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Writing on the Wall: Institutional Sales on the Block


Too many clues:

1. ROM positions left vacant
2. IAS positions left vacant
3. IBM project essentially killed
4. Silence out of Jon. Not a peep.
5. Prevnar 13 Adult pushed back.
6. Inability to close the deal for asset X
7. Unwillingness to address price with Zyvox
8. Inability to get 1001 published
9. No new studies for either Zyvox or Tygacil
10. Vfend LOE

HQ: speak up and let us know what is going on. My DM is a company man and just says to work hard and things will take care of themselves.

Too many clues:

1. ROM positions left vacant
2. IAS positions left vacant
3. IBM project essentially killed
4. Silence out of Jon. Not a peep.
5. Prevnar 13 Adult pushed back.
6. Inability to close the deal for asset X
7. Unwillingness to address price with Zyvox
8. Inability to get 1001 published
9. No new studies for either Zyvox or Tygacil
10. Vfend LOE

HQ: speak up and let us know what is going on. My DM is a company man and just says to work hard and things will take care of themselves.

All of those things spell doom.

Too many clues:

1. ROM positions left vacant
2. IAS positions left vacant
3. IBM project essentially killed
4. Silence out of Jon. Not a peep.
5. Prevnar 13 Adult pushed back.
6. Inability to close the deal for asset X
7. Unwillingness to address price with Zyvox
8. Inability to get 1001 published
9. No new studies for either Zyvox or Tygacil
10. Vfend LOE

HQ: speak up and let us know what is going on. My DM is a company man and just says to work hard and things will take care of themselves.

Ride the wave man, just ride the wave. Relax and get up on that board.

The biggest reason- MD's don't see reps&/or listen to reps anymore. And the ones that do,have no power to prescribe or change things within the hospital. Game over!!

Too many clues:

1. ROM positions left vacant
2. IAS positions left vacant
3. IBM project essentially killed
4. Silence out of Jon. Not a peep.
5. Prevnar 13 Adult pushed back.
6. Inability to close the deal for asset X
7. Unwillingness to address price with Zyvox
8. Inability to get 1001 published
9. No new studies for either Zyvox or Tygacil
10. Vfend LOE

HQ: speak up and let us know what is going on. My DM is a company man and just says to work hard and things will take care of themselves.

This is a good example of somebody seeing what they want to see. Nothing on the list spells doom or the end or any cut backs to IS. These are all just normal level challenges faced in every business.
I don't know if things are "going to take care of themselves", but your DM is right about one thing, Go work hard and be smart about your work.

By the way, I'm NOT JS, an SD or a DM. But almost every time I post, someone writes that my posts sound like one of the above. I'm a rep.
Remember, we are a small and profitable division with no overlap in our accounts or territories.

If anyone in IS is quiet in the home office that's great. IS survived cuts and I wouldn't want to attract attention after just fighting for my sales force and budget in a leadership meeting and walking out a winner with both untouched in a declining Big Pharma environment.

If anyone in IS is quiet in the home office that's great. IS survived cuts and I wouldn't want to attract attention after just fighting for my sales force and budget in a leadership meeting and walking out a winner with both untouched in a declining Big Pharma environment.

Thanks for fighting for us.

This is a good example of somebody seeing what they want to see. Nothing on the list spells doom or the end or any cut backs to IS. These are all just normal level challenges faced in every business.
I don't know if things are "going to take care of themselves", but your DM is right about one thing, Go work hard and be smart about your work.

By the way, I'm NOT JS, an SD or a DM. But almost every time I post, someone writes that my posts sound like one of the above. I'm a rep.
Remember, we are a small and profitable division with no overlap in our accounts or territories.

Zyvox has shown no real growth since 2006 seen by the data presented at meetings, and Tygacil is bound and determined to continue to lose revenue since fall of 2010. A division that is overbloated with limited access to HCP's/institutions, brand teams who know nothing about antibiotics, healthcare reform changes that are determining cost of care and cheaper alternatives used with no superiority data on Pfizer IS products to overcome the hurdle. Most in IS know that changes need to happen, seen easily with mgmts. fear of informing about real access issues. You would have to be brain dead not to see this division has some real issues that are not being addressed.

Zyvox has shown no real growth since 2006 seen by the data presented at meetings, and Tygacil is bound and determined to continue to lose revenue since fall of 2010. A division that is overbloated with limited access to HCP's/institutions, brand teams who know nothing about antibiotics, healthcare reform changes that are determining cost of care and cheaper alternatives used with no superiority data on Pfizer IS products to overcome the hurdle. Most in IS know that changes need to happen, seen easily with mgmts. fear of informing about real access issues. You would have to be brain dead not to see this division has some real issues that are not being addressed.

Yeah, sure and the world is going to end in 2020.

This is a good example of somebody seeing what they want to see. Nothing on the list spells doom or the end or any cut backs to IS. These are all just normal level challenges faced in every business.
I don't know if things are "going to take care of themselves", but your DM is right about one thing, Go work hard and be smart about your work.

By the way, I'm NOT JS, an SD or a DM. But almost every time I post, someone writes that my posts sound like one of the above. I'm a rep.
Remember, we are a small and profitable division with no overlap in our accounts or territories.

This person is completely correct. You people can find anything any turn it into nonsense, especially when they have no clue as to what they are talking about. Let's review the list.

1. Positions are left open because of all the people from primary care, psych, etc. that are recently or about to be jobless. There is no official hiring freeze, just a recommendation to hold postings.
2. IBM is hardly killed when new positions and salaries are added to allocate 100% of their time to IBM opposed to only 20% of MOS time and salary allocation.
3. Prevnar is pushed back because we submitted additional data to the FDA in order to support concomitant administration along with flu vaccine. The expected approval date is a couple months later but the launch is still on schedule and training is still currently being created.
4. Tygacil studies for Nosocomial Pneumonia are being re-done at higher doses so why would we waste money investing in products we aren't going to promote.
5. The failure to publish ZEPHYR means nothing when we've gone years without anything new leading up to that and anyone who matters already knows about the study anyway.

