Zimmer looking at Sintx for spine and total joints?

Your focus is on Dr Bal's testimony but what you should be focused on is what Zimmer Biomet was able to do because Dr Bal testified. Namely that Zimmer Biomet's lawyers were able to strike Dr Bal's testimony on the methods Zimmer Biomet used to obtain regulatory clearance. Now if there was any inpropriety to how Zimmer Biomet obtained FDA clearance for the implant, then by Dr Bal testifying on behalf of the plantiff, Zimmer Biomet was able to skirt this issue. Basically im implying that Dr Bal worked as a trojan horse to help Zimmer Biomet control the narrative here and difuse a potential situation. Dr Bal would be able to do this without doing anything illegal. Simply give his testimony on the subject, and due to his lack of qualifications, Zimmer Biomet lawyers were able to have that testimony dismissed. I again question the plantiff's attorneys for even using him because it worked for Zimmer Biomet...particularly if it did anything unsavory in obtaining clearance. Although its possible that Zimmer Biomet orchestrated the lawsuit against itself to control the potential outcome as legal cases often piggyback on other cases.

The one argument that Zimmer provides, and that the court grants, is Dr. Bal’s opinions on the regulatory procedure Zimmer used to obtain FDA approval.
Orthopedic Surgery Expert Witness Testimony Partially Allowed


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects pertaining to Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other reseearch topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...

A Trojan horse…. Fun fact about Sonny Bal as an expert witness. Look at the case when even the judge agreed he wasn’t an expert witness. Bal didn’t do this as a Trojan Horse as insane as that sounds, he was an expert witness against many companies, and was called out for it and in one instance the judge threw out his testimony because he couldn’t prove he was an expert witness in that area. Bal chases money, has his whole life. No way is Zimmer in bed with Sonny Bal. That’s your fantasy, which everyone can see but yourself. You are the only one who thinks Zimmer and Sonny Bal are in bed together. The ONLY one. Sad you spend your time pumping Sintx for money hungry CEO who can’t run a company for the life of him. Couldn’t even be a successful expert witness helping patients sue. Ask Sonny Bal about his mustang, how that was supposed to be his life’s work in retirement before sintx stint. Ask him how and why those plans changed. Come back and tell me what you learned about Sonny Bal.

Nothing insane about it. If Zimmer Biomet engaged in some sort of impropriety in regards to getting an implant cleared through FDA, this is something large ortho companies have done, then by having Dr Bal talk about the subject when he wasnt qualified to talk about it, worked in Zimmer Biomets favor. Why? Because the issue was touched upon and seemingly dismissed making it unlikely someone would look deeper into the issue. As i believe Dr Bal works in Zimmer Biomet's interests, the fact that this was dismissed because it was outside Dr Bal's expertise, would trigger me to look deeper into this issue if i cared enough to. I'd bet that Zimmer Biomet did something illegal here.
Why wouldnt Dr Bal participate in this ruse? Especially if he chases money as you claim. Zimmer Biomet has sent hundreds of thousands, likely millions Dr Bal's way over the years. I doubt hes going to bite the hand thats fed him for well over a decade. Especially while hobknobbing with its CEO in 2016/2017 when he worked as an expert witness.

If you describe a person or thing as a Trojan horse, you mean that they are being used to hide someone's true purpose or intentions.

You obviously know Dr Bal personally while i know nothing about him personally outside of things you guys have post on these forums like hes a pilot & he has multi-million dollar house in the Miami area.

Btw youre still saying Zimmer instead of Zimmer Biomet. Zimmer is a subsidiary that may not have any business connected to it any longer. So yes its unlikely Dr Bal is in bed with "Zimmer" the way you mean it. Zimmer Biomet is a different entity.


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects pertaining to Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other reseearch topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...


We already know Sintx and Morgan were working together. If there is going to be some sort of NP/Sintx merger, that just solidifies it. We also know Zimmer Biomet and Sintx have had a long standing relationship (going on 20 years) so as long as Sintx components for Arthroplasty are any good, Zimmer Biomet will come out from behind the curtain. With ZB comes ZimVie and I believe Solventum because of Bryan Hanson. Leaving only Cardinal Health which is suggested by Sintx hiring of Joseph Palomo who joined Sintx from Cardinal Health R&D division.

