Zimmer looking at Sintx for spine and total joints?

And perfectly on schedule just as was told, Sintx had an offering for 5 million dollars. Told ya Scott Mosier and sintx only here on Zimmer forum when Sintx Needs Money (a couple times a year). What a bunch of frauds. Sintx did a stock buy back potentially this year only to dilute the shares? Lol 2 plus 2 = 7 at sintx. Literally scammed people with the stock buy back scheme to keep stock price from dropping and then diluted those shareholders. What a bunch of crooks. Another prime example of why Sintx should be held accountable for all the lies to investors over the years. Company wouldn’t exist without the lies and fraud.

Microstructural Analysis of Fractured Orthopedic Implants

This is the first piece of scientific evidence showing that the Hutchison Effect is indeed causing, at least some, spontaneous implant fractures as ive suspected for years. This post is dedicated to the materials scientists out there!

The following image shows the Spectrographic Analysis of the implant material away from the fracture point, on the left, and at the fracture point, on the right. What it shows is the exact same thing Mr Tim Ventura describes and shows in his presentation of analysis of Hutchison Effect exposed metals. Namely a significant increase in impurities around the point where the metal physically changed. In the samples Mr Ventura showed, those metals jellified. In this sample the implant merely fractured.



Before getting into Mr Ventura's description of of the Spectrographic Analysis of different metals samples exposed to the Hutchison Effect, here is Spectrial Anaylis by a MIT scientist Ken shoulders and various samples that Mr Ventura talks about.

The green triangles in Mr Shoulers anaylsis shows the amount of impurities in the samples before being exposed to the Hutchison Effect. The Red circles show the amounts after being exposed. Across the gambit there is more impurities over the various samples and even some elements that were not shown as present in the sample. What you should take notice of is the jump in impurities just like the above analysis on the implant that spontaneously fractured. This is a hallmark of the Hutchison Effect suggesting possible transmutation at the mutation point; although there seems to be debate about whether or not its transmutation. Mr Shoulders certainly seems to indicate transmutation in his presentation.



The following link is a collection of Spectral Analysis of samples of metal objects exposed to the Hutchison Effect from John Hutchison's home lab. Again you see the same thing, increase in impurities across several samples shown with before and after exposure. The graphs seem to be out of order so keep that in mind.

Hutchison Effect Analysis

Hutchison Effect - Metallurgy & Spectrographic Analysis ~ Tim Ventura
so this is the brass sample this is the virgin material with george hathaway spectroscopic analysis
and that is the affected area and once again
you can see the the amount of the major impurity changes and the minor impurities are more pronounced
and that was something that apparently happens quite often so one of the notes
that i should make in this is um some people have suggested that maybe there's some kind of nuclear transmutation going on
inside of hutches and samples that's that has been one of the suggestions another suggestion and i think george
may have made this is that natural impurities in these materials migrate
either towards or away from the site of the effect so when the material jellifies the
impurities congeal right almost like surface tension on on water and so
This is a quote from the transcript of Tim Ventura's Youtube video titled above and linked below. What he describes in that sample is exactly what the researchers saw in their samples. The researchers did not understand why there was an increase in impurities, because they have not been exposed to the Hutchison Effect, thus they tried to offer some sort of explanation for the increase in impurities. Namely, they offered a possible reaction with the human body for the increase in impurities. While i do not know if thats even possible to such a degree, that doesnt explain the significant decrease in Titanium around the fracture point. Nor does that explain the increase in Aluminum which should be a very uncommon element in the human body. Also why are the impurities so magnified only around the fracture point but not on the rest of the implant?
The content of other elements in the inclusions may indicate the formation of precipitates as a result of reaction with the human body.

I think its worth noting that in Mr Ventura's quoted sample, the metal jellified. However thats not what happened in this orthopedic implant. Instead a clean fracture is seen making it unlikely that these impurities migrated from other points of the implant to the fracture point. Thus, i believe, some sort of transmutation process is occurring.

As the above evidence shows, some orthopedic implants are fracturing due to the Hutchison Effect. Thus, as ive been saying, Sintx Si3N4 is needed to replace metal implants whenever possible and when not possible it needs to coat it. I say this because as the earths magnetic field continues to weaken we will see more spontaneous fracturing of ortho implants. I have seen evidence that Si3N4 can reduce the corrosion process in the body so it is my hope that it can also disrupt the Hutchison Effect process for the metal materials that cannot be replaced within an implant.
This post is a work in progress.

Quote Sources:
- YouTube
Hutchison Effect Analysis

molecular origin of the “catch and kill” inactivation mechanism mediated by micrometric silicon nitride powder

In short, this study explains how Sintx patented Si3N4 powder first attracts a virus and then "kills" it.

