your premise that Dr Bal testifying against Zimmer Biomet makes him an enemy when Dr Bal is off hobnobbing with then CEO David Dvorak is comical. If anything Dr Bal testifying for the Plantiff made it easier for Zimmer Biomet's attorneys to get part of Dr Bal's testimony excluded easier. Why? Because who better knew Dr Bal's experience and qualifications than Zimmer Biomet and thus its attornies after Dr Bal spent over a decade doing work for Zimmer Biomet.

Dr. Bal and Zimmer Biomet CEO David Dvorak were on the Oref board of directors together for what i assume was July 2016-June 2017. Dr Bal testified as an expert witness against Zimmer Biomet January 2017.

In addition, the trustees welcome to the board: Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD (Princeton, NJ); Christopher R. Adams, MD (Naples, FL); B. Sonny Bal, MD, JD, MBA (Columbia, MO); Paul C. Collins, MD (Boise, ID); David C. Dvorak, JD (Warsaw, IN);

Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Welcomes New Board and Committee Members

Orthopedic Surgery Expert Witness Testimony Partially Allowed​

Orthopedic Surgery Expert Witness Testimony Partially Allowed

First off i doubt Zimmer Biomet "hates" Dr Sonny Bal". Also your description of Dr Bal suing Zimmer Biomet is grossly inaccurate. Dr Bal only served as an expert witness and thus wasnt involved in the "suing". Honestly its surprising, given Dr Bal's bias and ties to Zimmer Biomet, that the Plantiff's attornies would even opt to use him as ZB's attornies would know more about Dr Bal's strengths and weaknesses than the Plantiff's attornies.
Oh and your premise that Dr Bal testifying against Zimmer Biomet makes him an enemy when Dr Bal is off hobnobbing with then CEO David Dvorak is comical. If anything Dr Bal testifying for the Plantiff made it easier for Zimmer Biomet's attorneys to get part of Dr Bal's testimony excluded easier. Why? Because who better knew Dr Bal's experience and qualifications than Zimmer Biomet and thus its attornies after Dr Bal spent over a decade doing work for Zimmer Biomet.

Dr. Bal and Zimmer Biomet CEO David Dvorak were on the Oref board of directors together for what i assume was July 2016-June 2017. Dr Bal testified as an expert witness against Zimmer Biomet January 2017.

Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Welcomes New Board and Committee Members

Orthopedic Surgery Expert Witness Testimony Partially Allowed​

Orthopedic Surgery Expert Witness Testimony Partially Allowed
You can sh!t in one hand and wish in another, see which one fills up first and get back to us with the result. Sonny Bal is on record talking about how bad Zimmer products are, in multiple court rooms, in front of Zimmer lawyers, you can’t deny this, you can’t Deny Sonny Bal was paid good money to talk trash about Zimmer products on behalf of patients suing Zimmer. Believe whatever you want, just know that Zimmer would never work with Sonny Bal, there’s a reason why Sonny Bal was a conformis user, not a Zimmer user. Ask the Reps in St. Louis about Sonny Bal, ask them why Sonny Bal used conformis, and ask conformis CEO before the recent sell about his relationship with Sonny Bal. Two peas from the same POD. Don’t worry, you don’t know this industry, if you did you wouldn’t be here pumping sintx on Zimmers page. That’s obvious.

just know that Zimmer would never work with Sonny Bal,
Zimmer may not work in the future with Sonny Bal, although it did in the past before the merger, but Zimmer Biomet, or its subsidiaries, would and have. I wonder if you're purposefully saying "Zimmer" knowing Zimmer doesnt really exist anymore? Is the Zimmer name just a shell now or is there any business connected to this particular subsidiary? While your statement is not untrue technically speaking, your intent to mislead is obvious. Also you're completely ignoring the fact that Zimmer Biomet CEO, in 2017, and Dr Bal were in fact hobknobbing while Dr Bal was working as an Expert Witness...which worked to the advantage of Zimmer Biomet.

