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Why are there so many reps and still so many diabetes managers in one territory

Please don't tell me that people from outside the company really want to come and join this cluster Uck. I'm sorry, I mean the Alliance. This position is being created since the Endo's are pissed that they have 4 or more reps calling on them.

the endos are pissed because 4 or more people are calling on them!? What about the PC docs?! Don't ya think they get annoyed too? what a joke
so the slimamylin people that screwd up the launch of bydureon are going to be put back in the drivers seat with the endos? again-what a joke

the endos are pissed because 4 or more people are calling on them!? What about the PC docs?! Don't ya think they get annoyed too? what a joke
so the slimamylin people that screwd up the launch of bydureon are going to be put back in the drivers seat with the endos? again-what a joke

Could not agree more with you. Too many reps and not enough customers.

Im looking for some input from a DBM...are you guys looking for other 'opportunities'?

Absolutely. I would actually happily accept my walking papers if it meant there would be fewer of us and upper levels because that would be a good business decision geared toward greater efficiency.
I see the toll this is taking on my representatives having to "align" with so many "counterparts" that are being given different direction from their "managers". Every day I hear from my folks about an issue with someone supposed to be a partner. The things is...I could fix the egregious problem tomorrow- except for I have to "align" with the other manager who probably doesn't see the issue as is.

The structure from the top-down is fundamentally flawed at every level. It is set up or "engineered" for compliance rather than maximized for agility.
Ever wonder why it takes so long for a bold, fresh idea to take form? You have at least 4 representatives reporting to 4 (soon to be 5 DBMs) who report to 4 different CBDs (soon to be 5) who report to 4 VPs (soon to be 5); then BJ Jones; then Rich Daily.

I seriously don't think you could structure this any worse. I've tried to think of how this could be worse to no avail.

There's just not much room for creativity, innovation, or even trying something a little bold, when in fact that's exactly what we need in such a competitive environment. I'm tired of seeing the competition do something unique and then we try to copy it- only our "copy" is flawed and comes 2 years after relevancy!

Maybe naively, I'm holding out hope that Rich will take some bold actions. There is no way he could come in and say, "Well, great job leadership team. It looks like you have put all the pieces in place."
I'm just not sure I can take another year of "growing pains". Those "pains" wouldn't be so painful if we believed in the vision.
As is, the vision is so incredibly vague: "Execute Flawlessly"; "Sense of Urgency"; "Customer Focused"; "Lead as One"; "We need to align vs. being right!" That last one is my favorite...LOL! So, even if I know something is going to hurt my business, I should align? Not going to happen and I'll probably be fired anyway for not complying with the misguided strategies.

If we're not significantly further along in 6 months than we are now, I'm out- and I hope they don't back-fill my position so it will make it a little better for those still around. Until then, I will keep fighting on principle even if (especially if) that means not being "fully aligned".

Best of Luck Everyone! I wish you less UNNECESSARY change in the future!

Here's a great quote on what happens when you try to gain consensus or "align": http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/113...-abandoning-all-beliefs-principles-values-and

"We need to align vs. being right!"

Absolutely hilarious!!!! The more things change, the more they stay the same. This quote reminds me of another "great" BMS "leader" - Milt Goggans.

Remember Milt's famous quote:

"Shoot, then aim."

Does it get more fucked up than that?

Snook is a great leader. You obviously didn't come from Amylin to see what he did there.


1. People are afraid of you.

2. You micromanage.

3. Stress controls you; you don't control it.

4. You create real and perceived distance between yourself and your team.

5. You're unavailable.

6. You don't know your reports.

7. You have no investment in your reports' futures.

8. You manage down more than you manage up.

9. You throw others under the bus.

Snook is a great leader. You obviously didn't come from Amylin to see what he did there.


