Everyone in CV is leaving

Exactly. I’m not inspired to hustle new business with the focus on metrics. Today I dread going back into an office I just saw last week to achieve the metrics on them, but I have several phone calls to return on non targeted accounts. Still not being paid within the advertised range for my job position. #quietquitting

Why do we look on the dark side, instead of finding the light?
Why do we complain when it’s raining and never a word when it’s bright?
We never give thanks when things go smooth, and the pathway is clear,
It’s as easy to smile as it is to frown, and grief’s are lighter to bear.

Why do we look on the dark side, instead of finding the light?
Why do we complain when it’s raining and never a word when it’s bright?
We never give thanks when things go smooth, and the pathway is clear,
It’s as easy to smile as it is to frown, and grief’s are lighter to bear.
Why do enlightened ding dongs buy a company for $9.4BILLION, w/ ONLY one product. The market cap for injectable cholesterol drugs is barely over $1Billion between the two PCSK9s.

Which reject MBA program would say YES to giving away 1/2 of the annual therapy?

Enlighten me Cpt Kool-Aid!
This is the result of being soft on kids, every one is a winner (participation trophy), no more random drug screening.

Why do enlightened ding dongs buy a company for $9.4BILLION, w/ ONLY one product. The market cap for injectable cholesterol drugs is barely over $1Billion between the two PCSK9s.

Which reject MBA program would say YES to giving away 1/2 of the annual therapy?

Enlighten me Cpt Kool-Aid!
This is the result of being soft on kids, every one is a winner (participation trophy), no more random drug screening.

This is the worst disaster I’ve seen in my career. And it’s only getting worse.

Why do enlightened ding dongs buy a company for $9.4BILLION, w/ ONLY one product. The market cap for injectable cholesterol drugs is barely over $1Billion between the two PCSK9s.

Which reject MBA program would say YES to giving away 1/2 of the annual therapy?

Enlighten me Cpt Kool-Aid!
This is the result of being soft on kids, every one is a winner (participation trophy), no more random drug screening.
In Ayr, wag-wits nae mair can hae a handle
To mouth ’a Citizen,’ a term o’ scandal;
Nae mair the Council waddles down the street,
In all the pomp of ignorant conceit;
Men wha grew wise priggin owre hops and raisins,
Or gather’d lib’ral views in Bonds and Seisins:
If haply Knowledge, on a random tramp,
Had shor’d them with a glimmer of his lamp,
And would to Common-sense for once betray’d them,
Plain, dull Stupidity stept kindly in to aid them.

What farther clish-ma-claver aight been said,
What bloody wars, if Sprites had blood to shed,
No man can tell; but, all before their sight,
A fairy train appear’d in order bright;
Adown the glittering stream they featly danc’d;
Bright to the moon their various dresses glanc’d:
They footed o’er the wat’ry glass so neat,
The infant ice scarce bent beneath their feet:
While arts of Minstrelsy among them rung,
And soul-ennobling Bards heroic ditties sung

you have been enlightened. You’re welcome!

Why do enlightened ding dongs buy a company for $9.4BILLION, w/ ONLY one product. The market cap for injectable cholesterol drugs is barely over $1Billion between the two PCSK9s.

Which reject MBA program would say YES to giving away 1/2 of the annual therapy?

Enlighten me Cpt Kool-Aid!
This is the result of being soft on kids, every one is a winner (participation trophy), no more random drug screening.

Why do enlightened ding dongs buy a company for $9.4BILLION, w/ ONLY one product. The market cap for injectable cholesterol drugs is barely over $1Billion between the two PCSK9s.

Which reject MBA program would say YES to giving away 1/2 of the annual therapy?

Enlighten me Cpt Kool-Aid!
This is the result of being soft on kids, every one is a winner (participation trophy), no more random drug screening.
This is number one reason I left Novartis. No clue from the top down

Well it’s better than watching kiddy porn from your parents basement during regular working hours. Your welcome spiffy.