Morgan Ceramics = Aerospace products
Zimmer Biomet = Arthroplasty oriented products
ZimVie = Dental?
Solventum = Wound Care, Catheters, & possibly Cancer treatment products.
Cardinal Health = PPE & Medical protection apparel.
NP Aerospace = Armor plates & other possible products connected to TA&T.


Markets Si3n4/Sintx Ceramics can be used in (not comprehensive)

Otho Market = $64 billion
Personal Protective Equipment market = $79.53 billion
Global Catheter market = $55bn
Antibacterial market = $44.5bn
Wound Care market = $22.25bn
Biosensors Market = $28.9bn
Condom Market = $11.6bn
Dental Implant market = $4.99bn
Armor Materials Market = $13.59bn

Total = $324.26bn

Personal Protective Equipment Market Size Report, 2030
Catheter Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030
Wound Care Market Size, Share And Trends Report, 2030
Biosensors Market Size, Share And Trends Report, 2030
Condom Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis Report, 2030
Armor Materials Market Size | Mordor Intelligence
Dental Implants Market Size, Share And Growth Report, 2030

A basic roadmap laid out of Zimmer's intentions for Sintx back in 2011. This quote predates Sintx vast IP portfolio expansion. Any markets Zimmer Biomet does not currently participate in, that Sintx does, represents potential markets Zimmer Biomet can utilize Sintx to bolster its revenue through licensing as well as diversify those revenue sources.
AnonymousMay 24, 2011 at 3:42 PM
Zimmer is looking at purchasing Amedica flat out for their techology to bolster sales in spine through licensing and to purchase the next generation of hip and knee implants. You heard it here on TSB.

Proof Zimmer Biomet is one of Sintx strategic partners:

Sintx 2016 10k

Together with a strategic partner, we have initiated biomechanical testing of our solid silicon nitride femoral heads. The results of this test will be released in 2017
This quote indicates the results of testing of their femoral head with a strategic partner will be released in 2017.
Those results were released testing Sintx Femoral head against Biomet's E1 liners. Thus Zimmer Biomet, or any of its subsidiaries, is Sintx strategic partner in this testing.

Amedica and Zimmer-Biomet (Tokyo Office) provided the femoral heads and acetabular liners; however, neither company actively sponsored the research
These are risk-averse companies that look to smaller companies like us to develop an idea, uh, and, uh, de-risk it, so to speak, and then buy that technology.

Quote Sources:

Who's Next?
2016 10-k pg 13: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1269026/000149315217010752/form10-k.htm
2017 results: Amedica Announces Results of Independent Femoral Head Wear Testing
Wayback Machine


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other research topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...

What’s new? Scott Mosier pumping a scam company again on Zimmer forums all wholeness stock reaches new all time lows. Can’t make this up. Scott Mosier only pumps for Sintx when they are reaching new all time lows or selling shares diluting the stock. Sintx uses Scott Mosier to deflect the incoming issues. Never once has Scott Mosier lumped Sintx and people made money. People only lose money when Scott posts. So look out! All time lows coming for sintx stock prices!

You can make that up because you literally just did.

Something interesting is in March 2024 Sintx acquired professional liability insurance. You do this to protect executives from a wide range of executive and errors & omissions liability exposures, including past activities. On April 7th 2024, a few accounts on ihub tried to get me to start posting here like they did in 2018 before sold off Amedica name and some outdated assets. The fact that they are trying to set me up for "pumping" again, implies that they knew something similar was in the works, but not with Zimmer Biomet. For which Ive indicated that there was a possible reverse merger forthcoming with NP Aerospace. In Sintx recent 10Q, they released information indicating they plan to divest their Armor/Aerospace/Defense segments, mainly TA&T subsidiary and some patents, and that reverse merger was a possible move they were looking into.

