Worst Amgen DM ever?

You better document everything. When manages start pulling crap like pulling a 180 on what the tell you and what they put in writing, there is probably already a “file” on you. Beat bet is report the action. Also, get resume ready. Sorry for the somber information around the holidays but your time maybe numbered.

You better document everything. When manages start pulling crap like pulling a 180 on what the tell you and what they put in writing, there is probably already a “file” on you. Beat bet is report the action. Also, get resume ready. Sorry for the somber information around the holidays but your time maybe numbered.
I recorded most of my conversations with my manager without him knowing (even performance discussions, so he couldn’t come back and say “I never said that”). I live in a state where there only 1 person consent rules. What a beautiful thing to have when I need it.

yeah right. that's gonna work. hr is always on the side of the manager

there is so much retaliation going on around here. everyone's afraid to call in their noncompliant managers for fear of getting managed out via behavior or whatever they want to pull
What is the deal with Amgen?? Why do they let these managers do what they do? D Hinds especially needs to wake up and grow a pair and do something. He knows it because I've heard him admit it.

You better document everything. When manages start pulling crap like pulling a 180 on what the tell you and what they put in writing, there is probably already a “file” on you. Beat bet is report the action. Also, get resume ready. Sorry for the somber information around the holidays but your time maybe numbered.
I agree with this. Not every manager is bad at Amgen but there are way too many people that experience this here especially in concentrated areas. Toxicity is like a cancer and will spread to adjacent areas. See if you can turn the tide on them. Go back and document things in your phone's calendar with times and specific incidents for the exit interview which you can always request. Subtle bullying and "managing out" is a type of harassment and if documented enough will finally start to be called out. If I ever heard of some sort of official case against Amgen I know several that would step forward and give their accounts with detailed documentation. I know one person that did bring it up and present it when she left due to "bullying" by management and Amgen HR didn't do a damn thing. Somebody by the last name Caputo in HR is never the person you want to speak with if you call HR to report. He will definitely throw you under the bus for the manager.

I agree with this. Not every manager is bad at Amgen but there are way too many people that experience this here especially in concentrated areas. Toxicity is like a cancer and will spread to adjacent areas. See if you can turn the tide on them. Go back and document things in your phone's calendar with times and specific incidents for the exit interview which you can always request. Subtle bullying and "managing out" is a type of harassment and if documented enough will finally start to be called out. If I ever heard of some sort of official case against Amgen I know several that would step forward and give their accounts with detailed documentation. I know one person that did bring it up and present it when she left due to "bullying" by management and Amgen HR didn't do a damn thing. Somebody by the last name Caputo in HR is never the person you want to speak with if you call HR to report. He will definitely throw you under the bus for the manager.

there's a great deal of bullying by mgrs here. the 50% behavior stuff is so much bs considering a rep can be in the top 5% and still get a mediocre review as they allow managers to pull the subjective card and say 50% of your raise and rankings are behaviors. no other company does that. it's wrong and shouldn't be allowed. they put their cockadoo crap in your mid year and end of year and bring up made up behaviors that they score you down on as that's the way they bully you here. Regionals allow it as they probably do it too. sales is sales and that should be far more of your ranking and raise. the behavior bs allows them to play with your mind and raises and allows them to get rid of you if they don't like u. popularity contest for sure you will suck of the most to the narcissistic and bullying mgrs

They should reduce the number of managers in half throughout the company. Maybe more, maybe less depending on BU. We aren’t just starting in the industry. The vast majority have been in Pharma sales for 8+years. Do we really need a micromanager to look over our shoulders all the time?

They should reduce the number of managers in half throughout the company. Maybe more, maybe less depending on BU. We aren’t just starting in the industry. The vast majority have been in Pharma sales for 8+years. Do we really need a micromanager to look over our shoulders all the time?
I would call Human Resources and report them. They’ll have your back.

thanks i will ring them tomorrow.
Be careful. I know someone that called HR and was steamrolled by the HR rep who called the manager. I'm telling you it's done all of the time here. Make sure if you do call you've got plenty of documentation to back you up. Even just recording things in your iphone planner with as much detail as possible especially if the manager is asking you do to do more admin like extra reports or things like that. My manager did that to the last person she ran off. It's a real skill they develop, bullying reps. They've got it down to a science at Amgen.

The compliance line is for shady cowards. It’s an extension of Human Resources and would be worse.

I'm wondering about this. you may be right. Systemic bullying is pervasive here.

Mgrs. make up stuff to fit their agenda. They put crap in FCR's and mid year, end of years that's often made up and cite. behaviors when those behaviors aren't there just wrong.

Bullying is the right word. Managers do it all the time when they want someone out of the company or off the team. They can be the best rep on the team, if that manager doesn’t like them (or feels threatened by them) regardless of what they have done, what they haven’t done or even what they have thought to of done, that manager will twist what they say into something that is a lie. It will then be upon the rep to prove that they didn’t do what they are being accused of. HR didn’t help the rep. HR is there to protect the company.