It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a month.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

...Once a individual is asked to come to HQ the game is over. There is a solid case.

Not necessarily. If the case is solid, there's no need to waste everyone's time flying you in.

You win the trip to the Park if they need your help to close the case. By "close" I mean you leaving the company, one way or the other.

Abbott has gone to great lengths to create the mystique of the basement torture chambers and black hooded interrogators at the Park for a reason. Intimidation. It's real, but with a healthy dose of theatrics.

The reason they bring you in is they need to provide them something: a confession, the missing link, or even better convince you to quit.

There is only one way out of the Basement alive, and that is to be an actor yourself. You must always appear to be helpful, innocent, and thoughtful. You need to be serious, never antagonistic, or loose your cool. Pretend your in an interview for a job you really want. Call them, with no sarcasm, sir or ma'am. They'll blush, "call me Barb". Don't do it. They want you to relax at that point. "We're here to help you, we're all friends". Nope.

You favorite response will be "Gee, not that I recall", and "Golly, I'm trying to remember, but that was a long time ago ... I'll have to look over my call notes at home.". Simple, short, polite answers. Never volunteer any information, even if you think it will clear the matter up by explaining the details or back ground around the situation. That is exactly what they are looking for... more info that they can twist.

If you're doing well, you'll know it because they will start to get mad, insulting even. Never rise to that bait. Polite, calm, let the silences after your simple short answers play out.

Don't profess your innocence. Only guilty people feel the need to say they are innocent. For innocent people, it never occurs to them to profess innocence because it never occurs to them that they are guilty of anything.

Now, this is of course assuming you are indeed innocent. You know if you have done something wrong, so if they lay that out to you, admit your error. " I realize now that was a mistake". Offer no explanation or additional detail trying to justify. If the "mistake" is serious, as in criminal, as in they will prosecute you, you should end the meeting by stating you need to consult a lawyer.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

This happened to me a couple of years ago. I was prepared to just say "I don't recall" and the whole interragation got so ridiculous that it was almost impossible not to respond. The person who I spoke with was very good at trying to trip me up. Some of the types of things she questioned on my expense reports were things like parking, writing in a tip on a receipt, customer in-office lunches...many of these things 3 or 4 years ago. Who doesn't hand write a tip on a meal receipt?? Crazy stuff and her attitude was so "holier than thou." I actually went away thinking I'd done a good job of explaining everything but no sooner did I think that, I found out they were putting me on probation while they completed the investigation. The HR Advocate is NOT your friend. I eventually was let go, but now I am so glad I was. The whole thing was a horrible, humiliating experience, but truly a blessing now that I am at a new company that is 100 times better. Good luck! You'll need it.

Classic example of what they want to do. It's hard not to loose your cool, get angry, lash back. But you can't. You're Gomer Pyle ... goollyy geee, I'm in the big city! Don't rise to the bait. Silence is your friend. Don't explain, add detail or back ground. You're only giving them more ammo. Short simple answers. Avoid absolute definitives, like "always" and "never", because if they are asking, they probably have an example of where you did, or didn't. After they reveal that, their next question may be "So what other lies have you told us?".

As you've learned, you don't go the Park unless your DM, RM and VP have decided that they can do without you. If you survive, you're a liability and a threat, because you know your DM and RM helped them with evidence and building a case against you. You may not be fired, but your days are numbered.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

Yes, everyone writes the tip on the receipt as it is not rung up on the bill, I have long wondered about that of course, you have your credit card statement that clearly shows the full amount that was charged. I am beggiining to think that once you are marked for getting the boot, its a done deal. Really to bring up things like that 3-4 years ago is hogwash, kind of like the kid who says he was abused, but only brings it up 30 years later, etc. maybe it happened maybe it didnt, but if there is concern on a reciept shouldnt it be questioned by an auditor reviewing expense reports? Did they drop the ball? From what I can tell every expense report is approved by an auditor who looks at it. If a tip is written in simply say hey, can I get the CC statement on this. That can be taken care of in a month or less and clearly show the accuracy. Good luck to anyone who goes to GS. 95% of the time there is a problem that cant be explained everyone makes mistakes. It used to be samples, 10 years ago samples were the number one issue. I had a friend who got let go, they tried to get her to admit that hey everyone makes a mistake, everyone is human, nobody is perfect, etc. she was off 5 boxes of hytrin she basically got let go because she tried to "fix" it on other calls was the way they put it. I got called for being off, on the phone I just kept saying I made a mistake, I recorded inventory as exactly what I had and must have made and error, I dont know, the lady said that is what I wanted to hear, I will close this out and adjust inventory and you start from here. So, dont muddle up your answers be quick concise and shut your mouth. I always leave a tip and have statements showing such. or, Every resturant leaves the tip line blank I fill in accuratley what I actually left as a tip. or, I always follow policy to the Nth degree.

