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Wall Street Protests

Nobody protests when matt damon gets paid $20 million for a movie. Nobody raises an eyebrow when some union leader "retires" and starts drawing a $500K annual pension. If these people had an ounce of common sense they'd realize that their messiah BHO has all but strangled businesses with over-regulation and that government growth has been triple that of the economy since he took office. That's why things are stagnant.

It's kind of like Pfizer. When things are going well, nobody questions "leadership" no matter how inept the people are who make policy decisions.

or Kanye West who charges $100 concert tickets, Michael Moore who sued the film companies seeking additional money on his movies or Russell Simmons who owns a debit card company charging inner city folks extravagant rates to access their money,,,the list goes on.

As far as I can tell, most of the 1%ers are libtard democrats who mostly abused capitalism to obtain their fortunes and now want to prevent us from getting there the right way. They want to redistribute your wealth to keep you down. Plain and simple.

Let's see.......Steve Jobs, all of Goldman Sachs, Buffet, Soros, almost all of Hollywood, Theresa Heinz and Kerry, the Kennedys, Pelosi, Boxer, Bill Gates, peter Lewis, the Sandlers.....and many many more.


This is the same way that the tea party got started - a bunch of disorganized angry people. Then the Koch brothers funded them and now the Teabaggers are helping make the Koch brothers even richer than they are already. A Teabagger works across the aisle from me and she is as dumb as a rock. Maybe somebody will start funding the Wall St protestors. Hey, it's not just Republicans who can play that game!!!!!!!!!!

#43= the difference is the tea party is a grass roots org of people who see this country being sent down the toilet by unbridled spending and horrible policies both nat'l and internat'l- what is going on now is produced by a president who is an activist and groups that pay ( unions) people to go out and cause chaos and take the spotlight off the horific job the president and the dems did over the last couple of years

#43- you and your liberal sick ilk use slang terms like everyday discussions - how about being responsible and show our kids proper discource instead of the venom you regularly spew- liberal media you should be ashamed but I supposed you just blame your lack of appropriateness on some rediculous conservative request like wanting someone in this country who is legally here!

#43 here - looks like I presented one of those inconvenient truths that Conservatives can't take. Are you all really that dumb? The Tea Party is funded by the Koch Brothers to reduce THEIR taxes while everyone else's goes up. It's not like the Kochs are doing badly. According to the Congressional Budget Office, between 1979 and 2005 the inflation-adjusted income of families in the middle of the income distribution rose 21 percent (less than 1 percent a year). Meanwhile, over the same period, the income of the very rich, the top 100th of 1 percent of the income distribution, rose by 480 percent. That's what the Wall St protesters are angry about - 21% versus 480%.

And you people spend all your time putting down Democrats and liberals. The rich are laughing their asses off all the way to the bank at how stupid you all are!!!!

#43- you and your liberal sick ilk use slang terms like everyday discussions - how about being responsible and show our kids proper discource instead of the venom you regularly spew- liberal media you should be ashamed but I supposed you just blame your lack of appropriateness on some rediculous conservative request like wanting someone in this country who is legally here!

Remember the tea party rallies. The Koch are laughingat dumb nuts like you

OMG- the libs in congress are all in the 1%- they want us to help their pet give aways with our $ not theirs- how much had Al gore or the Mass. wiz kid gave before they ran for president?

Do you need proof that the top 1% play by a different set of rules than the rest?

Look no further than the 121 year prison sentence that Christopher Chaney is facing for hacking a few celebrity gmail and phone accounts.

Meanwhile, Rupert Murdoch hasn't been charged for systematically doing the exact same thing to get news stories for his News Empire. WTF?

I don't justify anyones privacy being invaded but if you have deep pockets and control enough politicians, you can get away with whatever you want.

Do you need proof that the top 1% play by a different set of rules than the rest?

Look no further than the 121 year prison sentence that Christopher Chaney is facing for hacking a few celebrity gmail and phone accounts.

Meanwhile, Rupert Murdoch hasn't been charged for systematically doing the exact same thing to get news stories for his News Empire. WTF?

I don't justify anyones privacy being invaded but if you have deep pockets and control enough politicians, you can get away with whatever you want.

Charlie Rangel cheats on his taxes and gets away with it, Bill Clinton commits perjury and gets away with it, a prostitution and drug ring gets busted in Barney Frank's basement and he survives to be the biggest booster of Fannie and Freddie which led to our economic collapse all without consequence.

George Soros engages in subversive attacks against our economy and Buffett and GE are the biggest cronies of the Obama administration.

Eric Holder let's guns get trafficked to Mexico resulting in the killing of 2 border agents and at least 200 mexicans without punishment.

There are clearly two standards but it's not rich vs poor. It's the political class vs the country. If these guys at Wall Street took it DC and directed some of that anger at Obama, the biggest job killer and corporate shill of all, I'd join but these idiots are begging for his help.

Wake up! Obama wants your vote AND Wall Street money - not either, or.

Charlie Rangel cheats on his taxes and gets away with it, Bill Clinton commits perjury and gets away with it, a prostitution and drug ring gets busted in Barney Frank's basement and he survives to be the biggest booster of Fannie and Freddie which led to our economic collapse all without consequence.

George Soros engages in subversive attacks against our economy and Buffett and GE are the biggest cronies of the Obama administration.

Eric Holder let's guns get trafficked to Mexico resulting in the killing of 2 border agents and at least 200 mexicans without punishment.

There are clearly two standards but it's not rich vs poor. It's the political class vs the country. If these guys at Wall Street took it DC and directed some of that anger at Obama, the biggest job killer and corporate shill of all, I'd join but these idiots are begging for his help.

Wake up! Obama wants your vote AND Wall Street money - not either, or.

You absolutely nailed it!!! Thank you.