Short-term exposure to a few percent fraction of silicon nitride (Si3N4) micrometric powder in an aqueous environment completely inactivated the influenza virions, independent of lineage/subtype dependent characteristics.
interpreted in terms of a “catch and kill” mechanism, in which the hydrolyzing ceramic surface first attracts virions with high efficiency through electrochemical interactions (mimicking cellular sialic acid) and then “poisons” the viruses by local hydrolytic elution of ammonia and nitrogen radicals. The latter event causes severe damage to the virions’ structures, including structural degradation of RNA purines, rotameric scrambling of methionine residues, formation of sulfhydryl and ionized carboxyl groups, and deprotonation/torsional deformation of tyrosine, tryptophan, and histidine residues. This study confirmed the antiviral effectiveness of Si3N4 powder, which is safe to the human body and simply activated by water molecules.
I have to ask, unless i missed it, why isnt this study mentioned on Sintx website? They have been very quiet on the R&D publication front for sometime now with this study being huge in my opinion. Why is that?

This study explains the mechanism by which Sintx SiN powder attracts viruses to it by mimicking cellular acids and then "poisoning" the viruses. While the study is limited to a few flu viruses, can you imagine what could be done with this material? Let me re-emphasize that Sintx patented material first attracts the viruses, then kills them. All you need is some water, or aqueous environment like the human body, to activate the process. All while being biocompatible and biodegradable so the body can break it down into compounds that it can utilize while excreting what it cannot utilize. This last part being one of the biggest reasons to why its a superior material for implantation compared to ZTA, PEEK, and Titanium/metals. Those materials all accumulate in the body while Si3N4 should break down and should be excreted when not utilized.

The study shows how the first part of this statement is true...but you'd only know that if you Trolled research papers and/or Google Scholar to find Sintx studies...because Sintx stopped highlighting its research.

The guys at $SINT’s have really hit their stride on the R&D front. A couple of major commercial deals could catapult them into a life-changing money trade.
Because they have hit their stride on the R&D front, the second sentence becomes very true and possible. Until then SINT is very manipulated stock, ~57% shares short on Friday according to FINRA data.

Quote Sources:

Raman signatures of type A and B influenza viruses: molecular origin of the “ catch and kill ” inactivation mechanism mediated by micrometric silicon ... - RSC Chemical Biology (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D4CB00237G
the pubic defender (@The_Pubic_Defender) | Stocktwits


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, & Morgan Ceramics. Includes other research topics as well.
A phenomenon im tracking is a recent significant increase in passenger airplanes experiencing glitching leading primarily to emergency landings and a few crashes. Im adding new incidents almost daily as theres been 76+ so far since Dec 22nd. I've been warning this would happen since 2021 at least and i expect it to get worse...as in fewer successful emergency landings.
Boston's research : Mar 2nd - Plane departing from Logan Air...
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...

Go to the following board if you want to see the growing list of out of control/spontaneously combusting Teslas. Worth checking for new incidents weekly. More to add.

And perfectly on schedule just as was told, Sintx had an offering for 5 million dollars. Told ya Scott Mosier and sintx only here on Zimmer forum when Sintx Needs Money (a couple times a year). What a bunch of frauds. Sintx did a stock buy back potentially this year only to dilute the shares? Lol 2 plus 2 = 7 at sintx. Literally scammed people with the stock buy back scheme to keep stock price from dropping and then diluted those shareholders. What a bunch of crooks. Another prime example of why Sintx should be held accountable for all the lies to investors over the years. Company wouldn’t exist without the lies and fraud.

From Post #166:
From what i can tell from my chart, i think they are going to try to fill the gap around 2.45. They should be able to fill that gap next week without breaking the current trend downward.
Just when i thought they were going to fill the gap at 2.45, the pump occurred before an offering with the customary naked shorting. Now it looks again like they are going to fill that gap. Those attacking me here work with or in parallel to those that have been manipulating SINT price for years. Consider how many industries Sintx material can be used and the size of those markets and then look how cheap the company is valued by the market.

The following study shows how Sintx Silicon Nitride or SiN induces osteointegration within the body. Another study that the good management of Sintx has yet to put on their website. One odd thing about Sintx is they do little to promote their material outside of scientific circles. There could be a myriad of reasons for this.

Silicon Nitride Induces Osteoconduction Via ActivatedMitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation and Neovascularization
This study revealed an important mechanism through which SiN stimulated osteoconduction by unique glutamine-driven mitochondrial oxidativephosphorylation and established oxygen and nutrient supply by neovascularization, leading tostable osseointegration.