Your DM may be required to reject a certain percent of expense reports by their RM just to establish that they DM is reviewing these carefully. Rejections % shows up on management reports. The problem with this, if forced on your DM, is in their desperation to find reports to reject, they do two things. First, all to often they reject something that can be easily explained. Second, because each time they reject a report it is also logged in against the rep. Over time, reps with multiple rejected expenses pop up on the radar screen at the Park for investigation. Even if all the rejections were immediately cleared up without changes (ie your DM was wrong to reject them, so they were approved as is), you're still on the radar screen. The investigator that has you on a list needs to clear you, and is likely to dig a bit first, even if he sees that all were cleared without changes, because he might be thinking you're getting away with something. At that point, you can always find something wrong with anyone put under the microscope.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I was sent in to talk about my expense reports. When I arrived it was a full court press. I went to the restroom walked downstairs and out the door. Caught a cab back to the airport.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I was sent in to talk about my expense reports. When I arrived it was a full court press. I went to the restroom walked downstairs and out the door. Caught a cab back to the airport.

I once played golf and had lunch and drinks afterwards and expensed it. (4 years ago) They never caught me; now you have me worried that I may be brought up to the Park. Please advise. Oh and I wrote in the tip amount which now that I'm looking at it, I left 24 % tip. I must of been drinking. Please advise.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I once played golf and had lunch and drinks afterwards and expensed it. (4 years ago) They never caught me; now you have me worried that I may be brought up to the Park. Please advise. Oh and I wrote in the tip amount which now that I'm looking at it, I left 24 % tip. I must of been drinking. Please advise.

Watch out!! They are going to come after the golf balls you obviously still have wedged up your ass.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

so let me be sure I got this straight...Biff or Buffy, the hyped up UPS driver, sample dropper, expenses a lunch and writes in their tip security sees this and instead of calling them and their DM, they actually fly you to Chicago to meet with you?? you are kidding right?

you wonder why medicine is so expensive and then you clowns want to bash Obamacare?

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

let me be sure I understand..Biff or Buffy, the hyped up delivery driver in a skirt or suit, expenses a meal, writes the tip in and GS calls them. They actually fly them to Chicago to discuss this?

no wonder RX are so expensive .and you bash Healthcare reform?

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

Watch out!! They are going to come after the golf balls you obviously still have wedged up your ass.

OMG you are so silly. I just love your humor. I bet you would like a taste of my driver. Let me know, you silly goose.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I once played golf and had lunch and drinks afterwards and expensed it. (4 years ago) They never caught me; now you have me worried that I may be brought up to the Park. Please advise. Oh and I wrote in the tip amount which now that I'm looking at it, I left 24 % tip. I must of been drinking. Please advise.

You never said if it was for a doctor or a couple of friends; either way I wouldn't worry about it, unless you continue to do it. If it was legit do it again and have more drinks and chill out.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

so let me be sure I got this straight...Biff or Buffy, the hyped up UPS driver, sample dropper, expenses a lunch and writes in their tip security sees this and instead of calling them and their DM, they actually fly you to Chicago to meet with you?? you are kidding right?

you wonder why medicine is so expensive and then you clowns want to bash Obamacare?

No, I wonder why your "you want fries with that Happy Meal" ass is here on the pharma board questioning people with much higher IQ's and jobs. Get off mommie's computer and go wash the french frie oil from your pimply face. BTW, Obamacare sucks.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I was called up to abbott park. I told them to lick the diabetic sores from the soles of my feet. They did and i was left alone. Hope this helps

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

They will try to be your "friend" and tell you if you are honest with them, you will be ok. I had a friend fired for "falsification" bc he was off by 1 case of product. They then fired him by phone with a script read to him, no answers to any questions he had and that was that. Later, Abbott tried to deny unemployment and at the hearing (done by phone) by 2 of the most unprofessional HR women ever employed, they became "enraged" bc he brought his lawyer to the hearing. They insisted it was their right to know beforehand an attorney would be present, which is not the case at all. The magistrate actually berated the HR people for wasting her time and stated if they contacted him in any way, it would be considered harrassment. Moral of the story- talk to a lawyer and get advice no matter what the situation. My friend was glad he did- well worth the $. His lawyer was even shocked- stated in all the years in practice, never saw such lying and potential bullying.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

They will try to be your "friend" and tell you if you are honest with them, you will be ok. I had a friend fired for "falsification" bc he was off by 1 case of product. They then fired him by phone with a script read to him, no answers to any questions he had and that was that. Later, Abbott tried to deny unemployment and at the hearing (done by phone) by 2 of the most unprofessional HR women ever employed, they became "enraged" bc he brought his lawyer to the hearing. They insisted it was their right to know beforehand an attorney would be present, which is not the case at all. The magistrate actually berated the HR people for wasting her time and stated if they contacted him in any way, it would be considered harrassment. Moral of the story- talk to a lawyer and get advice no matter what the situation. My friend was glad he did- well worth the $. His lawyer was even shocked- stated in all the years in practice, never saw such lying and potential bullying.

