Why would they leave ? Curious outsider

Oooo-yeah lets pretend that it's one troll as opposed to an entire sales force who can't stand this pathetic leadership. Kathy is abismal and history validates it.

Sorry, you lose once again to facts.
Dear Trollster: Time for you to go back to jerking off in your parent's basement! You are a pathetic loser! Nobody is interested in your bitter and slanderous posts. Face up to the fact that your were FIRED for not making sales calls and fraudulent expense account reporting! We all know your name and history! Now go back to your room in the basement!

Dear Trollster: Time for you to go back to jerking off in your parent's basement! You are a pathetic loser! Nobody is interested in your bitter and slanderous posts. Face up to the fact that your were FIRED for not making sales calls and fraudulent expense account reporting! We all know your name and history! Now go back to your room in the basement!
Yet again, another reply when the subject pertains to Kathy and her ineptness. Trust me, no one is defending her other than her. Thats the definition of an insecure, VP wannabe. Time to step down, you've worn out your welcome and our patience

Dear Trollster: Time for you to go back to jerking off in your parent's basement! You are a pathetic loser! Nobody is interested in your bitter and slanderous posts. Face up to the fact that your were FIRED for not making sales calls and fraudulent expense account reporting! We all know your name and history! Now go back to your room in the basement!
Spot on post! The MFer has been posting too long on our site!

Great thought about the troll going back to posting on B&L site. He is a real poser.
I am so sick of the KK troll who posts the same drivel about strong women, frat boys and insane plaguristic quotes that if KK actually implemented she may be half tolerable. It's time for YOU to get off our board! Unfortunately since the system is rigged, we have no where to air our complaints. Not that any of it will matter, because she must have nude pictures of someone high up to let her continue with her career despite unprofessional, unethical and according to the Pharma code, illegal activities.

Shire is long gone and anyone still here is collecting a paycheck. FDa and OIG, PLEASE investigate this train wreck.

I am so sick of the KK troll who posts the same drivel about strong women, frat boys and insane plaguristic quotes that if KK actually implemented she may be half tolerable. It's time for YOU to get off our board! Unfortunately since the system is rigged, we have no where to air our complaints. Not that any of it will matter, because she must have nude pictures of someone high up to let her continue with her career despite unprofessional, unethical and according to the Pharma code, illegal activities.

Shire is long gone and anyone still here is collecting a paycheck. FDa and OIG, PLEASE investigate this train wreck.
We all know you were fired for not making sales calls and cheating on your expenses, so GIVE IT UP!! It is your fault that KK fired you! Quit with the constant negative posts and GET A LIFE! Everybody at Shire is sick of your stupid posts!!!!!!!!!

We all know you were fired for not making sales calls and cheating on your expenses, so GIVE IT UP!! It is your fault that KK fired you! Quit with the constant negative posts and GET A LIFE! Everybody at Shire is sick of your stupid posts!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE
You are not even close you idiot... But then again you are just like your girl KK, CLUELESS!

We all know you were fired for not making sales calls and cheating on your expenses, so GIVE IT UP!! It is your fault that KK fired you! Quit with the constant negative posts and GET A LIFE! Everybody at Shire is sick of your stupid posts!!!!!!!!!

We should lighten up on this insecure loser who is so terrified of men. We can pull paychecks and be happy this is the best defense KK can muster, and relax knowing she's really not that capable. What a joke.

Dearest Jim McSinch,

I’d like to see things from your point of view but I just can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass. For someone so predisposed to ignorance, you really give good advice! Hey, unless your name is Google, stop acting like you know everything! Seriously, about that previous comment I made about your lip - If I were you, I’d sue my parents. I guess it answers the question, so that's what happens when cousins marry. Maybe I should sue my parents - I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel about you. Ah hell, keep the lip the way it is – you're not that bad looking... for a fat chick.

I don't think it's too hippie to want to clean up the planet so you don't wind up dying of some kind of cancer when you're 45 years old. It enrages me that these big cancer-research organizations can't be bothered to man the front lines of environmental protest.