I agree that there could be some changes such as a new VP or cutting/combining territories that have historically low access and ROI but the future of the division overall in the long term is secure.

This person is completely correct. You people can find anything any turn it into nonsense, especially when they have no clue as to what they are talking about. Let's review the list.

1. Positions are left open because of all the people from primary care, psych, etc. that are recently or about to be jobless. There is no official hiring freeze, just a recommendation to hold postings.
2. IBM is hardly killed when new positions and salaries are added to allocate 100% of their time to IBM opposed to only 20% of MOS time and salary allocation.
3. Prevnar is pushed back because we submitted additional data to the FDA in order to support concomitant administration along with flu vaccine. The expected approval date is a couple months later but the launch is still on schedule and training is still currently being created.
4. Tygacil studies for Nosocomial Pneumonia are being re-done at higher doses so why would we waste money investing in products we aren't going to promote.
5. The failure to publish ZEPHYR means nothing when we've gone years without anything new leading up to that and anyone who matters already knows about the study anyway.

I agree that there could be some changes such as a new VP or cutting/combining territories that have historically low access and ROI but the future of the division overall in the long term is secure.

The future of this division is "long-term secure" (your quote) at best until 2014-15 when Zyvox goes off patent, and Tygacil (2014). That should not make someone feel that there is long-term security in a dead end division.

1. No legitimate company will want to contract a drug to a divison where a strangle hold will be put in place to not sell the drug. Combine that with the DOJ looking over your shoulder for the next 3-4 years. Won't happen.
2. IBM will be getting (1) medical outcomes person for each region. That will work out to less than 20% opportunity for them to be utilized given the vast size of a region. Primary Care MOS complained about being used for more than 20% of their time on the IBM project and were responsible for this change. It is going to kill a project that really never had the expertise in healtchare reform that was needed to appropriately play in this arena. Its been a game from the beginning with alot of misinformation about how healthcare reform will impact IS products.
3. Prevnar is delayed which is no big deal. Has nothing to do with the validity of the product. The only problem is that IS will not have much of a role in promoting this product. Vaccines will be calling on 70% adult market, the very same doctors IS reps. are calling on now. Vaccines will completely control the promoting of Prevnar 13 which will further help to reduce IS division need.
4. Tygacil studies are being redone at higher doses because that is what the numbskulls should have done to begin with. The new HAP studies show a completion date of Dec. 2013, then take 6-8 months for the FDA to act, meaning best case scenerio a launch in 2014. They will need to rub a happy budda for good luck on that one.
5. The failure to promote the ZEPHYR study means that cost will continue to take priority in the market, and there will never be any real growth for Zyvox from hear on out.

an additional 3-4 years from now is pretty long term in this day and age when we experience drastic changes frequently and when the OP is trying to make it seem like our complete demise is right around the corner.

The point with Tygacil studies and adding personnel is money. Liz Barrett has come in to turn things around and is not going to approve a bunch of additional expenditures that aren't going to pay off for some time just to have everything get shut down in the near term.

Beyond the near term, IBM probably will fail and not show enough ROI and the sales of current products will remain flat at best but it will be Jon's ass on the chopping block not most of ours. Our division may not be the highest grossing but the profit margins are still higher than many others.

I hope there are no changes because I love being at home everyday entering fake calls !
I know ... I know "speak for yourself". I'm actually speaking for all of us.......there is no job here and all of us know it. Keep playing the game ladies and gentleman but be honest.

If there is a real job here, then volunteer to be tracked everyday for 1 month or work with someone from HQ everyday for one month. If anyone out there can tell me they can do this and fill the days......then I stand corrected.

an additional 3-4 years from now is pretty long term in this day and age when we experience drastic changes frequently and when the OP is trying to make it seem like our complete demise is right around the corner.

The point with Tygacil studies and adding personnel is money. Liz Barrett has come in to turn things around and is not going to approve a bunch of additional expenditures that aren't going to pay off for some time just to have everything get shut down in the near term.

Beyond the near term, IBM probably will fail and not show enough ROI and the sales of current products will remain flat at best but it will be Jon's ass on the chopping block not most of ours. Our division may not be the highest grossing but the profit margins are still higher than many others.

Generic companies will try to get approval about a year before the patent expires, most of the time successfully. That means 2 years left, no growth products, does not make the IS division feasable at its current size. Liz Barrett was a joke in Oncology, so who would expect her to be able to do anything in IS. Keep thinking that Pfizer execs. have a clue to what they are doing. Where have you been in the past ten years??? The IBM project was never going to show ROI for the division, because no one really understands healthcare reform whos implementing IBM. The whole thinking behind the project is to get more product used and gain access. Explain the rationality of that. And how does anyone know the profit margins of this division, unless you have integral exposure into manufacturing and high level decision making.

Generic companies will try to get approval about a year before the patent expires, most of the time successfully. That means 2 years left, no growth products, does not make the IS division feasable at its current size. Liz Barrett was a joke in Oncology, so who would expect her to be able to do anything in IS. Keep thinking that Pfizer execs. have a clue to what they are doing. Where have you been in the past ten years??? The IBM project was never going to show ROI for the division, because no one really understands healthcare reform whos implementing IBM. The whole thinking behind the project is to get more product used and gain access. Explain the rationality of that. And how does anyone know the profit margins of this division, unless you have integral exposure into manufacturing and high level decision making.

We need a hospital division, but seriously-they could cut 30% and be just as effective.