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Why ARE so many reps useless? Really, what is the reason.


And don't blame it on someone else or circumstances. After all there really is about one super, competent, smart, effective rep out of every 200-300.

Be honest.

But that's how we want them. Who else would be willing to drive around in a crap car all day and deliver 3 key selling messages and pizza?

And don't blame it on someone else or circumstances. After all there really is about one super, competent, smart, effective rep out of every 200-300.

Be honest.

Because the industry has done it to themselves. they have had to dummy down the industry because of the abuses they committed. No more intelligent conversations with the doctors. It's big pharma who is responsibile for the state of things.

Pharma forces its reps to be food providers. If you do not conduct lunches for useless staff and dinner programs for useless doctors (AND THEIR WIVES) you get dinged on performance reviews.

"intelligent conversations with docs"! That's a good one! It's that "I have had 2 weeks of sales training on top of my BA in Women's Studies, and so I have as much knowledge as the docs I deliver food to" attitude that has ruined this industry. Face it - we are not experts in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, etc, so let's all just admit that we are sales people who win/lose based on personal relationships, plain and simple.

Face it you hire a sales force and call them sales people. Just because they call you a sales person doesn't mean you are one. Some people show up while others make a presence and memorable impact. We know who is who. It's reality. Which are you? Did you make impact today? Do your physicians call you out by name when they see you? Does anybody you called on remember what you said? If not then what are you going to do tomorrow to make a difference?
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
― Mark Twain

Face it you hire a sales force and call them sales people. Just because they call you a sales person doesn't mean you are one. Some people show up while others make a presence and memorable impact. We know who is who. It's reality. Which are you? Did you make impact today? Do your physicians call you out by name when they see you? Does anybody you called on remember what you said? If not then what are you going to do tomorrow to make a difference?
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
― Mark Twain

I'm sure you're the sissy rep that sends out quotes once a wek to your district to stand out!
Get a life- no physician remembers what a rep has to say

All reps are useless........because the job became useless in the early 2000's.....about the time cheerleaders started in the business! Although the male reps are useless too, the job is a bad joke that has outlived it's value!

I always love it when a rep quits or is fired and the position stays open for a while, and then the TRx and NRx numbers go UP! Of course, everyone pretends like it doesn't happen, but I have seen this repeatedly. Reps don't make one bit of difference. Oh, and all those docs who know you by name? Well, they roll their eyes and make fun of you after you split! Ave seen that a million times, too.

I always love it when a rep quits or is fired and the position stays open for a while, and then the TRx and NRx numbers go UP! Of course, everyone pretends like it doesn't happen, but I have seen this repeatedly. Reps don't make one bit of difference. Oh, and all those docs who know you by name? Well, they roll their eyes and make fun of you after you split! Ave seen that a million times, too.

If you've seen this a million times are you one of those old fart DBMs? My offices are nice to you since they know me so well!!!

And don't blame it on someone else or circumstances. After all there really is about one super, competent, smart, effective rep out of every 200-300.

Be honest.

First, if you're so valuable please tell us what your role is at bms? I'm guessing your comments are fueled by jealously.

Second, we are a major expense in this industry. If we brought no value we'd all be gone.

And don't blame it on someone else or circumstances. After all there really is about one super, competent, smart, effective rep out of every 200-300.

Be honest.

You got me, I'm not sure why Elementary Education, Physed, communication, English Literature, European History, Art majors and other wasted majors can't deal with your typical oncologist, cardiologist, transplant surgeon, neurologist?

Beats the hell out of me.

Because we get paid so much damn money to do shit that's why! The vast majority (95%) fake calls and generally screw the company at every opportunity. It's just too damn easy to get away with! I mean I can't seem to work a full day even when I really want to! I mean I really love fucking this company over!! I have no loyalty to them, and they have none to me. It's really a great arrangement.

Because we get paid so much damn money to do shit that's why! The vast majority (95%) fake calls and generally screw the company at every opportunity. It's just too damn easy to get away with! I mean I can't seem to work a full day even when I really want to! I mean I really love fucking this company over!! I have no loyalty to them, and they have none to me. It's really a great arrangement.

And that's why we are so looking forward to getting rid of you and those like you who have ruined the industry and the company. You have effectively stated why all of you have ruined what used to be a great and honorable business. I pray you are downsized nd subsequently enjoy being f'd over by others more competent that take positions you so aspire too. You're a piece of crap.

And that's why we are so looking forward to getting rid of you and those like you who have ruined the industry and the company. You have effectively stated why all of you have ruined what used to be a great and honorable business. I pray you are downsized nd subsequently enjoy being f'd over by others more competent that take positions you so aspire too. You're a piece of crap.

Pfizer has started this process.

Face it you hire a sales force and call them sales people. Just because they call you a sales person doesn't mean you are one. Some people show up while others make a presence and memorable impact. We know who is who. It's reality. Which are you? Did you make impact today? Do your physicians call you out by name when they see you? Does anybody you called on remember what you said? If not then what are you going to do tomorrow to make a difference?
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
― Mark Twain

I question whether this poster is a pharma rep, and I suspect not! Most physicians don't know what we are saying when we talk product to them anyway. All they hear is "wha wha wha wha wha!!!