Why would they leave ? Curious outsider

  • Dash   Aug 14, 2015 at 10:43: PM
Why would someone leave a great position selling Cinryze ? I saw a couple vacancies and considering applying.
There are quite a few reasons more than 1/2 the cinryze reps including managers have left.
The reps that were brought over from Viropharma had an ownership/entrapenurial spirit. Shire has just shut that down. Especially given the exam

I'm embarrassed to say that I work with some of you. Although our leadership team isn't as personable as the previous they aren't as bad as some of you make them out to be. Please give examples of what you're talking about EXCEPT the few things she's asked us to do that really don't take that much time (i.e. field ride agenda and lunch tracker). My only real complaint is the overlay positions-they've nixed inside sales, KAM, and CNE and quite honestly I agree that the benefits of these positions didn't justify the expense. If only they would realize that with the overlay position. It's better to just realign into single territories again. Outside of that, why are they so bad? Bonuses are better and they actually pay on performance now! So what really are the complaints? The morale started declining with the last leadership team.....

Agree - but pay for performance? Does anyone really understand where goals come from?
And the overlay thing vs just realigning the territories. Agree that was a major miscalculation.

So, yeah you are right. bonuses are better if you happen to understand and benefit from the quota.

Things are also good if you prefer sharing a territory vs having sole accountability.

So our leadership is not as bad as precious? remind me what they have done to make a positive impact?

  • Dash   Aug 14, 2015 at 10:56: PM
YOf what happened today when senior management retroactively changed the comp plan making 60% of it a team vial and reach and frequency component. Then actually think that calling on the same customer more often will produce more rare patients with HAE, or have those patients controled by Cinryze use more Firazyr.The have taken the incentive away from working hard and going the extra mile. Furthermore Shire executives do not believe in ownership mentality. The options and equity are only for management. So most reps probably have left for equal or less pay but with the chance of hitting a nice pay day in the future with an equity pay out. Shire does have a nice espp and 401k program but so does Novartis, J&J and BMS which is exactly how the rare disease business is currently being run. Most of the fault belong to compliance and the legal team constantly running the show due to the CIA. They have really handcuffed the sales team to the point that email is discouraged, business plans can not be sent electronically and Veeva (sales force.com) will save the day. I would not be surprised if BJ and JM are gone before the end of the year. Who wants to work in that kind of environment. But the funny thing is that sales leadership is asking for more patients and more vials from the field but compliance will not allow the field to discuss those specific things with the customers that are to be called on 12 times a year. Hope this clarifies your question.
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I am thanking god every day that I didn't accept my offer. I really was better off staying at my company. I am sorry for the VP reps. Sounds like your life went from good to very very bad.

I am thanking god every day that I didn't accept my offer. I really was better off staying at my company. I am sorry for the VP reps. Sounds like your life went from good to very very bad.
Pretty much everyone's life went from good to bad once the leadership changed. Even long time Shire people have left or are stuck waiting for their exit. This place sucks.

Cinryze has always been a tough sell. Viropharma had an incredible turnover rate before the Shire acquisition. I'd guess 80% of the Cinryze team had less than 2 years experience selling Cinryze at the time of acquisition. Some of that was due to expansion by Viro. Selling in a highly competitive rare disease space is very hard. Not everyone can do it. There are no large numbers to hide under. You (and management) know your numbers because you walk each sell through the entire process.

You guys certainly know how to worry on this board. Yeah, there are changes at Shire. What, is this your first week in the industry? Big deal! Every place I've ever worked has gone through major changes approximately every 18 months. It's part of the industry we have chosen. Man up and deal with it or get out and do something else.

I don't particularly like the changes either, but what the hell does that matter? I was hired to do a job. It does me nor you any good to only focus on the negative. There have been positives and negatives over the last several years. Look at them objectively and try not to hurt your intestinal fortitude with rash and violent knee jerk reactions.

Cinryze has always been a tough sell. Viropharma had an incredible turnover rate before the Shire acquisition. I'd guess 80% of the Cinryze team had less than 2 years experience selling Cinryze at the time of acquisition. Some of that was due to expansion by Viro. Selling in a highly competitive rare disease space is very hard. Not everyone can do it. There are no large numbers to hide under. You (and management) know your numbers because you walk each sell through the entire process.