The next concerning thing was in April of 2024 when specific accounts, again this is covered in my previous post, tried to get me to post on Cafepharma by posting about it here while also trying to goad me there. When they did this i began to suspect that they were trying to repeat their previous methods back in 2018. Namely to get me to post about Sintx and Zimmer Biomet to potentially distract from other possible strategic maneuvers. If this was in fact the game they were playing that means what was to be announced a couple months later, did not have to do with Zimmer Biomet and they already knew it. Another reason for them to want me to talk about Sintx and Zimmer Biomet is so they can try to reinforce that Im trying to scam people and there is nothing going on between Sintx and Zimmer Biomet despite close to 20 years of them working together.
Yes i do think Zimmer Biomet will come out from behind the curtain one day, just not yet based on what im seeing.
I go into things that began to concern me about Sintx in these two posts:
Boston's research : In Post #4168&#...
Boston's research : I first began to get concerned that some...

More of my research can be found here including some interesting info about Tesla.

People only lose money when Scott posts.
Ya not true actually. I stopped posting on Sintx ihub board for months in 2023 to see if what you just said is true and the stock still kept going lower. That said i do believe that they will drive the price lower when i post some of times to work as a counterpoint to what i post. If i say Sintx IP is extremely valuable, and it is, they will drive the price lower to distract from that because obviously Wallstreet doesnt believe that. I contend that Sintx has purposefully been kept undervalued by a conspiracy of hedge funds i've posted about here. Furthermore one of those funds knew about Sintx 2020 price pump when management "accidentally leaked" information so Sabby & Dr ZB could sell before releasing an offering.
Those bashing here will pretend to work against Sintx management interests and call them out but theres always little substance to their posts. However i have found and posted evidence that suggests management has been working with other parties to keep Sintx significantly undervalued. Collusion that i called out and ....well you can read about what happened after suggesting collusion between Management, Anson and its family of funds, several social media accounts, and Maxim as its had to be a part of this.

Boston's research : You have mentioned this before. IF true,...

Sintx = Garbage. Scott Mosier = Fraud conman. Again Scott Mosier only Posts for Sintx on Zimmer Forums when sintx is screwing their shareholders over. they are down to a couple million left, allready took shareholders for another 10 million this year selling diluted shares, now their accumulated deficit is 280 million dollars. Yes that’s right, they have burned almost million dollars and make less revenue then just 1 Zimmer rep brings into Zimmer each year. 1 rep at Zimmer literally brings in more revenue then sintx can make in a year, that’s wild. Someone should buy sintx, burn it down and piss on the ashes. That’s the literal value of Sintx.

All that needs to happen for Sintx to succeed is one of its significant partners stepping onto the stage. Just repeat this move but with Sintx instead of Implex. The question is, well this be allowed to happen or will Sintx partners continued to be cloaked by NDAs and SINT stock continued to be shorted by the consortium? Either their partners need to step up or Sintx management needs to close shop and auction its IP to companies that will actually bring the product to market.

In 2000, Zimmer entered into an exclusive worldwide alliance with Implex for the commercialization of Implex's Hedrocel biomaterial, which Zimmer implanted in hip, knee, and shoulder replacement implants and marketed as Trabecular Metal Technology. The company says it has seven new development projects under way. Trabecular Metal is made of a biocompatible element called tantalum and is very similar to natural bone in its porosity, friction, structural strength, and bending characteristics, making it a good choice for orthopedic implants.

"We call Trabecular Metal ‘the best thing next to bone' because we believe it is the most exciting new porous material platform the orthopedics industry has seen in decades,” said Ray Elliott, chairman, president, and CEO of Zimmer. "We believe Trabecular Metal has the potential to give us opportunities in the fusion and nonfusion spinal categories that other competitors cannot match.”

Sintx Si3N4 is superior to Trabecular Metal in just about every way in addition to significantly more markets it can be used in.

The Company is also actively pursuing partnerships and collaborations with healthcare institutions and industry leaders to bring novel solutions to the medical community.

The Company is currently exploring new collaborations with strategic advisory partners to evaluate potential merger candidates, acquisitions, strategic partners and sale of business divisions, which could support SINTX’s ambitions to become a leader in the medical device market.

Im skeptical of managements true intentions. Making one of their collaborations public would go a long ways toward reducing that and would cause significant increase in SINT price. SINT is extremely undervalued with a valuation of less than $3m.

Quote Sources:

Any actual Zimmer Biomet employee know if Arthur Higgins has a son who is a doctor by the name of Luke Higgins? I ask because of this:

Luke Higgins, MD, Ph.D., an MIT/Harvard/Stanford-trained Interventional Radiologist with a prior research focus on nanoparticle-mediated cancer-specific DNA delivery targeting liver cancer cells.

