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She did it because my DBM was two minutes late for the meeting, and she locked the meeting room door!! Can you believe that our company has come to this? This is just childish. I do like the fact that my manager has been open about the situation and does not seem to care who he upsets. At least he is taking a stand.

I happened to be in the room for this meeting. One of the managers in the room stood up, walked to the door, looked at the RP, then unlocked the door! I felt like I was in grade school. I have no idea what the RP was trying prove.

I figured it was a female RP that did this. Obviously she is insecure about her power and the locking of the door proves it.

Would she have locked the door if Ian or one of her managers was expected at the meeting? Of course not.

This is an abuse of power and Ian should give her the JERK award, along with showing her the door.

The more I think about a so called "leader" doing this, the more I cringe.

You people need to bring this to HR's attention. If I had witnessed this, I would send her a "Jerk of the Month" Certificate.

HR? Surely you jest, the worst division in Pfizer, accountable to no one and does nothing but cover the mistakes of these people.

This move is indicative of the style of management at the RP level...power. It is all about them and what they can make, and how many people will kiss their asses. This is just pathetic. It makes me want to puke every time I am by one of them.

At least upper management is consistent. Not only do they treat sales reps like 5 year old children, they treat the managers like this too. Stories like this just make me laugh - what an embarrassment that RBM is.