Worst HED/HD?

I left GNE a few years ago but recently found some old pics from my core training class. The only people left at the company from that class, (and it was a big one), are the snakes and sociopaths. Didn't trust them at the time and they've lived up to their reputation.

I left a year ago. I noticed the same thing. When GNE decided to transform, all the good leaders left. Then suddenly scum rose to the top. It brought all the sewage along with it. There went the good company.

Virtual love coming your way. Do you need a shoulder for your tears. You insulted management, and then play the victim when your moronic palaver is met with a rebuttal. Hopefully, you don't make it to the six biotech in your illustrious rep career.
Never would have seen this kind of trash on a GNE thread years ago.

From first to worst. The worst place to work, unless, you are into social justice which is far from practicing any science. Take a prep a pill and be ready to take it up the culo!

...and yet you are beneath me on the career ladder. What does that say about you, stupid? You keep replying with extemporaneous thoughts. Perhaps, you should better prepare your remarks, or you can continue to send replies that lend credence to why you, all, are reps. You're in over your heads. Good luck, minions.

Who would have ever guessed that your vocabulary would see improvement by felching JR? His autistic seed has turned you into a linguistic Rain Man. Charlie is proud of you, Raymond.

Trash is right. I feel bad for anyone who has to work with that loser.
Rep, morons. You, all, purport to be smarter than leadership, but alas, you're still reps. You have menial positions but continue to overstate your worth. There are numerous Lindsey Wilson College and University of Phoenix graduates that could, easily, do your job. If you want to feel important, we'll change your titles. How does the title of Pharmaceutical Agent and Sustenance Logistics Coordinator work for you?

Trash is right. I feel bad for anyone who has to work with that loser.
maybe some people get a kick out of managing whiny, 30 year old house wives that think they know everything about pharmaceutical development and regulatory guidance. I wouldn’t do it, but someone must enjoy listening to you bitch incessantly.

Rep, morons. You, all, purport to be smarter than leadership, but alas, you're still reps. You have menial positions but continue to overstate your worth. There are numerous Lindsey Wilson College and University of Phoenix graduates that could, easily, do your job. If you want to feel important, we'll change your titles. How does the title of Pharmaceutical Agent and Sustenance Logistics Coordinator work for you?

Get on some meds, man. You have some bizarre anger issues.

Get on some meds, man. You have some bizarre anger issues.

Rep, morons. You, all, purport to be smarter than leadership, but alas, you're still reps. You have menial positions but continue to overstate your worth. There are numerous Lindsey Wilson College and University of Phoenix graduates that could, easily, do your job. If you want to feel important, we'll change your titles. How does the title of Pharmaceutical Agent and Sustenance Logistics Coordinator work for you?
Only the real scientists (discovery) have any Real and unique worth in this business. Reps, sorry to inform you, are very important bc it does take a certain level of patience and finesse to deal with the customers and to get them to act. Lower and middle mgt, on the other hand, really have minimal value.

Only the real scientists (discovery) have any Real and unique worth in this business. Reps, sorry to inform you, are very important bc it does take a certain level of patience and finesse to deal with the customers and to get them to act. Lower and middle mgt, on the other hand, really have minimal value.
only reps would believe this drivel. you all are either ignorant, naive, and/or too stupid to understand the intricacies of this business. this is supported by all of the idiotic comments from the reps on this thread.

only reps would believe this drivel. you all are either ignorant, naive, and/or too stupid to understand the intricacies of this business. this is supported by all of the idiotic comments from the reps on this thread.

Speak for yourself and your knowledge/skills whatever they are. If you were really talented or smart, you would not be in this business. If you are not in the field, you are here for coasting purposes.

only reps would believe this drivel. you all are either ignorant, naive, and/or too stupid to understand the intricacies of this business. this is supported by all of the idiotic comments from the reps on this thread.
And if you had any valid management skills you wouldn't still be at Genentech.