Why would any AMERICAN who understands the FAILURE of SOCIALISM be for HC reform?

Obama won the moron-vote, just like this previous poster. The morons outnumber us... It's over. Government can write laws to force unsustainable business models, but they can never legislate the elimination of economic law. When the have-nots have taken all that's left, we will be left like Greece. It is both sick and sad, but that's what we have. Obama has failed by almost every measure (even his own), but the American people gave him a pass anyway.

Embrace it. That or maybe move to China?

Funny post. It's the movie Idiocracy playing out before my eyes.

Society benefits from stratification. Not everyone has the ability to be a rocket scientist. I don't. I accept that. We need burger flippers. They are unskilled workers and deserved to be paid as such. Believe me, I know. That was my first job, now 10 years later I'm making money to put me int the top 3 percent of income earners. I developed a skill on my own and deserve what I get. I'm not in pharma either.

Not everyone needs to own a home. Not everyone is entitled to a nice car. Not everyone needs to go to college.

Life is inherently unfair. My father died when I was young from a disease with no cure.

The government will go broke trying to make outcomes more fair. If you understand anything about the devaluing of the dollar, deficit spending, unfunded wars and unfunded entitlements, a shrinking tax base, etc. you would agree with me. However, I've found most in the working class want the shiny new iPhone and don't want to think about life. I see it all the time. Numb thenselves with liquor and tv to stay content. They will spend 500 for a new flat screen instead of stashing that money away. Even when I had no money I was investing a few dolle here and there.

America's decline continues as it has for the past thirty years. We had a good run. And this is why I buy for foreign currency...


Embrace it. That or maybe move to China?

This complete moron says "move to China".... It used to be that China moved to the US. Now we are becoming China. Where will the Chinese move... Better question, where will we move? We were the last bastion of freedom. On Nov. 6th., the moron-vote doomed that distinction forever more.

This complete moron says "move to China".... It used to be that China moved to the US. Now we are becoming China. Where will the Chinese move... Better question, where will we move? We were the last bastion of freedom. On Nov. 6th., the moron-vote doomed that distinction forever more.

We are just a land of morons bwahhhhh!

This guy is a r*****

Not a land of morons.... Just half, yourself included of course.
Anytime you want to have a thoughtful and serious debate, assuming you're capable, I'll be waiting.

I am sure you can be serious but you are stupid. So if it's serious debate that you are seeking then you'll be waiting a long time.

..........Blah blah moron blah blah stupid blah blah idiot blah blah.........

I am sure you can be serious but you are stupid. So if it's serious debate that you are seeking then you'll be waiting a long time.

..........Blah blah moron blah blah stupid blah blah idiot blah blah.........

Blah blah blah? What an excellent point you make... Any more brilliance you would like to share With us?

This discussion has devolved into idiotic banter from both sides. No wonder this country is failing and won't ever be what it used to be.

Of course it has.... Liberals have no logical response to serious/thoughtful debate, so they try to distract, name-call and chant bumper-sticker slogans. This tactic is designed to stop debate and turn-off people seeking to inform themselves. It is why Obama went so negative. They wanted to annoy people with the entire political process and surpress voter turnout. It worked... 3 million registered republicans did not vote and Obama won.

Of course it has.... Liberals have no logical response to serious/thoughtful debate, so they try to distract, name-call and chant bumper-sticker slogans. This tactic is designed to stop debate and turn-off people seeking to inform themselves. It is why Obama went so negative. They wanted to annoy people with the entire political process and surpress voter turnout. It worked... 3 million registered republicans did not vote and Obama won.

BWAARGHHH! Obama went negative and Mittwitt Romulan was so positive. It wasn't his fault he couldn't get his vote out. BWAARGHHH!

"I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love." –Mitt Romney (January 2012)

That's why three million moderate republicans didn't vote.

Get rid of the teabaggers and you might stand a chance

BWAARGHHH! Obama went negative and Mittwitt Romulan was so positive. It wasn't his fault he couldn't get his vote out. BWAARGHHH!

"I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love." –Mitt Romney (January 2012)

That's why three million moderate republicans didn't vote.

Get rid of the teabaggers and you might stand a chance

Obama won because of the moron vote, the suppression of Republican votes and a willing media to only promote Obama and bury anything negative. Can you imagine the reaction of the press if Bengazi happened during the Bush administration or how they would act due to the awful response to Hurricane Sandy? Can anyone say "Katrina"? The bias is so obvious, it is nauseating! And if you want to compare STUPID QUOTES.... Lets have at it.

Obama won because of the moron vote, the suppression of Republican votes and a willing media to only promote Obama and bury anything negative. Can you imagine the reaction of the press if Bengazi happened during the Bush administration or how they would act due to the awful response to Hurricane Sandy? Can anyone say "Katrina"? The bias is so obvious, it is nauseating! And if you want to compare STUPID QUOTES.... Lets have at it.

Nah. Out voted. Your guy was shit.

Nah. Out voted. Your guy was shit.

There is no doubt that morons outnumber us. Morons represent the majority of the voting public. Congrats. Along with the morons, Obama successfully got the super-rich, 1% vote. He won 8 out of the 10 wealthiest counties in the US. Congrats again. Anything else you want to know?

There is no doubt that morons outnumber us. Morons represent the majority of the voting public. Congrats. Along with the morons, Obama successfully got the super-rich, 1% vote. He won 8 out of the 10 wealthiest counties in the US. Congrats again. Anything else you want to know?

No. You just need to suck it up. BTW, when you say wealthy I think that you actually mean educated.

Nope... When I say wealthy, that includes celebrities (think Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, LeBron James)... far from educated. You know, the one percenters, the ones that you morons rail against.

We don't rail against them. We just pity them, in the same way that we pity you. We try to get you all to read books, but its tricky given the material that we have to work with and the enthusiasm that you have for Rush and Fox TV.

This was worth the election on its own

"When you have a fire in an aircraft, there's no place to go, exactly, there's no — and you can't find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don't open. I don't know why they don't do that. It's a real problem."