1. People are afraid of you.

2. You micromanage.

3. Stress controls you; you don't control it.

4. You create real and perceived distance between yourself and your team.

5. You're unavailable.

6. You don't know your reports.

7. You have no investment in your reports' futures.

8. You manage down more than you manage up.

9. You throw others under the bus.

He's right at home. Ever since the "Alliance" the BMS culture has greatly deteriorated. The above management style is already implemented at every level of management and it's DISGUSTING!!! What ever happened to lead by example? The Alliance/diabetes franchise will never be successful and physicians have little respect for reps. We can't deliver to meet their needs, i.e. formulary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Absolutely. I would actually happily accept my walking papers if it meant there would be fewer of us and upper levels because that would be a good business decision geared toward greater efficiency.
I see the toll this is taking on my representatives having to "align" with so many "counterparts" that are being given different direction from their "managers". Every day I hear from my folks about an issue with someone supposed to be a partner. The things is...I could fix the egregious problem tomorrow- except for I have to "align" with the other manager who probably doesn't see the issue as is.

The structure from the top-down is fundamentally flawed at every level. It is set up or "engineered" for compliance rather than maximized for agility.
Ever wonder why it takes so long for a bold, fresh idea to take form? You have at least 4 representatives reporting to 4 (soon to be 5 DBMs) who report to 4 different CBDs (soon to be 5) who report to 4 VPs (soon to be 5); then BJ Jones; then Rich Daily.

I seriously don't think you could structure this any worse. I've tried to think of how this could be worse to no avail.

There's just not much room for creativity, innovation, or even trying something a little bold, when in fact that's exactly what we need in such a competitive environment. I'm tired of seeing the competition do something unique and then we try to copy it- only our "copy" is flawed and comes 2 years after relevancy!

Maybe naively, I'm holding out hope that Rich will take some bold actions. There is no way he could come in and say, "Well, great job leadership team. It looks like you have put all the pieces in place."
I'm just not sure I can take another year of "growing pains". Those "pains" wouldn't be so painful if we believed in the vision.
As is, the vision is so incredibly vague: "Execute Flawlessly"; "Sense of Urgency"; "Customer Focused"; "Lead as One"; "We need to align vs. being right!" That last one is my favorite...LOL! So, even if I know something is going to hurt my business, I should align? Not going to happen and I'll probably be fired anyway for not complying with the misguided strategies.

If we're not significantly further along in 6 months than we are now, I'm out- and I hope they don't back-fill my position so it will make it a little better for those still around. Until then, I will keep fighting on principle even if (especially if) that means not being "fully aligned".

Best of Luck Everyone! I wish you less UNNECESSARY change in the future!

Here's a great quote on what happens when you try to gain consensus or "align": http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/113...-abandoning-all-beliefs-principles-values-and

What a great summary... this TBM would also take severance rather than be involved with more of these dipshit managers. Can BJ do something that makes us more confident in the future? Even if we get Forxiga this current setup will never get it off the ground. We are just bunch of different reps trying to sell the same things but who just keep messing each other up.

What a great summary... this TBM would also take severance rather than be involved with more of these dipshit managers. Can BJ do something that makes us more confident in the future? Even if we get Forxiga this current setup will never get it off the ground. We are just bunch of different reps trying to sell the same things but who just keep messing each other up.

Hee, hee, hee... you said BJ.

Snook is a great leader. You obviously didn't come from Amylin to see what he did there.


1. People are afraid of you.

2. You micromanage.

3. Stress controls you; you don't control it.

4. You create real and perceived distance between yourself and your team.

5. You're unavailable.

6. You don't know your reports.

7. You have no investment in your reports' futures.

8. You manage down more than you manage up.

9. You throw others under the bus.

snook is a jelly cake baby face

I would agree- no reason to expand. We are too bloated.

I would add- the reps can learn to work it out- too many mangers is the prob. - just having to get different messages from each manager is the stupidest (sp) thing ive ever seen

So five reps calling on same docs is no problem???Huh???!?!?!? This is real bloat, dont you get it, evryone in your geography is a competitor. BMS could reduce headcount by 60% and not even see the difference in sales. The more reps , the less job security.