Pure BS. Anything that begins with "I had a friend..." is a one-side, bogus rant. Is this what you think the "other side" would say or agree with? When you go into AP for a discussion about some issues, they already are "proven" or not, right? But they won't bring you in unless they are already documented. Your friend was a loser, who lied, then tried to "fix" the sample mistake. BIG MISTAKE; not the original error, but trying to cover it up.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

Look like Abbott HR trolls are here on this site. What is the matter-are they threatening to offshore your jobs to India ? Trying to prove you matter-bottom feeding trash?

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

Not true, I had a friend in fact I know of several who have made the visit to GS 90 percent did not make it out alive. So really, anyone on this board most likely knows someone sent to GS and has the story behind it. Some actually post themselves about the experience.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I was sent in for purchasing tears from my company to service their major sports team. I expensed it and was sent to HQ ti interview w lawyer, global compliance and 2 HR people. I was honest....I made amistake....they said quid pro quo...didn't realize I made. Mistake by expensing it for $120. Already had their biz and gained nothing from it. It has been almost two weeks and I have heard nothing. Any insight?

QUOTE=Anonymous;4420892]Not necessarily. If the case is solid, there's no need to waste everyone's ti

me flying you in.

You win the trip to the Park if they need your help to close the case. By "close" I mean you leaving the company, one way or the other.

Abbott has gone to great lengths to create the mystique of the basement torture chambers and black hooded interrogators at the Park for a reason. Intimidation. It's real, but with a healthy dose of theatrics.

The reason they bring you in is they need to provide them something: a confession, the missing link, or even better convince you to quit.

There is only one way out of the Basement alive, and that is to be an actor yourself. You must always appear to be helpful, innocent, and thoughtful. You need to be serious, never antagonistic, or loose your cool. Pretend your in an interview for a job you really want. Call them, with no sarcasm, sir or ma'am. They'll blush, "call me Barb". Don't do it. They want you to relax at that point. "We're here to help you, we're all friends". Nope.

You favorite response will be "Gee, not that I recall", and "Golly, I'm trying to remember, but that was a long time ago ... I'll have to look over my call notes at home.". Simple, short, polite answers. Never volunteer any information, even if you think it will clear the matter up by explaining the details or back ground around the situation. That is exactly what they are looking for... more info that they can twist.

If you're doing well, you'll know it because they will start to get mad, insulting even. Never rise to that bait. Polite, calm, let the silences after your simple short answers play out.

Don't profess your innocence. Only guilty people feel the need to say they are innocent. For innocent people, it never occurs to them to profess innocence because it never occurs to them that they are guilty of anything.

Now, this is of course assuming you are indeed innocent. You know if you have done something wrong, so if they lay that out to you, admit your error. " I realize now that was a mistake". Offer no explanation or additional detail trying to justify. If the "mistake" is serious, as in criminal, as in they will prosecute you, you should end the meeting by stating you need to consult a lawyer.[/QUOTE]

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

Any honest insight appreciated. Asked some questions about ppeople I work for too.

I was sent in for purchasing tears from my company to service their major sports team. I expensed it and was sent to HQ ti interview w lawyer, global compliance and 2 HR people. I was honest....I made amistake....they said quid pro quo...didn't realize I made. Mistake by expensing it for $120. Already had their biz and gained nothing from it. It has been almost two weeks and I have heard nothing. Any insight?

QUOTE=Anonymous;4420892]Not necessarily. If the case is solid, there's no need to waste everyone's ti

me flying you in.

You win the trip to the Park if they need your help to close the case. By "close" I mean you leaving the company, one way or the other.

Abbott has gone to great lengths to create the mystique of the basement torture chambers and black hooded interrogators at the Park for a reason. Intimidation. It's real, but with a healthy dose of theatrics.

The reason they bring you in is they need to provide them something: a confession, the missing link, or even better convince you to quit.

There is only one way out of the Basement alive, and that is to be an actor yourself. You must always appear to be helpful, innocent, and thoughtful. You need to be serious, never antagonistic, or loose your cool. Pretend your in an interview for a job you really want. Call them, with no sarcasm, sir or ma'am. They'll blush, "call me Barb". Don't do it. They want you to relax at that point. "We're here to help you, we're all friends". Nope.

You favorite response will be "Gee, not that I recall", and "Golly, I'm trying to remember, but that was a long time ago ... I'll have to look over my call notes at home.". Simple, short, polite answers. Never volunteer any information, even if you think it will clear the matter up by explaining the details or back ground around the situation. That is exactly what they are looking for... more info that they can twist.

If you're doing well, you'll know it because they will start to get mad, insulting even. Never rise to that bait. Polite, calm, let the silences after your simple short answers play out.

Don't profess your innocence. Only guilty people feel the need to say they are innocent. For innocent people, it never occurs to them to profess innocence because it never occurs to them that they are guilty of anything.

Now, this is of course assuming you are indeed innocent. You know if you have done something wrong, so if they lay that out to you, admit your error. " I realize now that was a mistake". Offer no explanation or additional detail trying to justify. If the "mistake" is serious, as in criminal, as in they will prosecute you, you should end the meeting by stating you need to consult a lawyer.