did they get same termination date of january 27 2023 or did their termination date begin immediately? asking because they were specifically excluded from the voluntary severance program then canned 24 hours later despite being field. novartis was able to escape the requirements of the WARN act by firing less than 50 and just canning 47. i am curious as to whether the field firings will be done this way to save money or if novartis will do the right thing and give everyone the same january 27 termination date. earlier termination date is a big difference in money and benefits for those affected. maybe this explains why field reps are not eliguble for the volunteer program?
Are you saying they let people know now that their job will end in Jan 2023?

Not exactly, employees will be notified in September and those that are kept will be trained on account based selling. Those that lose their jobs will be paid through January 27th and then their severance would kick in, 2 weeks for every year of service.

Sales people are eligible for the volunteer severance but it is not guaranteed based upon how the sales force shakes out.

I also left in 2010. Thank Goodness I got a couple years salary, I was ready to retire anyway (67 yo) and I got a large payout. With my business that I had purchased, and the pension that I have I am actually making more than I made in Pharma but I fear these severance packages are a think of the past.

Novartis is a business, stop being a crybaby

No doubt that it is (a business!) however businesses can behave in a way that respects employees. After all, one only has to look at employee treatment to know how customers (and heaven help us, patients) would be treated. And we all know how that's going. I rest my case.

I also left in 2010. Thank Goodness I got a couple years salary, I was ready to retire anyway (67 yo) and I got a large payout. With my business that I had purchased, and the pension that I have I am actually making more than I made in Pharma but I fear these severance packages are a think of the past.
I went through a layoff with another company in 2011 and the going rate then was 6 months severance, plus a month for every year with the company with a max of a year. I got a year. Novartis severance isn’t nearly as generous. I think it’s 3 months, plus a month for every year? A LOT of people haven’t been here very long because Novartis expands and lays off so frequently and will have to hustle to find a job before their severance runs out.

I went through a layoff with another company in 2011 and the going rate then was 6 months severance, plus a month for every year with the company with a max of a year. I got a year. Novartis severance isn’t nearly as generous. I think it’s 3 months, plus a month for every year? A LOT of people haven’t been here very long because Novartis expands and lays off so frequently and will have to hustle to find a job before their severance runs out.

Or you can start looking now. I often wonder if I am missing something: Vas literally told you that they are letting 8,000 people go.
He told you that. There is no question about it. It's happening.
Unless you have six months of severance lined-up you need to get your act together and find another job. You have no excuse when your number gets called later this year if you have not even tried to leave.

Or you can start looking now. I often wonder if I am missing something: Vas literally told you that they are letting 8,000 people go.
He told you that. There is no question about it. It's happening.
Unless you have six months of severance lined-up you need to get your act together and find another job. You have no excuse when your number gets called later this year if you have not even tried to leave.
It’s 8000 from a pool of 25-35k employees. If you are not already looking for a new job, you are playing with fire.