Cinryze has always been a tough sell. Viropharma had an incredible turnover rate before the Shire acquisition. I'd guess 80% of the Cinryze team had less than 2 years experience selling Cinryze at the time of acquisition. Some of that was due to expansion by Viro. Selling in a highly competitive rare disease space is very hard. Not everyone can do it. There are no large numbers to hide under. You (and management) know your numbers because you walk each sell through the entire process.
You guys certainly know how to worry on this board. Yeah, there are changes at Shire. What, is this your first week in the industry? Big deal! Every place I've ever worked has gone through major changes approximately every 18 months. It's part of the industry we have chosen. Man up and deal with it or get out and do something else.
I don't particularly like the changes either, but what the hell does that matter? I was hired to do a job. It does me nor you any good to only focus on the negative. There have been positives and negatives over the last several years. Look at them objectively and try not to hurt your intestinal fortitude with rash and violent knee jerk reactions.