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Oh I definitely heard. I heard that my best friend‘s grandmother hooked up with my mother‘s cousin who then gave birth to their nieces child who then gave birth to the idiots on this thread after that they took the cousins dog who then took the neighbors iguana and they all had a family picnic. Then I heard they all got sick at the family picnic because of social distancing violations. Then I heard my stomach growl and remind me that I was hungry which then led to a gassy smell called CafePharma and then I heard it was time for dinner then I heard my brain tell me you’re getting dumber by the minute as you’re reading the moronic responses above. Ya’ll heard? Heee haaaaw!!!!!!!
True dat.

Until there is an official announcement, this is all rumors from a recruiter who is trying to make commission by filling contract roles, or someone who was laid off and bitter so they are just trying to stir the pot

I also heard pfizer was going to make us buy our own PPE, raise the cost of the company car, and no longer reimburse WIFI. All of which have been false
Hey rocks for brains, all those things have bern approved by ELT for 2021.
In case you dont understand exectutive planning, 2021 has been decided by Q2. Now ELT is op planning for 2022.
So yes all this has been approved for 2021!
They rarely make op changes mid year bozo.

WTF. This is going be worse than imagine. Will be total bloodbath armageddon style come Jan. Not good.
Wonder if Pfizer being proactive planning for a Biden win with polls ahead 12-18% now since that will kill pharma stocks, earnings, and approvals...
Then if Trump wins Pfizer can cancel the bloodbath????
It could be worse.

Hey rocks for brains, all those things have bern approved by ELT for 2021.
In case you dont understand exectutive planning, 2021 has been decided by Q2. Now ELT is op planning for 2022.
So yes all this has been approved for 2021!
They rarely make op changes mid year bozo.

This is an unprecedented year, dimwit. If profit can be affected appreciably, and it can, layoffs will happen overnight. All that needs to be done is to dump the bottom 20-25% deadwood....like you.

Oh we all heard !
1) Stock taking & worse DOW stock

2) Xeljanz stinks, bad culture, bad VP, bad RDs, robot DMs with less exp than their reps

3) IM going to CSO reps

4) 60% Layoffs in 2021

5) 1 Virtual Rep replacing 4 Six Figure live reps

6) Co car costs going up

7) Healthcare prem going up

8) head HR Dawn Rodgers left

9) Albert Ian Frank all dumping & selling Pfizer stock at record amounts in 2020

10) Not going back in field 100% until Jan

11) Oncology is great w best & deepest pipeline

12) Biotech does hire Big Pharma

13) All companies are hiring now

14) Pfizer is selling to a China co

Yes I think we heard

Oh we all heard !
1) Stock taking & worse DOW stock

2) Xeljanz stinks, bad culture, bad VP, bad RDs, robot DMs with less exp than their reps

3) IM going to CSO reps

4) 60% Layoffs in 2021

5) 1 Virtual Rep replacing 4 Six Figure live reps

6) Co car costs going up

7) Healthcare prem going up

8) head HR Dawn Rodgers left

9) Albert Ian Frank all dumping & selling Pfizer stock at record amounts in 2020

10) Not going back in field 100% until Jan

11) Oncology is great w best & deepest pipeline

12) Biotech does hire Big Pharma

13) All companies are hiring now

14) Pfizer is selling to a China co

Yes I think we heard

haha AMAZE-BALLS. Thank you for this!!!!

Oh we all heard !
1) Stock taking & worse DOW stock

2) Xeljanz stinks, bad culture, bad VP, bad RDs, robot DMs with less exp than their reps

3) IM going to CSO reps

4) 60% Layoffs in 2021

5) 1 Virtual Rep replacing 4 Six Figure live reps

6) Co car costs going up

7) Healthcare prem going up

8) head HR Dawn Rodgers left

9) Albert Ian Frank all dumping & selling Pfizer stock at record amounts in 2020

10) Not going back in field 100% until Jan

11) Oncology is great w best & deepest pipeline

12) Biotech does hire Big Pharma

13) All companies are hiring now

14) Pfizer is selling to a China co

Yes I think we heard
Great summary now I dont have to waste time reading.
Forgot to mention paying Pfizer back part of out Bonus S1 if end the semester below 70%.
And paying for sex change operations next year is why health insurance going go 1400 for a family.