Why do enlightened ding dongs buy a company for $9.4BILLION, w/ ONLY one product. The market cap for injectable cholesterol drugs is barely over $1Billion between the two PCSK9s.
Which reject MBA program would say YES to giving away 1/2 of the annual therapy?
Enlighten me Cpt Kool-Aid!
This is the result of being soft on kids, every one is a winner (participation trophy), no more random drug screening.
In Ayr, wag-wits nae mair can hae a handle
To mouth ’a Citizen,’ a term o’ scandal;
Nae mair the Council waddles down the street,
In all the pomp of ignorant conceit;
Men wha grew wise priggin owre hops and raisins,
Or gather’d lib’ral views in Bonds and Seisins:
If haply Knowledge, on a random tramp,
Had shor’d them with a glimmer of his lamp,
And would to Common-sense for once betray’d them,
Plain, dull Stupidity stept kindly in to aid them.
What farther clish-ma-claver aight been said,
What bloody wars, if Sprites had blood to shed,
No man can tell; but, all before their sight,
A fairy train appear’d in order bright;
Adown the glittering stream they featly danc’d;
Bright to the moon their various dresses glanc’d:
They footed o’er the wat’ry glass so neat,
The infant ice scarce bent beneath their feet:
While arts of Minstrelsy among them rung,
And soul-ennobling Bards heroic ditties sung
you have been enlightened. You’re welcome!