Worst Medical Companies

The bolded part is FUCKING HILARIOUS

You have a lot of demons to deal with, you act as though you were fired from Applied. As a current employee for more than 2 years I can tell you some of the things you say are quite true. But, it does take true talent to last. We do make similar paychecks to the typical USSC and EES reps make, if you can sell.... Sounds like you are losing market share....

Applied Medical - Urology

Wow, I was just called by recruiter for Applied Medical Urology. I just read a book by a futurist (phD) that predicts trends and he said Urology is the dept. to sell to. But I'm skeptical about Applied Medical. I understand Urology div is the best place to work in that company. Does the whole company suck or just certain divisions? I'd appreciate any feedback ...especially from the vets of the business.

Re: Worst Medical Companies-Medline

Worked for Medline...basically in nursing home div in 1991. Wow, all they try to do is bone you. Avoid them at all costs..in any division.

Empi was recently purchased by Blackstone, which is one of the best private equity firms in the world. In recent months Empi has purchased Rehabilacare, Iomed, Saunders, and Chatanooga Group. Blackstone is pumping tons of cash into all aspects of the company. They are now able to pay reps and the QOL is excellent. It is a really great gig and and the company is really growing. I work for the company and really really enjoy it. I should clear 175 this year...I can not complain!!!

Base doesn't matter at all. I hear of all these positions with a base of 60-80k but then you can only make another 15-20 in commish. I would rather have a lower base with an opportunity to make some real coin in commission (120-150)

You must be in GA, and lying. I was on a plane back from the National Meeting with one of the top reps from that territory, he said he barely made 125K. 300 RSA's for 125k= to much work. You could do better elsewhere.

i second that..cytyc management is full of pharma-reject peices of shit. comp sucks. management sucks. culture sucks. products are good. everything else is absolute shit.

Re: Worst Medical Companies - # 1 > I-Flow

Starts at top - Don Earhart/CEO, is a wicked at the top - hires Unscrupulous (Hitler) type manager. Bottom line is sales, close - do what ever it takes. Okay philosophy, but they run over sales reps - proof is in the "massive" turn-over rake. No concern for reps and it's do to the inadaquate hiring of POOR managers. Heard the manager for Florida is wack-o and has highest turn-over rate. Product is great, just poorly run company with NO concern for reps. I hear the quota's are very unrealistic, where the carrot is put WAY out in front, making it near impossible to make commission. GE Medical is soon to acquire - maybe then, they can have proper management!!

Re: Worst Medical Companies > I-Flow Corp

For those checking out I-Flow to work for, stop and turn around and run! There is not a more deceptive corporation starting at the TOP. The ONLY concern is the bottom line at the end of the day; NOT the representative, his family or well being. I hear the State of Florida has probably the worst every of managers (12/07), reps are leaving like flies, due to miss representation, over inflated quota's, and this persons totally miss management style. Apprently (M.D.) has the personality of a Pea.

Do NOT let them mis lead with their advertising; Commission from dollar one! Ask ANY of the existing 300 reps - not so! You have to meet a ridiculous quota to get 5%.

Turn and run..................