There are 42 reps and 5 managers.

The odd thing about it is if you knew you were going to go from 180 to 42...why did you pay 140 people for 2 months for no reason? I mean there must be some reason, but hell if anyone knows what it is. It is just a strange way to do things...I mean it has nothing to do with WARN, because everyone is still retained until March 31st...that's the 2 months of WARN. Just weird.

The other strange thing is the size of these geographies. Alot of Neurologists just won't be called on...you can't hit some of the mid-range targets with those geographies.

Basically, Amgen just quit on Aimovig and that is the bottom line. This is what throwing in the towel looks like. I am sure somebody will buy it and if you are one of the 42 reps remaining, it might be fine for you - as long as you don't mind all the travel. I mean somebody somewhere is going to sell it and someone will RX it...but you probably have much better jobs with much more support...it will be interesting to see what ends up happening. I suspect the initial 42 will be much smaller 3 months from now as people find other opportunities elsewhere

Wow, I'm so sorry for all laid off. UCBs new neuro drugs should be really good, and they are just starting to interview in some areas - some don't have managers hired just yet. Even if those don't open up, the roles of those that fill them will open up. Hopefully this will be a blessing for most in the end by ending up somewhere making more money. Sadly, almost everyone in the industry has been through this, so I have been pleasantly suprsised with how many people that you reach out to on LinkedIn that you don't even know are willing to help you if you reach out to them about a specific opportunity. I know that I've had a lot of help that way over the years, and I do my best to always pay it forward. Good luck.

There are 42 reps and 5 managers.

The odd thing about it is if you knew you were going to go from 180 to 42...why did you pay 140 people for 2 months for no reason? I mean there must be some reason, but hell if anyone knows what it is. It is just a strange way to do things...I mean it has nothing to do with WARN, because everyone is still retained until March 31st...that's the 2 months of WARN. Just weird.

The other strange thing is the size of these geographies. Alot of Neurologists just won't be called on...you can't hit some of the mid-range targets with those geographies.

Basically, Amgen just quit on Aimovig and that is the bottom line. This is what throwing in the towel looks like. I am sure somebody will buy it and if you are one of the 42 reps remaining, it might be fine for you - as long as you don't mind all the travel. I mean somebody somewhere is going to sell it and someone will RX it...but you probably have much better jobs with much more support...it will be interesting to see what ends up happening. I suspect the initial 42 will be much smaller 3 months from now as people find other opportunities elsewhere

why did they quit on Aimovig? I thought sales growth was good?

why did they quit on Aimovig? I thought sales growth was good?

Hey, for the awards call, will we be able to unmute? Will we all be on camera? Many have made background signs already and are willing to surrender any severance lost for bad behavior. I've got a big fu background ready to display with our sales leaders picture on it. I learned others plan to type stuff in chat. I bet they turn off mics/cameras because people will go ballistic when they say ' the winners are....' when they've already been fired. I heard a dude is going to light a NN blanket on fire in his kitchen during the call. Others plan to disrupt by any means possible. This should be a hoot being our last day and all. I mean, what tard thinks having a recognition ceremony on the last day is appropriate. Trip winners? No trip, just a highly taxed check or buy some dogshit items from the Bravo store. Many will be drinking during the call too, should add to the overall experience. Wait till you see some of the screen backgrounds, simply epic. And the fart machine and air horns, oh yeah. Don't forget to send around the invite too. Overwhelm the moderator 'you have a collect call from inmate 565 from county jail'.

The entire situation is bizarre. I know when Tiff told us about this, the cuts would be about 40 to 50%. I had no idea it would be 70%. Why would they pay us for all of that time to do absolutely nothing? We had cars, the gas card, full pay, bonus, etc and I don't know of more than a handful of reps who were doing much of anything. We all put calls in and just waited for the ball to drop. I didn't think the ball would drop like this.

I was not retained and glad I was not. The territories look large in some areas and not as huge in others, and I don't want to do that much driving. It's almost like they are asking the rest left to not work because so many won't do the driving. The whole division will be gone in less than a year. Severance seems fair, by why are we being asked to be on the awards call. It must be they are paying the winners of the trip even if they were not retained. I heard a few turned down their territories as they have found other opportunities with less driving. I'd hate to be in this division now and feel for those left. I don't want 2.5 to 3 hours of driving when I used to have an hour. I heard 5 managers and almost 50 retained. I thought Kyle and Todd were gone but who knows. Krams left a bit ago to go to another division. Maybe Tiff took care of those RSD's as she has before

I know many placed who are about to get offers. The look on buttsnifftiffs face when she only has 3 managers and 35 reps by April 1st. No one with half a brain will hang around while Amgen looks for a suitor to take this dogshit off our hands.


they will have more and more reps leave. Only desperate reps will stay , and they will stay close to home, do everything virtual and still fake calls. I'm glad I'm gone. I am going to get 20 K more from another company as Amgen doesn't pay to play.


they will have more and more reps leave. Only desperate reps will stay , and they will stay close to home, do everything virtual and still fake calls. I'm glad I'm gone. I am going to get 20 K more from another company as Amgen doesn't pay to play.
That is great, kiddo! Good for you. You can continue your career mediocrity and bitch and complain until your new company lays you off. Hopefully you’ll land another job, after that, where they’re looking for efficient lunch calendar navigators.


they will have more and more reps leave. Only desperate reps will stay , and they will stay close to home, do everything virtual and still fake calls. I'm glad I'm gone. I am going to get 20 K more from another company as Amgen doesn't pay to play.


I know of several waiting for offers and they are quitting. they will be down to 25 reps

That is great, kiddo! Good for you. You can continue your career mediocrity and bitch and complain until your new company lays you off. Hopefully you’ll land another job, after that, where they’re looking for efficient lunch calendar navigators.

It is great for me. I will be making 20 K more . Amgen pay is awful and raises are worse

Enjoy your big territory and Amgen micromanaging. YOu'll be out of here soon too as the division will soon be gone.

well I got their severance, got paid for 3 months to do absolutely nothing--faked calls every day and now I will be getting an offer and I get Amgen severance! SCORE!! Out of this hell hole. SO Glad I'm GONE.

bye bye TIFF,

entire thing is bizarre...Horizon now has openings all over for Neurology positions.

They were posting jobs and hiring at Chemocentryx right before close. Amgen and chemocentryx leaders were on calls with chemocentryx employees telling us job postings should show they valued chemocentryx employees. Three months after close? Layoffs.

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