Why would they leave ? Curious outsider

I'm embarrassed to say that I work with some of you. Although our leadership team isn't as personable as the previous they aren't as bad as some of you make them out to be. Please give examples of what you're talking about EXCEPT the few things she's asked us to do that really don't take that much time (i.e. field ride agenda and lunch tracker). My only real complaint is the overlay positions-they've nixed inside sales, KAM, and CNE and quite honestly I agree that the benefits of these positions didn't justify the expense. If only they would realize that with the overlay position. It's better to just realign into single territories again. Outside of that, why are they so bad? Bonuses are better and they actually pay on performance now! So what really are the complaints? The morale started declining with the last leadership team.....

You want examples? Here's a few for you

-Totally disrupt a highly successful company to inflate value so it can be sold. All at the expense of the people who built it and were loyal. Then they rid themselves of half the organization so they can move to Lexington to be "more biotechy"

-Once the company is potentially sold, they further cast off their people by negotiating away the severance package in favor of sweetheart deals for 30 of their friends

-PS expands the KAM team to bring his friend JC on board and then gets rid of it after he moves her over to another position. He once said, "don't worry, if the KAM thing does't work out, then we'll find other jobs for them, it's only 9 people" You see how that went. He pulled the same thing with many of the leaders in CB when he first got here. He's afraid of people who are smarter than him, which is many.

-KK comes into Shire and immediately goes on a witch hunt to try and "catch people" without taking any time to learn why we do things the way we do, totally oblivious that this was a successful company before she got here. She only knows one way and it's her way and doesn't believe in collaboration of gaining buy in one bit! She steamrolls her way and was reprimanded several times by compliance and legal for her actions only until PS got his fat promotion and scared everyone off. Nice way to stifle people who care! Oh yeah, PS announced his big promotion just as everyone in CB learned they were losing their jobs there. Nice guy!

I can go on and on and it all comes down to one thing. These people leading this ship don't give a rats ass about you or this company. It's all temporary to them and all in an effort to fatten their egos and wallets. That why they travel in a pack together. It's basically organized crime. So you go ahead and act like "they're not so bad", but many of us agree that the leadership here is rotten to the core and there is a history of this documented in several companies now.

Colonel Jessup - US Marine Corps

You want examples? Here's a few for you

-Totally disrupt a highly successful company to inflate value so it can be sold. All at the expense of the people who built it and were loyal. Then they rid themselves of half the organization so they can move to Lexington to be "more biotechy"

-Once the company is potentially sold, they further cast off their people by negotiating away the severance package in favor of sweetheart deals for 30 of their friends

-PS expands the KAM team to bring his friend JC on board and then gets rid of it after he moves her over to another position. He once said, "don't worry, if the KAM thing does't work out, then we'll find other jobs for them, it's only 9 people" You see how that went. He pulled the same thing with many of the leaders in CB when he first got here. He's afraid of people who are smarter than him, which is many.

-KK comes into Shire and immediately goes on a witch hunt to try and "catch people" without taking any time to learn why we do things the way we do, totally oblivious that this was a successful company before she got here. She only knows one way and it's her way and doesn't believe in collaboration of gaining buy in one bit! She steamrolls her way and was reprimanded several times by compliance and legal for her actions only until PS got his fat promotion and scared everyone off. Nice way to stifle people who care! Oh yeah, PS announced his big promotion just as everyone in CB learned they were losing their jobs there. Nice guy!

I can go on and on and it all comes down to one thing. These people leading this ship don't give a rats ass about you or this company. It's all temporary to them and all in an effort to fatten their egos and wallets. That why they travel in a pack together. It's basically organized crime. So you go ahead and act like "they're not so bad", but many of us agree that the leadership here is rotten to the core and there is a history of this documented in several companies now.

Colonel Jessup - US Marine Corps

Right on Colonel Jessup!! Tony Robbins and you "PR peeps for KK and PS" just go away. We don't want to hear you lines of BS anymore!!!

I don't agree with the move to lexington. They uprooted how many folks. Then there are those who are not going...and you can't blame them for denying the relo. People have lives.

Maybe the company wants younger talent...aka...cheaper...and this is there way of cleaning house.

Very few accepted the relo to Lexington. And the company is having trouble competing for new employees in Boston because of its reputation. That's why so many in CB are still working until their retentions are gone. No amount of BS negates the facts.

Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.

Survival of the fittest....physically, mentally, etc, should be the law of the world. Mother Nature is the perfect model.
Example: ISiS, The rat backing the tiger into the corner. All the political rhetoric in the world
won't stop them. They need to be destroyed before they destroy us. If that makes us savages so be it. Better to be a live savage than a dead wuss.

Evolution isn't all bad. Would you want a dinosaur shitting in your lawn, or eating your kid?
When a scumbag breaks thru your front door, are you going to talk and pour him a glass of wine, or shoot him?

Ethics, non- violence, sympathy, empathy, humanitarianism........all great ideals in a utopian world, but in case you haven't realized it yet, this isn't a utopian world and never will be.

Survival of the fittest....physically, mentally, etc, should be the law of the world. Mother Nature is the perfect model.
Example: ISiS, The rat backing the tiger into the corner. All the political rhetoric in the world
won't stop them. They need to be destroyed before they destroy us. If that makes us savages so be it. Better to be a live savage than a dead wuss.

Evolution isn't all bad. Would you want a dinosaur shitting in your lawn, or eating your kid?
When a scumbag breaks thru your front door, are you going to talk and pour him a glass of wine, or shoot him?

Ethics, non- violence, sympathy, empathy, humanitarianism........all great ideals in a utopian world, but in case you haven't realized it yet, this isn't a utopian world and never will be.

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. Take of your own sh*t and maybe you will be SUCCESSFUL rather than a negative troll on CP!