It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a month.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I was contacted last week and am being investigated. I was told not to say a word to anyone. I was told that some one has made a allegation against me which is bs. My coworker was fired over 2 years ago and he was told someone made a allegation against him as well. I think they say this to make it appear people have the goods on us. I have done nothing wrong and told the bitch that. Flying to Abbott Park this coming week to be interrogated. Bring it on....

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I was contacted last week and am being investigated. I was told not to say a word to anyone. I was told that some one has made a allegation against me which is bs. My coworker was fired over 2 years ago and he was told someone made a allegation against him as well. I think they say this to make it appear people have the goods on us. I have done nothing wrong and told the bitch that. Flying to Abbott Park this coming week to be interrogated. Bring it on....

You may suggest that the person leveling these allegations be present. Everyone has the right to meet their accuser face to face. If they cannot produce that, suggest the meeting be delayed until you are informed who, and specifically what charges are being made. Tell them this is on the advice of your legal counsel.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

You may suggest that the person leveling these allegations be present. Everyone has the right to meet their accuser face to face. If they cannot produce that, suggest the meeting be delayed until you are informed who, and specifically what charges are being made. Tell them this is on the advice of your legal counsel.

I am bringing my lawyer with me. My wife.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

good luck and also contact the eeoc. they will be very interested to hear no matter your color, religion, sex, or age. you go!

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

You may suggest that the person leveling these allegations be present. Everyone has the right to meet their accuser face to face. If they cannot produce that, suggest the meeting be delayed until you are informed who, and specifically what charges are being made. Tell them this is on the advice of your legal counsel.

Yes in a court of law which this isn't. You cannot bring an attorney either.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

I was contacted last week and am being investigated. I was told not to say a word to anyone. I was told that some one has made a allegation against me which is bs. My coworker was fired over 2 years ago and he was told someone made a allegation against him as well. I think they say this to make it appear people have the goods on us. I have done nothing wrong and told the bitch that. Flying to Abbott Park this coming week to be interrogated. Bring it on....

That is ridiculous if this is true, first off, you have every right to know who accused you of what. At this point it is nothing more than a rumor. Imagine if in court ( I realize this is not a court), that an attorney asked a witness, tell me what happened, and you reply, I heard that the guy is a crook, bam objection, sustained...They will have to tell you who is making the accusation. If they say employee X and give you a name, then respond ok lets get that person up here so all of Us can discuss it. if they wont give you a name, respond the same way, say it would only be fair if that person was present too discuss this. Of course they will reject that, then just say well since the person who is falsely accusing me is not present I have nothing more to say, and say nothing, and I mean Nothing!

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

Just dont say anything, if they say so and so has alleged, then say who and when if they say we wont disclose then just say, then if person is not here to explain then we are done and I am not saying another word

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

When asked a question reply "I cannot recall". Then ask for what information they have to refresh your recollection. "I don't recall that as you have documented". Obfuscate.

Keeping the real pharma matters at the forefront, and the stupid ones on page 2. Nobody depends on tomato soup and tuna recipes here, people are coming here for genuine advice. You corporate shills playing the game of tying up this board with nonsense are jerks.

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

People, this is true...they do it this way every time. Trust me, it happened to me. They forced me to come to Abbott Park, then proceeded to tell me that I may not retalliate against the person or persons that brought an allegation against me. I know now that was all a crock of shit.. That person or persons does not exist. I ended up resigning before being fired. Just know going in that this is how it rolls....................

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

are you a grandparent? that might be the reason you were called in. your way to old for this gig!

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

Someone told me that they made it out but was rough and tumble and She asked for a full report with accusations what date, who, etc etc etc She made it out. She didnt threaten legal action but did talk to her attorney prior to and to a corp atty as well..She made it out and kept job but left and went on to win 2 or 3 years in a row what is equal to our all star or summit award with a new company nothing like forcing out talent to keep the ship afloat

Re: It's a witch hunt to fire people. I have been investigated for expenses for a mon

Someone told me that they made it out but was rough and tumble and She asked for a full report with accusations what date, who, etc etc etc She made it out. She didnt threaten legal action but did talk to her attorney prior to and to a corp atty as well..She made it out and kept job but left and went on to win 2 or 3 years in a row what is equal to our all star or summit award with a new company nothing like forcing out talent to keep the ship afloat

I could see why they would want to leave so either way mission accomplished on the side of the manager, or RM or whoever wanted them gone....

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