A basic roadmap laid out of Zimmer's intentions for Sintx back in 2011. This quote predates Sintx vast IP portfolio expansion. Any markets Zimmer Biomet does not currently participate in, that Sintx does, represents potential markets Zimmer Biomet can utilize Sintx to bolster its revenue through licensing as well as diversify those revenue sources.
AnonymousMay 24, 2011 at 3:42 PM
Zimmer is looking at purchasing Amedica flat out for their techology to bolster sales in spine through licensing and to purchase the next generation of hip and knee implants. You heard it here on TSB.

Proof Zimmer Biomet is one of Sintx strategic partners:

Sintx 2016 10k

Together with a strategic partner, we have initiated biomechanical testing of our solid silicon nitride femoral heads. The results of this test will be released in 2017
This quote indicates the results of testing of their femoral head with a strategic partner will be released in 2017.
Those results were released testing Sintx Femoral head against Biomet's E1 liners. Thus Zimmer Biomet, or any of its subsidiaries, is Sintx strategic partner in this testing.

Amedica and Zimmer-Biomet (Tokyo Office) provided the femoral heads and acetabular liners; however, neither company actively sponsored the research
These are risk-averse companies that look to smaller companies like us to develop an idea, uh, and, uh, de-risk it, so to speak, and then buy that technology.

Quote Sources:

Who's Next?
2016 10-k pg 13: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1269026/000149315217010752/form10-k.htm
2017 results: Amedica Announces Results of Independent Femoral Head Wear Testing
Wayback Machine


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects pertaining to Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other reseearch topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...

Zimmer may not work in the future with Sonny Bal, although it did in the past before the merger, but Zimmer Biomet, or its subsidiaries, would and have. I wonder if you're purposefully saying "Zimmer" knowing Zimmer doesnt really exist anymore? Is the Zimmer name just a shell now or is there any business connected to this particular subsidiary? While your statement is not untrue technically speaking, your intent to mislead is obvious. Also you're completely ignoring the fact that Zimmer Biomet CEO, in 2017, and Dr Bal were in fact hobknobbing while Dr Bal was working as an Expert Witness...which worked to the advantage of Zimmer Biomet.

A basic roadmap laid out of Zimmer's intentions for Sintx back in 2011. This quote predates Sintx vast IP portfolio expansion. Any markets Zimmer Biomet does not currently participate in, that Sintx does, represents potential markets Zimmer Biomet can utilize Sintx to bolster its revenue through licensing as well as diversify those revenue sources.

Proof Zimmer Biomet is one of Sintx strategic partners:

Sintx 2016 10k

This quote indicates the results of testing of their femoral head with a strategic partner will be released in 2017.
Those results were released testing Sintx Femoral head against Biomet's E1 liners. Thus Zimmer Biomet, or any of its subsidiaries, is Sintx strategic partner in this testing.

Quote Sources:

Who's Next?
2016 10-k pg 13: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1269026/000149315217010752/form10-k.htm
2017 results: Amedica Announces Results of Independent Femoral Head Wear Testing
Wayback Machine


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects pertaining to Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other reseearch topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...
You can sh!t in one hand and wish in another, see which one fills up first and get back to us with the result. Sonny Bal is on record talking about how bad Zimmer products are, in multiple court rooms, in front of Zimmer lawyers, you can’t deny this, you can’t Deny Sonny Bal was paid good money to talk trash about Zimmer products on behalf of patients suing Zimmer. Believe whatever you want, just know that Zimmer would never work with Sonny Bal, there’s a reason why Sonny Bal was a conformis user, not a Zimmer user. Ask the Reps in St. Louis about Sonny Bal, ask them why Sonny Bal used conformis, and ask conformis CEO before the recent sell about his relationship with Sonny Bal. Two peas from the same POD. Don’t worry, you don’t know this industry, if you did you wouldn’t be here pumping sintx on Zimmers page. That’s obvious.