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Wall Street Protests

After three weeks without showers, these people are stinking up the place. I'm even wearing my old suits for my downtown appointments in case I get spat upon. Like Charlton Heston said in Soylent Green, "Get the Scoops".

The last post is the most intelligent one I have ever read.
It's not that the failing middle class should resent the rich, just the sheer greed of some of the so called 1%.

You have GOT to be kidding me !!
The most intelligent post ???
The so-called 1% are the reason that this country has the highest standard of living for the most amount of people on this planet.
Just try for once, not to embrace the victim mentality - or is that too much for you ?
I took a job making 1/3 of the money I was making here at PFE - it took almost 3 years to start making the same amount, but I stayed with it, and now I'm in a much more secure industry, and don't have to worry 24/7 about being laid off. These cry babies need to suck it up and take a "lower" job.
It's absolutely pathetic to see these slackers turn down work that 3rd world citizens would give their left arm for.

This country has always been run for the benefit of the rich. That's what being American is all about. You claw your way to the top on the backs of everyone else and then you spit on them every chance you get.

They should as much time educating themselves and getting jobs. Give me a break. 99% of them are paid for phonies and that is a fact. Staged act being paid for by liberal groups. Fact.

And it's a FACT: that the Tea Party people, were staged and paid for by Insurance Companies, Banks and the Republican Party. A "staged movement" to get rid of Obama even if the tactics are hurting our country.

Undeniable truth is Fortune 500 CEOs are overpaid. Look at how much Kindler got just for failing.

And that my friends is one reason why these kids are Occupying Wall Street. CEO's getting Golden Parachutes, Goldman Sachs and the like getting Bailed out along with huge bonuses while our politicians accept campaign dollars from these crooks. That is what the protests are about, NOT handouts.

Why should a CEO, like Hank Mckinnell and Kindler get paid Millions and Millions of Dollars for leaving a company in the shit hole? There needs to be accountability.

And that my friends is one reason why these kids are Occupying Wall Street. CEO's getting Golden Parachutes, Goldman Sachs and the like getting Bailed out along with huge bonuses while our politicians accept campaign dollars from these crooks. That is what the protests are about, NOT handouts.

Why should a CEO, like Hank Mckinnell and Kindler get paid Millions and Millions of Dollars for leaving a company in the shit hole? There needs to be accountability.

Wealth is created by the workers, not by the CEO's. Seriously, CEO's in American are nothing but bandits. It's time to stop this Crime!

Notice how these libtards don't picket Hollywood?

None of them are worth the money they get paid using the libtard logic. Where's the hate?

oh yeah, they don't prey on their own if it can't make themselves wealthy from their Alinsky tactics.

All the sudden 300 NYU commies with iPhones, Macbooks and $300 True Religion jeans and a handful of lazy homeless males migrate from Washington Square Park in NYC on 4th so they can get weekly cash from ACORN to fund their cannibis habits and moves down to Wall street and it becomes a national story? WTF?!

Nobody protests when matt damon gets paid $20 million for a movie. Nobody raises an eyebrow when some union leader "retires" and starts drawing a $500K annual pension. If these people had an ounce of common sense they'd realize that their messiah BHO has all but strangled businesses with over-regulation and that government growth has been triple that of the economy since he took office. That's why things are stagnant.

It's kind of like Pfizer. When things are going well, nobody questions "leadership" no matter how inept the people are who make policy decisions.

Nobody protests when matt damon gets paid $20 million for a movie. Nobody raises an eyebrow when some union leader "retires" and starts drawing a $500K annual pension. If these people had an ounce of common sense they'd realize that their messiah BHO has all but strangled businesses with over-regulation and that government growth has been triple that of the economy since he took office. That's why things are stagnant.

It's kind of like Pfizer. When things are going well, nobody questions "leadership" no matter how inept the people are who make policy decisions.

Even our poorest could seem wealthy to the poorest of other countries. At least our country has access to toilets and running water.