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Who ruined the culture of Astellas?


Sabus. No question. If you came 5 years ago it was different. Positive. Fun place to work. People came first. And now. Micro manager rejects from big pharma put in place with trackers. Lots of unhappy reps. What happened?


SS has definitely accelerated the demise. Nothing positive for reps has happened since he arrived. I especially like the semi-regular insult of our abilities. But the real culture problems started not long after the merger. Once Bob Altman took over and began to try and "recreate Abbott", that's when the 1st wave of big pharma douche bags arrived.

SS has definitely accelerated the demise. Nothing positive for reps has happened since he arrived. I especially like the semi-regular insult of our abilities. But the real culture problems started not long after the merger. Once Bob Altman took over and began to try and "recreate Abbott", that's when the 1st wave of big pharma douche bags arrived.


Commercial leadership has no idea what is going on, one bad decision after another. A bunch of white guy's in a circle jerk. Territory re-alignments, data changes, TBO nonsense??? What happened to finding us new products to sell? It's that simple...give us decent products to sell and we'll do fine. I'm not talking about Sumavel DP or Vibativ, both dumb decisions, or Prograf-XL...these are all garbage products! Enough of the BS, just do your job!

Commercial leadership has no idea what is going on, one bad decision after another. A bunch of white guy's in a circle jerk. Territory re-alignments, data changes, TBO nonsense??? What happened to finding us new products to sell? It's that simple...give us decent products to sell and we'll do fine. I'm not talking about Sumavel DP or Vibativ, both dumb decisions, or Prograf-XL...these are all garbage products! Enough of the BS, just do your job!

What do you mean? They told us TBO was going to mold and shape the pharmaceutical industry of the future!!! HAAAAAA!! I agree one dumb move/decision after another just wasting a shit load of money. Thats what happens when you have so many useless positions within the system. They all have to try to justify their worth/value. Perfect example is the recent Fusion update; IT SUCKS!! There was nothing wrong with the previous platform, just a group of people organizing a focus group and a bunch of bullshit ideas. All the real problems persist and get glazed over because they would be challenging projects to tackle and everybody knows that most of the stooges walking those hallways in the home office couldnt even begin to fix them.

So So True. Additionally- I would have to say the quantity of RSM's who are completely gutless and unwilling to speak up and help drive this sales forc from the field up. I have never met more yes/men and woman in my life. All scared for their jobs and nutless- unwilling to be seen as the one who stands in a gap. As a Leader, how do you look at yourself in the mirror when you will not nut-up and put your voice forward on things you know are killing your sales force and rendering them toothless in the roles. Cowards!

So So True. Additionally- I would have to say the quantity of RSM's who are completely gutless and unwilling to speak up and help drive this sales forc from the field up. I have never met more yes/men and woman in my life. All scared for their jobs and nutless- unwilling to be seen as the one who stands in a gap. As a Leader, how do you look at yourself in the mirror when you will not nut-up and put your voice forward on things you know are killing your sales force and rendering them toothless in the roles. Cowards!

Wow- Spot on! I have absolutely zero confidence if I raise an issue -even with a solution to my RSM she will do anything more than listen and smile, knowling she is completely unwilling to upchannel. I know - lets just ask at a NSM- "Does anybody have anything?" No? - Okay then"!

I came over from a legitimate big pharma company a year ago and this place is a joke! Sales leadership is drinking the company cool-aid (or sake in this case). It's like pharma 1990 over here...reach & frequency reports, trackers, etc. This sucks!

Seriously! When are we going to move away from the R&F bullshit. I spend half my day satisfying the tracking demands of my Mgr/SD and the other half hearing from my customers that I need something new to sell. What a joke!

Sabus. No question. If you came 5 years ago it was different. Positive. Fun place to work. People came first. And now. Micro manager rejects from big pharma put in place with trackers. Lots of unhappy reps. What happened?

The culture is exactly how upper management wants it to be. Nobody is being deceived (except maybe the reps and their managers) about what the reality is in the trenches with all of the trackers and whatnot. If senior management claims ignorance, it's only because they're hoping the charade plays out a little longer for them to collect whatever payday is coming to their way. Good luck and ride the gravy train while it lasts....