Would have been better to get sacked in January


It is so sad to think that many of us would have made out better financially if we had been cut back in January. If the possible scenarios play out like they might, and this split affects severance, pension, etc, then we have been working for nothing this year. I know there are no guarantees in life, business, etc. but it still stinks to get shafted.


Stop whining. You have lost nothing compared to those who got sacked.
You have had a job for almost an entire year, and you will probably be employed or getting severance for a least several more months or years.
Last year cuts should have been a warning sign to everyone to get their resumes out there. Take my word, it's much easier to get a job while you are still employed.

It is so sad to think that many of us would have made out better financially if we had been cut back in January. If the possible scenarios play out like they might, and this split affects severance, pension, etc, then we have been working for nothing this year. I know there are no guarantees in life, business, etc. but it still stinks to get shafted.