And perfectly on schedule just as was told, Sintx had an offering for 5 million dollars. Told ya Scott Mosier and sintx only here on Zimmer forum when Sintx Needs Money (a couple times a year). What a bunch of frauds. Sintx did a stock buy back potentially this year only to dilute the shares? Lol 2 plus 2 = 7 at sintx. Literally scammed people with the stock buy back scheme to keep stock price from dropping and then diluted those shareholders. What a bunch of crooks. Another prime example of why Sintx should be held accountable for all the lies to investors over the years. Company wouldn’t exist without the lies and fraud.

Looks like I mistakenly removed armor from Sintx lists of markets. Not only are they still holding armor IP, that i believe they were working with NP Aerospace on, they are in fact still advertising it on their website. For some reason they modified the website removing direct links from the main page but you can still see the Boroshock/Durashock if you click materials and can see armor if you click applications like biomedical. Have to wait for the companies 10K filing to see whats actually going on with armor. Currently they have no way to manufacture armor but licensing is still an option assuming they are still working with NP Aerospace. Im not sure why it seems like the company is engaging in misdirects concerning armor but if NP makes a move to RM with Sintx that could explain why. The recent offering could be connected to that in some way.

Silicon Nitride Materials | SINTX Technologies
OEM Ceramic Armor for Aerospace & Defense - SINTX


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other research topics as well.
A phenomenon im tracking is a recent significant increase in passenger airplanes experiencing glitching leading primarily to emergency landings and a few crashes. Im adding new incidents almost daily as theres been 76+ so far since Dec 22nd. I've been warning this would happen since 2021 at least and i expect it to get worse...as in fewer successful emergency landings.
Boston's research : Mar 2nd - Plane departing from Logan Air...
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...

Go to the following board if you want to see the growing list of out of control/spontaneously combusting Teslas. Worth checking for new incidents weekly. More to add today.


We already know Sintx and Morgan were working together and with that comes NP Aerospace which they likely had a partnership with on armor. We also know Zimmer Biomet and Sintx have had a long standing relationship (going on 20 years) so as long as Sintx components for Arthroplasty are any good, Zimmer Biomet will come out from behind the curtain. With ZB comes ZimVie and I believe Solventum because of Bryan Hanson. Leaving only Cardinal Health which is suggested by Sintx hiring of Joseph Palomo who joined Sintx from Cardinal Health R&D division.

Morgan Ceramics = Aerospace products
Zimmer Biomet = Arthroplasty oriented products
ZimVie = Dental?
Solventum = Wound Care, Catheters, & possibly Cancer treatment products.
Ned Medical = Microspheres for cancer treatment
Cardinal Health = PPE & Medical protection apparel.
NP Aerospace = Armor plates


Markets Si3n4/Sintx Ceramics can be used in (not comprehensive)

Otho Market = $64 billion
Personal Protective Equipment market = $79.53 billion
Global Catheter market = $55bn
Antibacterial market = $44.5bn
Wound Care market = $22.25bn
Biosensors Market = $28.9bn
Condom Market = $11.6bn
Dental Implant market = $4.99bn
Armor Materials Market = $13.59bn
Cancer Treatment (microspheres) = $5-$15bn

Total = $330bn-340bn

Personal Protective Equipment Market Size Report, 2030
Catheter Market Size, Share & Trends | Industry Report, 2030
Wound Care Market Size & Share | Industry Report, 2030
Biosensors Market Size, Share And Trends Report, 2030
Condom Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030
Armor Materials Market Size | Mordor Intelligence
Dental Implants Market Size & Share | Industry Report, 2030
- YouTube
Personal Protective Equipment Market Size Report, 2030
Catheter Market Size, Share & Trends | Industry Report, 2030
Wound Care Market Size & Share | Industry Report, 2030
Biosensors Market Size, Share And Trends Report, 2030
Condom Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030
Armor Materials Market Size | Mordor Intelligence
Dental Implants Market Size & Share | Industry Report, 2030
- YouTube

And perfectly on schedule just as was told, Sintx had an offering for 5 million dollars. Told ya Scott Mosier and sintx only here on Zimmer forum when Sintx Needs Money (a couple times a year). What a bunch of frauds. Sintx did a stock buy back potentially this year only to dilute the shares? Lol 2 plus 2 = 7 at sintx. Literally scammed people with the stock buy back scheme to keep stock price from dropping and then diluted those shareholders. What a bunch of crooks. Another prime example of why Sintx should be held accountable for all the lies to investors over the years. Company wouldn’t exist without the lies and fraud.

Looks like I mistakenly removed armor from Sintx lists of markets. Not only are they still holding armor IP, that i believe they were working with NP Aerospace on, they are in fact still advertising it on their website. For some reason they modified the website removing direct links from the main page but you can still see the Boroshock/Durashock if you click materials and can see armor if you click applications like biomedical. Have to wait for the companies 10K filing to see whats actually going on with armor. Currently they have no way to manufacture armor but licensing is still an option assuming they are still working with NP Aerospace. Im not sure why it seems like the company is engaging in misdirects concerning armor but if NP makes a move to RM with Sintx that could explain why. The recent offering could be connected to that in some way.

