Theres something in the air.... Stand by
What paper work and time for an ONO? You enter the info into the computer, fax 3 pieces of paper and program the Pulse Ox. 5-8 minutes top. Drop it off to the pt. with a SAS bubble pack. Download it 2 days latter (3 minutes) take the info to the Dr. (the reason why you need to see them in person) and ask for the business. It's called selling. Sounds really difficult.
Oh you "f" ing moron. ONO's are indeed the the most time consuming piece of garbage. First off it can takes 1 to 2 or sometimes three trips to the patients house to set it up. Most people, at least 50% , won't or can't drop the unit off to a UPS place and a very small percent don't ever return it and you can kiss that unit goodbye. So now it's a trip or 2 to the patients home to try to pick it up. If you cover the area that I cover your talking a lot of mile to drop off and pick up for nothing because 95% are normal as to the fact that every patient has to get one ( which is illegal to begin with. Can't wait to till they get fined for that one) just to statisfy the ONO weekly requirement. STUPID STUPID STUPID!
Sounds like you need to flip burgers...moron
And then try stacking lettuce too!
Who on earth even goes out to a Pt's home without calling first. If a location needs to take it out more than twice and that is after say a battery comes out, at that point you can easily contact the Dr's office and let them know what is going on.
Keeping the line of communication open is all that is needed most times to keep the Dr's happy. Not always, but ongoing communication can never go wrong.
If an office is taking them out so many times to one person, then they are the "moron's" for not getting a better resolution than a person keeping them.
Oh your so right in a perfect world but when the boss gives an order you do it and when the boss is afraid of their boss and so on.... It's the sad sad story of rotech and the ONO. It's an unbelievable fairy tale when told late at night it keeps sane people up all night worrying that they too could turn into a rotech zombie. Just do what your told and don't think.
Very valid point! We could use "in a REAL work environment" vs the "perfect world", both fit the bill for sure. One thing that does not fit into either one is the word....Rotech!
And why is it the LCM's are so afraid to tell their AM's what is going on and so forth like you said. Have seen it many times myself. No wonder some locations continue to spin their wheels. Until such time as a different minset is used daily ie normal business sense, Rotech will never be really successful across the board.
Theres something in the air.... Stand by
Stock dropped to $0.39 a share today.
Back over .50 bishes! Now get to work! Sell something!