Worst Amgen DM ever?

My manager has repeatedly told me that HR works for the managers and does not work for the representatives. I have a list of things that my manager has told me about other reps (many of them HR issues). I could go to HR but I would be fired for some sort of cock-a-mamie BS that never happened.

I am in HR and you are all wrong. HR is in the business of protecting Amgen, period. We will turn on whoever we need to protect Amgen. Nothing else matters. Not reps, not managers, not "protected class" projects, not vendors - nothing. We do a cost/benefit calculation on the most damage to Amgen and move as needed. Get this in your tiny heads: you mean nothing.

I am in HR and you are all wrong. HR is in the business of protecting Amgen, period. We will turn on whoever we need to protect Amgen. Nothing else matters. Not reps, not managers, not "protected class" projects, not vendors - nothing. We do a cost/benefit calculation on the most damage to Amgen and move as needed. Get this in your tiny heads: you mean nothing.
If it looks corporate and sounds corporate, it’s corporate.The “perfect” HR response. It’s not a complete lie, but make no mistake about it, one rep is almost always completely powerless vs. a manager. It’s only when a manager has a series of events with multiple reps that will begin to trigger HR questioning the manager. This is as per a former manager.

If it looks corporate and sounds corporate, it’s corporate.The “perfect” HR response. It’s not a complete lie, but make no mistake about it, one rep is almost always completely powerless vs. a manager. It’s only when a manager has a series of events with multiple reps that will begin to trigger HR questioning the manager. This is as per a former manager.
As another post eloquently stated “HR works for the manager not the rep”. Representatives have the deck stacked against them.

If it looks corporate and sounds corporate, it’s corporate.The “perfect” HR response. It’s not a complete lie, but make no mistake about it, one rep is almost always completely powerless vs. a manager. It’s only when a manager has a series of events with multiple reps that will begin to trigger HR questioning the manager. This is as per a former manager.
Well my manager has many she's run off. Prolia peeps and Repatha peeps. She was on a roll in one territory in particular. As a matter of fact after the last one left she just decided to combine the territory w another smaller one. I guess they got tired of trying to keep it filled. She does whatever she wants. It's pretty funny.

Well my manager has many she's run off. Prolia peeps and Repatha peeps. She was on a roll in one territory in particular. As a matter of fact after the last one left she just decided to combine the territory w another smaller one. I guess they got tired of trying to keep it filled. She does whatever she wants. It's pretty funny.
She sounds hot.

Managers at Amgen have one goal in mind...work as least as possible. They get rid of those representatives that actually make them work. If you ask you manager to do anything be prepared to have your life go down the tubes. They don’t want to work. They want the easy paycheck for doing as little as possible. Welcome to Amgen!

Managers at Amgen have one goal in mind...work as least as possible. They get rid of those representatives that actually make them work. If you ask you manager to do anything be prepared to have your life go down the tubes. They don’t want to work. They want the easy paycheck for doing as little as possible. Welcome to Amgen!

Also completely comical how they play the RBDs. Passing of the work they are supposed to be doing to the reps then playing it off as if they really know the business. Watched two neighboring DMs do this to the same RBD.

I am in HR and you are all wrong. HR is in the business of protecting Amgen, period. We will turn on whoever we need to protect Amgen. Nothing else matters. Not reps, not managers, not "protected class" projects, not vendors - nothing. We do a cost/benefit calculation on the most damage to Amgen and move as needed. Get this in your tiny heads: you mean nothing.

Managers always win. Reps lose their jobs.

I've been here around 4 years. I've never applied for a promotion. I'm not necessarily on the bad side of my manager but I walk on egg shells with her and treat her w kid gloves. When she decides she wants you gone (for ANY reason... not for necessarily job performance) she will go to any length to get rid of you. Apparently managers can call HR and they'll start a file on you without you even knowing. Quite a bit of what they report is subjective to whatever she says. I know one person that left got no support from HR even though they had actual documentation that this manager lied in a few FCR's. HR was clearly on the manager's side. By the way this manager is a "protected population" and has been on a "probationary period" for mis-conduct in the past. Still though.... HR is nothing but her tool. I've watched and heard of quite a few come & go and I've seen the red flags myself. I'm otherwise really happy w Amgen and I just go along like everything is great and try to act like I like this manager so I can stay on her good side. I just don't understand why managers like this are allowed to continue this way.

The onc DM in Louisiana that reported his rep to compliance for drawing a picture to try to explain something while he works one day a year with his reps, but puts in FCRs every week. He "field" coaches while hunting, not using vacation days and had a messy affair with a coworker when he was a DM in Florida. Par for the course. Our managers stink.

If you have that much on him, there has to be more out there. Why don't you call Compliance on him? That's what it's there for, complaints. Not only for managers, it's there for us too.
Of course, lets trust that the case will be handled right; with the POS's in Staffing Relations, maybe it won't be, but I've heard there are a lot of eyes on these. Hope stuck up rude kiss-ass KS and her goonies don't hide it - they go after managers they don't like while others get by with anything.

My manager has repeatedly told me that HR works for the managers and does not work for the representatives. I have a list of things that my manager has told me about other reps (many of them HR issues). I could go to HR but I would be fired for some sort of cock-a-mamie BS that never happened.

Call hotline and make it anonymous.Don't tell ANYONE! not spouse, coworker, lover,your best friend .it will leak for sure.If you keep it confidential HR might do something. But your right if they know they help manager stir something and you risk being fired. Amgen HR is the worst, especially Recruiting everywhere and Staff Relationships in T.O.