NED Medical Launches World-Class Scientific Advisory Board – NED Medical

SINTX Technologies and NED Medical Partner to Advance Cutting-Edge Ceramic Microsphere Medical Devices for Cancer Treatment


Top virologist makes stunning claim about what'll happen when Trump takes office as Congo is put on 'max alert' for pandemic

At least 376 people are already reported to have been infected by the illness that has hit Kwango province in the southwest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Children between 16 and 19 years old are worst affected, with patients suffering from a flu-like illness with symptoms including a fever, headache, cough, difficulty breathing and anemia — or lack of red blood cells.

A World Health Organization team has been dispatched to the area to test samples and identify the cause of the illness. It is expected they will publish the results of the testing in the coming days
Officials initially suggested that 143 people had died from the mystery disease, although authorities appear to have reduced that number to 71 deaths.

These include 27 in people who died in the hospital and 44 people who died in the community.

Of the people who died in hospital, 10 died due to a lack of blood transfusions and 17 died as a result of respiratory problems — the health minister said.

Most of the cases were children in their late teens, aged between 15 and 18 years old according to the BBC.
Another Covid like sickness, worse than Covid, is very bad for Zimmer Biomet business because of its lack of diversification. Sintx is just sitting on PPE tech thats proven Anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.


Canadian government warns country to prepare for new virus far worse than COVID



Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other research topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...

Oh look who’s back as the stock price drops again. Sintx Pump and dump loser Scott Mosier aka Boston745. Again this clown only posts on Zimmer boards when sintx stock price going down. Sintx used the old ”stock buy back scam” this time around to try and get the stock price up. Just another pump and dump scam as the money sintx is going to use to purchase these shares came directly from investors buying diluted shares. What a bunch of crooks. Dilute investors selling shares to make money then use that money to buy stock back? What a bunch of frauds! Every last one of them deserves to be in prison. Scott Mosier, Sonny Bal, and the rest of Sintx board of scammers. Sintx burned almost 300 million dollars now and still scamming! Look the F out! Sintx worse then a meme coin at this rate, there chart is identical to a meme coin! Hawk Tuah on that sintx.

You didnt answer if Luke Higgins is indeed Arthur Higgins' son. They certainly look alot alike. That'd just be another connection between Sintx and Zimmer Biomet as Sintx was working with Ned Medical before Dr Higgins became part of Ned Medical's Scientific Board. Based on Sintx Jan presentation, they've been working with Ned Medical since last year.

Several new collaborations in developing
products for wound care, cancer treatment,
and an antipathogenic coating for catheters.



Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other research topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...
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Deflection and speculation. This is Orthopedics, speculation here goes nowhere fast, makes one’s defense look desperate. Results matter. The Si3n4 Life long joint program showed that Si3n4 is not ideal for total joints. Why don’t you know this? Why didn’t Sintx tell you this as they came in last second to try and show otherwise, which didn’t work either and why there is no more femoral head studies from sintx. Let’s not talk about Sintx having insane amount of reverse splits completely destroying any investor since IPO. Arrogance killed sintx, that’s straight from the leadership all the way down to the stock pumpers here on zimmer forums. Amedica, sintx, whatever you want to call them were a complete joke to the industry the way they tried to sell spine products. The business Amedica got came from paying massive commission %, and then Dr’s were getting cash from distributers. I know this as a FACT, I personally saw it happen. To this day some CTL/amedica using surgeons still want to get the back door payment to use the product. 100% illegal fyi. The only spine surgeons I know who use Si3n4 still do it for the money, wether it’s from the rep or distributer, surgeons want cash money.

You're deflecting and rather then touch on my point before making yours, you simply downplay it. There is no speculation in regards to Luke Higgins and Arthur Higgins. Either they are related or they arent. If they are then thats another connection between Sintx and Zimmer Biomet. It also means Zimmer Biomet would be able to keep an eye on developments with NedMedical.

Now lets address your points. In regards to reverse splits, i suggest you look at previous material ive posted here about a conspiracy of hedge funds that have been manipulating Sintx stock along with illegal Naked shorting.

