"World Class" Employee Of The Week

performance evaluations are coming up, you guys!!! I don't really understand the point of them. There are some categories that are not applicable to my job, yet I'm supposed to respond to them. For example, financial awareness/ customer focus (or something). I come in, weigh out some standard, weigh out some buffer salts, maybe shake the solutions a little bit, and then just sit around for 4 and a half hours while a machine analyzes them. I can't really figure out how I am supposed to rate myself with respect to financial awareness, other than the fact that I don't weigh out more standard or buffer than I need. Does that constitute financial awareness? If so, have I met expectations in that category? Will I get a raise? Maybe even a promotion? Someone, please give me some advice/guidance. I need a promotion or at least a raise.

it is an exercise in creative writing not truth. For "finanical awareness" you put "Saved customer millions of dollars by weighing out the exact amount of sample and reagents rather than wasting excess material" for "customer focus" you put "made up passing results when deficient client formulation failed". Just lie and make up what people want to hear...that is what PW does.

I don't know why I bother anymore. Period

Poor man. I feel your pain. The world owes you the breakthrough of discovering the concept of efficiency in a work environment. Not the terror that they have instilled in the hearts of 500 families for no other reason than lining the illiterate bullies pockets with millions of dollars.

It's rather ironic that everyone on here complains about everyone else. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Maybe you should look at yourself & your co-workers before judging others. I'm sure there's skeletons in your closets that could come out. If you don't like your job so much, leave.

It's rather ironic that everyone on here complains about everyone else. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Maybe you should look at yourself & your co-workers before judging others. I'm sure there's skeletons in your closets that could come out. If you don't like your job so much, leave.

You are of the great minority around here. You are either one of the butt kissers or one who throws your co-worker under the bus. Or may be you're the fat lady with the stick.

You are of the great minority around here. You are either one of the butt kissers or one who throws your co-worker under the bus. Or may be you're the fat lady with the stick.

How original, let's go back to elementary school, and call people names. I'm neither a butt kisser, one who throws their co-workers under the bus or the lady with the stick.
I don't work for this company, and from what I can tell, if I were upper management, I wouldn't want most of you working for my company. I would start fresh, with people who were happy to have a job. If you're so unhappy, quit, get a life and move on. If you're blaming the company because you're so miserable, do something about it, don't just sit there playing the pity card.

How original, let's go back to elementary school, and call people names. I'm neither a butt kisser, one who throws their co-workers under the bus or the lady with the stick.
I don't work for this company, and from what I can tell, if I were upper management, I wouldn't want most of you working for my company. I would start fresh, with people who were happy to have a job. If you're so unhappy, quit, get a life and move on. If you're blaming the company because you're so miserable, do something about it, don't just sit there playing the pity card.

I agree, one of the ass kissers posing as an outsider.

No one from outside the company would care to post a message. But, in response, we stay because the options are limited. Quality chemical has absorbed as many of the best and brightest as it can. They are doing very well with the key employees that have left. More to the point the key clients that AAI used to have are following the people they trust,.....to other companies. I can think of one key big pharma client/contract from Indy that they won over all of the other CROs....in part because of the SM staff that left for QC. I can think of an Italian company that bailed when they found out that PW laid off the department head......they were livid when they found out and alos that AAI had not informed them....ABC says "thanks" AAI. Lots of other examples.

No one likes to be lied to, not the staff at AAI; and certainly not our clients. Lies are all you get from the current management. BS not substance.

But there is a sucker born every minute so not to worry.

It is pretty simple.
You do not make it at PPD or AAI, you only options are QCL or something at Hardee's.
Of the two choices, Hardee's is your better option.

AAI is stronger than ever before. Continue to hate. Your bitterness and negative nature will eat you alive.

I was reminded yesterday that I am behind in my sample testing. Oh, really. Did you think I couldn't tell from the stack of sample sheets on my desk and the ever-lengthening SMS list.
Do you think I come to work to jerk my weener?

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