You guys certainly know how to worry on this board. Yeah, there are changes at Shire. What, is this your first week in the industry? Big deal! Every place I've ever worked has gone through major changes approximately every 18 months. It's part of the industry we have chosen. Man up and deal with it or get out and do something else.

I don't particularly like the changes either, but what the hell does that matter? I was hired to do a job. It does me nor you any good to only focus on the negative. There have been positives and negatives over the last several years. Look at them objectively and try not to hurt your intestinal fortitude with rash and violent knee jerk reactions.

Tough words that are anonymous are not worth much. Cinryze was an expensive purchase for Shire that isn't meeting expectations and now there are better agents on the horizon. We bear the brunt of bad acquisitions when numbers aren't made, and when our leadership is supposed to have the chops to compete with other companies and fall short. Every company goes through changes but most have leaders who are accountable and not protected at the highest levels.

Tough words that are anonymous are not worth much. Cinryze was an expensive purchase for Shire that isn't meeting expectations and now there are better agents on the horizon. We bear the brunt of bad acquisitions when numbers aren't made, and when our leadership is supposed to have the chops to compete with other companies and fall short. Every company goes through changes but most have leaders who are accountable and not protected at the highest levels.
Very true. Bad acquisitions are occurring because the due diligence is all about "right now" and pumping up the stock price for a potential suitor. I have experienced a significant amount of change in my life including multiple leadership changes and can safely say this leadership is the most insulated, conniving, dishonest band of gypsys I have ever encountered. The history of them is well documented. Therefore, no one with any common sense could defend them. I understand just ignoring what is going on in exchange for a good check to support yourself and your family, but to take the time to actually post on their behalf ( we know it's only one or two of you) is as Mr Spock would say, "highly illogical."

does Shire Rare Disease have an HR or compliance department?? We ALL saw P.S. at the POA and his latest inappropriate relationship blossoming. Where is HR? now he promoted her to a Zone Director without even posting the position. wtf? She had big time HR issues at Viro...just sayin?! Shame shire and HR

does Shire Rare Disease have an HR or compliance department?? We ALL saw P.S. at the POA and his latest inappropriate relationship blossoming. Where is HR? now he promoted her to a Zone Director without even posting the position. wtf? She had big time HR issues at Viro...just sayin?! Shame shire and HR
Spreading lies on the internet is AGAINST THE LAW! You will be found guilty of slanderous and libelous actions! So take your lies and stick them where the sun don't shine! Do you get my meaning, dude?

Spreading lies on the internet is AGAINST THE LAW! You will be found guilty of slanderous and libelous actions! So take your lies and stick them where the sun don't shine! Do you get my meaning, dude?
Thats assuming its a lie. I think we all know his track record. Just Google the court case at Novartis.

Thats assuming its a lie. I think we all know his track record. Just Google the court case at Novartis.

Since our HR department does absolutely nothing to protect the reps, our only hope is voicing our concerns on here in hopes OIG takes the hint and investigates. We all are commiserating on how this leadership is unethical to the core, and their fear tactics trickle-down to their "yes-men". I can and will voice my opinion on here because of my right of free speech. This leadership team needs to go.

Thats assuming its a lie. I think we all know his track record. Just Google the court case at Novartis.
Don't forget, this guy expanded the KAM team so he could bring one of his "friends" in from B&L and once she got settled in and miraculously put in charge of the group, he pulled the plug on KAMs firing them all, but only after moving this friend up to Lexington. PS is a real class act!

Since our HR department does absolutely nothing to protect the reps, our only hope is voicing our concerns on here in hopes OIG takes the hint and investigates. We all are commiserating on how this leadership is unethical to the core, and their fear tactics trickle-down to their "yes-men". I can and will voice my opinion on here because of my right of free speech. This leadership team needs to go.
Courts have ruled that slander on the internet is AGAINST THE LAW! So keep exercising your right to slander and you will meet new friends in jail!! Let's Go Mets!