In regards to you bringing up the lifelongjoints program, first off that ended 6 years ago. Before you say it ended because it failed, it ended because it was meant to be 5 years long. Now thats settled, the LLJ program did not use solid Si3N4 it used Si3N4 coatings. However the methods of coating it used are not the same methods Sintx is using now. So yes the program identified how not to coat metals with Si3N4. Furthermore the core goal of the method of coating was to apply Si3n4 coating to a metal femoral head. That is not the same thing Sintx testing of its solid femoral head against Biomets E1 liner back in 2017 which had good results at 5mc. As to why they didnt release followup testing i do not know. You arent providing a reason why they havent released a second study, youre only implying the results werent good enough because they havent released the results yet. Thats speculation. They could just be sitting on the results like they are sitting on so many other products like the mask IP. Again thats speculation.

Now you can claim they bribed Doctors to get the sales they had, for their first gen Si3N4, but without evidence its complete hearsay. I could see its possible that they did do it to generate enough revenue to go public. They could have done it to help show how well the material works being implanted? Think of it like a "trial" without the trial with the ability to generate revenue. Sort of like how Tesla uses the public as guinea pigs to test its so called "Full Self Driving" technology, which is nowhere near full self driving, while also generating revenue. Whats important in both these examples is to establish how well the products work. FSD is killing peole and veering into trees, while from what ive seen, Si3N4 has done really well implanted including a 30 year study, going on 40 years now, from 1986 in Australia. CTL-Amerdica only just started selling second generation Si3n4 implants which are vastly superior to gen 1.

This study from 2021, which came after the LLJ program ended, seems to indicate that Si3N4 can be used for joints and many other implants. Not sure what formulation Sintx is using for the microspheres it developed with NedMedical, but cancer treatment is obviously another application for their materials.


Silicon Nitride, a Close to Ideal Ceramic Material for Medical Application

examples of their medical applications that relate to spinal, orthopedic and dental implants, bone grafts and scaffolds, platforms for intelligent synthetic neural circuits, antibacterial and antiviral particles and coatings, optical biosensors, and nano-photonic waveguides for sophisticated medical diagnostic devices are all covered in the research reviewed herein. The examples provided convincingly show that silicon nitride is destined to become a leader to replace titanium and other entrenched biomaterials in many fields of medicine.

Silicon Nitride, a Close to Ideal Ceramic Material for Medical Application


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other research topics as well.
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This is great stuff. Let sintx destroy themselves with this nonsense. You can smell the desperation coming from my computer screen. To funny, Sintx doesn’t even have their own forum they are so insignificant, yet they think they matter. And the fact they have burned almost 300 million dollars from investors is wild! Why does the SEC let these Utah scam companies keep doing this? Why in Utah does this always go down? If I had anything to do with Sintx I would be far away from other successful company forums as my problems are just exemplified dramatically. Keep showing everyone how bad sintx is managed and how poorly they have performed over the years. This is honestly great stuff, how not to run a company. What’s next? Keep it up Sintx, we need the entertainment!

On the subject of coatings, Sintx just released this press release on how it can bond Si3N4 to existing medical implant materials. If you look into the coating methods of the LifeLongJoints program, you'll see this wasnt one of the methods. If i recall they used vapor disposition for coating.

The patent, expected to be issued soon, protects a revolutionary method for laser bonding bioactive silicon nitride to various biomedical implant substrates, including titanium, alumina, zirconia, and advanced polymers like PEKK. This breakthrough technology enhances the biological performance of these substrates by imparting silicon nitride’s superior osseointegration and bacterial resistance properties

These advancements not only open new opportunities in the biomedical field but also offer innovative pathways for upgrading existing devices with silicon nitride’s unmatched properties. Additionally, the coating method enables the refinishing of implants, enhancing their functionality and extending their usability—a significant advantage in today’s medical device market.​

SINTX remains the only FDA-registered producer of implantable silicon nitride. Alongside its monolithic ceramic implants, the Company has developed silicon nitride in particulate form for use in resins, composites and coatings. These innovations support SINTX’s strategy to broaden the applications of its technology across diverse markets.​
SINTX Technologies Secures Patent Allowance for Wide-Ranging Silicon Nitride Biomaterial Applications