Silicon Nitride Materials | SINTX Technologies
OEM Ceramic Armor for Aerospace & Defense - SINTX


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other research topics as well.
A phenomenon im tracking is a recent significant increase in passenger airplanes experiencing glitching leading primarily to emergency landings and a few crashes. Im adding new incidents almost daily as theres been 76+ so far since Dec 22nd. I've been warning this would happen since 2021 at least and i expect it to get worse...as in fewer successful emergency landings.
Boston's research : Mar 2nd - Plane departing from Logan Air...
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...

Go to the following board if you want to see the growing list of out of control/spontaneously combusting Teslas. Worth checking for new incidents weekly. More to add today.


We already know Sintx and Morgan were working together and with that comes NP Aerospace which they likely had a partnership with on armor. We also know Zimmer Biomet and Sintx have had a long standing relationship (going on 20 years) so as long as Sintx components for Arthroplasty are any good, Zimmer Biomet will come out from behind the curtain. With ZB comes ZimVie and I believe Solventum because of Bryan Hanson. Leaving only Cardinal Health which is suggested by Sintx hiring of Joseph Palomo who joined Sintx from Cardinal Health R&D division.

Morgan Ceramics = Aerospace products
Zimmer Biomet = Arthroplasty oriented products
ZimVie = Dental?
Solventum = Wound Care, Catheters, & possibly Cancer treatment products.
Ned Medical = Microspheres for cancer treatment
Cardinal Health = PPE & Medical protection apparel.
NP Aerospace = Armor plates


Markets Si3n4/Sintx Ceramics can be used in (not comprehensive)

Otho Market = $64 billion
Personal Protective Equipment market = $79.53 billion
Global Catheter market = $55bn
Antibacterial market = $44.5bn
Wound Care market = $22.25bn
Biosensors Market = $28.9bn
Condom Market = $11.6bn
Dental Implant market = $4.99bn
Armor Materials Market = $13.59bn
Cancer Treatment (microspheres) = $5-$15bn

Total = $330bn-340bn

Personal Protective Equipment Market Size Report, 2030
Catheter Market Size, Share & Trends | Industry Report, 2030
Wound Care Market Size & Share | Industry Report, 2030
Biosensors Market Size, Share And Trends Report, 2030
Condom Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030
Armor Materials Market Size | Mordor Intelligence
Dental Implants Market Size & Share | Industry Report, 2030
- YouTube
Personal Protective Equipment Market Size Report, 2030
Catheter Market Size, Share & Trends | Industry Report, 2030
Wound Care Market Size & Share | Industry Report, 2030
Biosensors Market Size, Share And Trends Report, 2030
Condom Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030
Armor Materials Market Size | Mordor Intelligence
Dental Implants Market Size & Share | Industry Report, 2030
- YouTube
Jesus… easy tiger.
time for CP to implement character limits.

If NP-Sintx RM, then watch for Zimmer Biomet to come out of the closet as well as other partners of Sintx afterwards. Its possible they tried to keep Sintx flying under the radar for this eventuality. If so this was planned before Amedica became Sintx and NP was divested from Morgan Ceramics in Oct 2018 & Nov 2018. Sintx and Morgan Ceramics were already partnered at this time...2016, possibly earlier.

It’s all a dream, no reason for someone to be defending Sintx, especially after they Doxxed you to us for the fraud you are. Think about first time you saw your info online and what time period it was, and how it wasn’t your usual suspects. Then think about who you have ever communicated with at Amedica at the time. One of those people did not like your BS, and if you looked hard enough you would see who that was and where they posted your info.
From post #32 of this thread on page 2.

TAman87Mar 07, 2025 6:53 AM

@Boston7452 management doesn’t like you But that’s not a suprise nobody does your a degen pumper fraud
Management doesnt like me and supposedly had me doxxed yet i work for them? You see how inconsistent that is?

And perfectly on schedule just as was told, Sintx had an offering for 5 million dollars. Told ya Scott Mosier and sintx only here on Zimmer forum when Sintx Needs Money (a couple times a year). What a bunch of frauds. Sintx did a stock buy back potentially this year only to dilute the shares? Lol 2 plus 2 = 7 at sintx. Literally scammed people with the stock buy back scheme to keep stock price from dropping and then diluted those shareholders. What a bunch of crooks. Another prime example of why Sintx should be held accountable for all the lies to investors over the years. Company wouldn’t exist without the lies and fraud.