Worst Amgen DM ever?

All-time Hall of Shame bad manager was DH in VA Beach, BCBU. She was frightening! Like seriously needed to be on medication. One of the reps on our team kind of closed her eyes in the afternoon during a boring speaker at a regional meeting. This psychopath put it on her annual review—-“Fell asleep during meeting”. How pathetic and psychotic is that!! Needless to say, she made sure this rep got fired. Amgen is so toxic.

Amgen managers are afraid to speak up. The RSDs rule with heavy fists and will outcast any managers who don’t agree with them. The managers in-turn pass that mentality to their representatives. Representatives should be good soldiers and not have an opinion if their own.

The problem lies with the training types, almost all exclusively from Merck, Searle, Sanofi, Novartis, who have never been a DM. These types believe that training drives sales and they concoct all sorts of silliness that doesn't help. As a result, we focus more on doing teleconferences, market meetings, webcasts - anything but working on language that sells.

All-time Hall of Shame bad manager was DH in VA Beach, BCBU. She was frightening! Like seriously needed to be on medication. One of the reps on our team kind of closed her eyes in the afternoon during a boring speaker at a regional meeting. This psychopath put it on her annual review—-“Fell asleep during meeting”. How pathetic and psychotic is that!! Needless to say, she made sure this rep got fired. Amgen is so toxic.
Same sh** goes on in the Carolinas.

Mike Dif is an ass-kissing prick. He doesn’t have a thought of his own. The only thought he has is how far up VGs ass he can get. He follows her around like a little lost puppy dog. The other managers on her team even think he is her lap dog and try to stay away from him as much as possible by claiming to want to something with their team while at meetings. If you ever need Mike Dif at a meet g look for VG!

This thread has been going strong since Jan 2016 and several managers have been mentioned over and over throughout those four years. That's not a mistake that's trend. Just saying.

Do you realize the magnitude with which you’re truly dealing? Your worst nightmare is not your DSM. They are merely pawns & puppets in the Amgen fear-based culture game. Your fearful ESDs, VPs & GMs are the ones who pull the strings. They direct with “directive” coaching telling DSMs who gets put on a plan. Do you know your VP and Executive Directors literally put out “watchlists” by mid-July on all sales reps who have sales numbers in the bottom 30% in stack rank? If you’re there in the bottom 30 (not 10, bottom 30) your DSM is required to document in FCRs your ‘needs improvement’ in order to have enough documentation to legally put you on a performance improvement plan. Your DSM is merely a messenger in Amgen's fear-based management approach. If you truly want to focus on accountability, hold those beyond your DSM accountable. Most DSMs I know at Amgen care more about you than you may realize. Many of them are chastised on this list. Their hands are literally tied more than you will ever know. It’s a broken, toxic culture, The only fix for Amgen is for all high potential talent to walk away and find happiness elsewhere. There are so many talented reps and DSMs that exist at Amgen. Don’t allow yourself to put up with this, go find success and happiness elsewhere. It’s out there. You deserve it.

The other crazy thing about this post is the fact that there are a lot of “tenured reps” who couldn’t find a job anywhere else. They are complainers who can’t sell, but still enjoy the paycheck and benefits. Many of them are bitter because they’ve been passed up for promotions or external jobs.

The other crazy thing about this post is the fact that there are a lot of “tenured reps” who couldn’t find a job anywhere else. They are complainers who can’t sell, but still enjoy the paycheck and benefits. Many of them are bitter because they’ve been passed up for promotions or external jobs.
I've been here around 4 years. I've never applied for a promotion. I'm not necessarily on the bad side of my manager but I walk on egg shells with her and treat her w kid gloves. When she decides she wants you gone (for ANY reason... not for necessarily job performance) she will go to any length to get rid of you. Apparently managers can call HR and they'll start a file on you without you even knowing. Quite a bit of what they report is subjective to whatever she says. I know one person that left got no support from HR even though they had actual documentation that this manager lied in a few FCR's. HR was clearly on the manager's side. By the way this manager is a "protected population" and has been on a "probationary period" for mis-conduct in the past. Still though.... HR is nothing but her tool. I've watched and heard of quite a few come & go and I've seen the red flags myself. I'm otherwise really happy w Amgen and I just go along like everything is great and try to act like I like this manager so I can stay on her good side. I just don't understand why managers like this are allowed to continue this way.

I've been here around 4 years. I've never applied for a promotion. I'm not necessarily on the bad side of my manager but I walk on egg shells with her and treat her w kid gloves. When she decides she wants you gone (for ANY reason... not for necessarily job performance) she will go to any length to get rid of you. Apparently managers can call HR and they'll start a file on you without you even knowing. Quite a bit of what they report is subjective to whatever she says. I know one person that left got no support from HR even though they had actual documentation that this manager lied in a few FCR's. HR was clearly on the manager's side. By the way this manager is a "protected population" and has been on a "probationary period" for mis-conduct in the past. Still though.... HR is nothing but her tool. I've watched and heard of quite a few come & go and I've seen the red flags myself. I'm otherwise really happy w Amgen and I just go along like everything is great and try to act like I like this manager so I can stay on her good side. I just don't understand why managers like this are allowed to continue this way.