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other research topics as well.
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Ceramic Coatings are a giant NO NO in Total Joint replacement. Ask anyone in the industry who’s been around a little bit. No need to explain myself, this is well established thought in Orthopedics. Probably a reason why Amedica/Sintx has done nothing but fail when it comes to actual medical sales. Their attempt to sell spine products was a complete failure, hence the sell to CTL who still struggles hard to sell spine ceramics. Biolux delta, biolux forte, solid ceramics have also been around awhile and at one point had some traction, only a few ceramic on ceramic surgeons left these days though, between dual mobility hips and others there are way more ways to get better range of motion and less chance of dislocation, these are things ceramics can’t do as hips have modernized and moved away from ceramic heads on poly due to wear being much greater then that of ceramic on ceramic. Ceramic on ceramic has always had its problems also, squeeking, fracture of components ect, there’s a lot of reasons why this industry and ceramics don’t mesh well, but you aren’t from medicine obviously, with your train of thought and absolutely nothing from sintx to back it, it would appear that sintx is using Zimmers name to try and keep itself from being kicked off the stock market. Sintx doesn’t even have a page on cafepharma? What a joke…. No social media? Is this even a real company? Last news shows they fired half of their employees to try and keep the doors open…. Cmon, you can’t fool us, just look into sintx and its history, it screams stay away. And it is weird how you only post here when the stock is crashing. Down over 10% in a day and you show back up to Zimmers page to pump sintx for the stock price. Your Actions directly correlate to a stock pumper. Use other companies to promote this trash. We all know what sintx is now thanks to you, trash. Shareholders should be running from sintx, or suing them by the looks of things. Pump and dumps, reverse splits, dilution, all things scam companies do time and time again. This is the only reason sintx still exists, lies and straight up stealing from investors on fake news. Just read about their mask failure during covid. How much money was raised for that? They would be closed right now without that last scam. That’s a fact. Anyone who reads this look into sintx and how much money they have taken from shareholders all while revenue went to nothing and their paychecks got inflated. Sintx is a problem company, who just wants investors money to enrich themselves. I dare anyone to look into sintx and tell me I am wrong. There’s only 1 person who supports this company, and he posts on Zimmers page when the stock needs pumped and the scam needs more money.

Not sure what youre talking about in regards to pattern to when i post her, which is usually in response to you guys goading me. However in this case, Sintx released a press release covering the subject of coatings that we were just discussing. Thus i thought it was prudent to post here to counter certain misinformation being posted about the LLJ program and viability of Si3N4 coatings in ortho. The PR shows Sintx coats with entirely different method. Also as i indicated, LLJ was specifically geared toward coating femoral heads while Sintx intention, to date, has not been to coat femoral heads but other components like Femoral Stem and Acetabular Cup; other implants are targeted as well but testing to date has been coating a femoral shell.
Sintx does not coat femoral heads, it has its own solid Si3N4 femoral head it would be using in place of coating femoral heads. In theory, if the laser technique is vastly superior to Vapor disposition, then yes Sintx could coat current stock of metal femoral heads that exist in inventory, in the future as needed. You can see there is a plan in place to coat inventory already released to market if you read the PR. When that happens i do not know, im merely highlighting that theres already a plan in place.
Why are you talking about Ceramic on Ceramic hip implants? Sintx has been testing its femoral heads against Biomet's E1 liner which is a type of plastic liner not ceramic. If a hip product is going to come soon its going to be CoP not CoC. Thats not to say that Si3N4 coating couldnt be applied to Acetabular shells which Sintx already demonstrated on a Biomet G7 shell.


Here is a collection of my research going over multiple subjects including Sintx connections with Zimmer Biomet, Solventum, Morgan Ceramics, & NP Aerospace. Includes other research topics as well.
Boston's research : Here is a collection of my research goin...
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Sintx has lied for years in “PR’s”. They deleted their social media accounts over it. The independent study that had pezzotti as an author, They got called out hard and deleted their Twitter account over it. Literally. Like the mop head chick at Bidens press conferences she can’t keep up with all the lies, neither could the sintx chick until she quit! Hard to defend lies, she knew it, sintx ran from them hard by deleting the things they were called out for. Insane the amount of BS sintx says. All to stay listed on nasdaq….. funny how the lies always timed around dilution and reverse splits. They are criminal scammers. Should be in jail imo.