PAWG?I've been here around 4 years. I've never applied for a promotion. I'm not necessarily on the bad side of my manager but I walk on egg shells with her and treat her w kid gloves. When she decides she wants you gone (for ANY reason... not for necessarily job performance) she will go to any length to get rid of you. Apparently managers can call HR and they'll start a file on you without you even knowing. Quite a bit of what they report is subjective to whatever she says. I know one person that left got no support from HR even though they had actual documentation that this manager lied in a few FCR's. HR was clearly on the manager's side. By the way this manager is a "protected population" and has been on a "probationary period" for mis-conduct in the past. Still though.... HR is nothing but her tool. I've watched and heard of quite a few come & go and I've seen the red flags myself. I'm otherwise really happy w Amgen and I just go along like everything is great and try to act like I like this manager so I can stay on her good side. I just don't understand why managers like this are allowed to continue this way.