The Dumbest Thing You've Ever Been Asked To Do

There are so many, but here are few:

1. After dropping my DM off at his car, drive down the road like I am going back into my territory, then taking some side roads to make sure I'm out of sight and head for home.
2. Pretend I care about the job, the patients, the physicians.
3. Sleep in a hotel room with another dude and tell myself it's not that gay.
4. Organize my trunk and read the sales aid the night before a DM ride so I can fake it real good.
5. Back in the day we kept call notes on paper. Before a DM ride I would fake all of the call notes for each doc over the last 30 days.
6. Order a fucking birthday cake...that's the fucking worst.
7. Take a fucking holiday picture with my pod mates - puke.
8. Wear my name tag when with my DM. So degrading.
9. Go to a workshop of any kind, closing, opening, whatever.
10. All time dumbest thing I've been asked to do - tell people what I do for a living and have to defend it so I don't look like a complete loser.

All of the above

Seriously... we were shipped 200 cases of f'ing Zone Bars and instead of getting cookies,etc for dessert at lunches or when doing "snack" inservices, we were expected to use these. Oh, great idea, cut them up and set them on a platter. Right. It was "apparently" supposed to help with the launch and brand awareness for the new flavors of Zone Bars that were sold at retail. You know, new flavors like peanut butter yogurt.... GROSS. Of course, you only actually used them on field rides with your boss.... I couldn't even give the cases away to friends/family.

This was around the same time that we were expected to get our docs logged into webinars during lunches. :)

Role play certifications were always meaningless, unrealistic and full of Fluff. 95% of material was NEVER used again once leaving the meeting. Yet company wasted tons of money flying docs to meeting sites and setting up this fancy venue site. Dumb Dumd and. Dumber

Former upper level manager here: in case you didn't realize, role plays have a definitive purpose for our sales team. They are meant to humiliate, unnerve and generally remind you that we are in charge. We know they mean nothing in the real world, but on Fridays over cocktails we sit and laugh the way you were humiliated at the last sales meeting. Got it!!!!!!!!!!

When I got laid off I went to Siemens and they allow the Reps a great deal of latitude on doing Doc seminars etc. The afternoon lunches are 100 % better than handing out "zone bars". All that does is make Abbott look cheap and unprofessional.

Oh yes, I was there to greet all the customers in this Doctors group and a Abbott Rep tried to sneak in and get some of the food. He did not think I recognized she and he covered his Vendormate badge so that I would not know who she was. She told me all she wanted was some food and that the customer said she could have some. Real sad. The Abbott Rep is so hungry that she has to go to a Seimen's product info lunch seminar.

Former upper level manager here: in case you didn't realize, role plays have a definitive purpose for our sales team. They are meant to humiliate, unnerve and generally remind you that we are in charge. We know they mean nothing in the real world, but on Fridays over cocktails we sit and laugh the way you were humiliated at the last sales meeting. Got it!!!!!!!!!!

Try currently unemployed and a$$ brained moron. Save the delusional dreams pal and wake your sorry a$$ up.

AN here. The absolute dumbest thing I've been asked to do is no longer sell products and forced to push concepts to hospital administrators, VPs of finance and nursing who couldn't give a rat's ass about nutrition. My loyal customers who have sent me to TPC 4 times in 12 years look at me and say WTF?
My unattainable goals now are based on number of protocols developed which result in $0 of trackable sales!

We had a rep in our district who thought they became the c-suite expert. Remember that term from last year. No one talks about that anymore because they caught on and don't want to deal with us.What a pompous ass. Does everyone have someone in their district that becomes the expert in whatever the flavor of the month is? this job has become an absolute joke.

Having to dance with mgr's and home office people during evening socials at the sales meetings. Fake it all the way while making those idiots feel like they matter. Now I just blow them off and leave.

Received a box of toddler zone bars with literature and was asked to pass them out to my trick or treaters. No kid willingly wanted them, so I would hide them under the real candy and quickly drop them in their buckets after the sun went down! Ugh!!

Received a box of toddler zone bars with literature and was asked to pass them out to my trick or treaters. No kid willingly wanted them, so I would hide them under the real candy and quickly drop them in their buckets after the sun went down! Ugh!!

I decided to sing karaoke by performing at lots of parties and bars and clubs for Abbott.

Received a box of toddler zone bars with literature and was asked to pass them out to my trick or treaters. No kid willingly wanted them, so I would hide them under the real candy and quickly drop them in their buckets after the sun went down! Ugh!!

No, No, that can't be true, could it? AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGH.