Worst Amgen DM ever?

I've never worked for her but she's got a long history for running people off or getting rid of people for no good reason.

this “getting rid of people for no good reason” is bullshit. Taking a case to an RSF and HR is complex and doesn’t happen unless there is documented underperformance over a long period of time. This particular complaint against Kim is empty.

this “getting rid of people for no good reason” is bullshit. Taking a case to an RSF and HR is complex and doesn’t happen unless there is documented underperformance over a long period of time. This particular complaint against Kim is empty.
Oh let's see... There was one of her top performers (award winner) when she managed the Prolia team.She got rid of this rep based on a BS story she gave to HR after the rep held her accountable on something specific I won't mention here. Then literally right after that rep was let go there were THREE more reps (in the same territory) she weeded out. One had been her little "favorite" for years until a new "fave" came on scene. Then there was another guy she had fired for what she called "faking calls" when he was doing exactly what his counterpart was doing. Kim liked the his mirror counterpart though so she never addressed that issue with her. Then there was the girl she pushed in the pool (no big deal right?). Then there were several contract reps she weeded out unfairly and not due to poor performance just based on not really caring for them any longer. Clearly depends on her mood. HR is nothing but her tool.

Oh let's see... There was one of her top performers (award winner) when she managed the Prolia team.She got rid of this rep based on a BS story she gave to HR after the rep held her accountable on something specific I won't mention here. Then literally right after that rep was let go there were THREE more reps (in the same territory) she weeded out. One had been her little "favorite" for years until a new "fave" came on scene. Then there was another guy she had fired for what she called "faking calls" when he was doing exactly what his counterpart was doing. Kim liked the his mirror counterpart though so she never addressed that issue with her. Then there was the girl she pushed in the pool (no big deal right?). Then there were several contract reps she weeded out unfairly and not due to poor performance just based on not really caring for them any longer. Clearly depends on her mood. HR is nothing but her tool.
Of course this all what I just "heard" so could be completely untrue.

Oh let's see... There was one of her top performers (award winner) when she managed the Prolia team.She got rid of this rep based on a BS story she gave to HR after the rep held her accountable on something specific I won't mention here. Then literally right after that rep was let go there were THREE more reps (in the same territory) she weeded out. One had been her little "favorite" for years until a new "fave" came on scene. Then there was another guy she had fired for what she called "faking calls" when he was doing exactly what his counterpart was doing. Kim liked the his mirror counterpart though so she never addressed that issue with her. Then there was the girl she pushed in the pool (no big deal right?). Then there were several contract reps she weeded out unfairly and not due to poor performance just based on not really caring for them any longer. Clearly depends on her mood. HR is nothing but her tool.
A lot of female managers are trying to hard to prove something, and they end up with shitty people skills. Oh wait that's also true of many male managers

Oh let's see... There was one of her top performers (award winner) when she managed the Prolia team.She got rid of this rep based on a BS story she gave to HR after the rep held her accountable on something specific I won't mention here. Then literally right after that rep was let go there were THREE more reps (in the same territory) she weeded out. One had been her little "favorite" for years until a new "fave" came on scene. Then there was another guy she had fired for what she called "faking calls" when he was doing exactly what his counterpart was doing. Kim liked the his mirror counterpart though so she never addressed that issue with her. Then there was the girl she pushed in the pool (no big deal right?). Then there were several contract reps she weeded out unfairly and not due to poor performance just based on not really caring for them any longer. Clearly depends on her mood. HR is nothing but her tool.
Don't worry. You're still pretty.

this “getting rid of people for no good reason” is bullshit. Taking a case to an RSF and HR is complex and doesn’t happen unless there is documented underperformance over a long period of time. This particular complaint against Kim is empty.

You’re shitting us right? “Taking a case to an RSF and HR is complex and doesn’t happen unless there is documented underperformance over a long period of time.” This is laughable! HR and Staff Relationships are here to do what DMs and management in general say. They make their case. They are, tools, nothing but puppets, dummies that get rid of people they don’t like and anyone that challenges them gets written up and then the boot!

Many of the managers do not possess leadership nor work ethic.
It totally boggles my mind that 1st line people managers are so incompetent to lead teams. The goal for managers (from the reps point of view) is to help them grow professionally and move obstacles out of the the way so the rep can grow business. The goal for managers (from the regional managers point of view) is to kiss their ass so that that the regionals ego is fed and fulfilled. The regional manager cares about making sure their insecure and delicate ego isn’t broken. Win The Heart and Win The Mind and you will win the representative. You break the trust and you lose the representative for a long time. Managers, don’t lose the trust. Know your representatives and trust them that they are doing their jobs. Don’t micromanage.

Most of these managers were mediocre reps at best. Then they are miraculously transformed into leaders by some training related mostly on how to complete FCRs and interview. Their entire job becomes covering up their own incompetencies. Anyone with more tenure and experience that is not kissing their ass becomes a threat.