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The strangest part is that management knows it. Management WANTS you to NOT work right now.

The incredibly low # of samples, the complete lack of engagement from management…we have not had one “rah-rah patients still need us” message. Our manager told us directly that no one would be checking activity. I think from a company perspective, they don’t want the costs or liability of reps in the field.

the field sales force quit? Management quit!! They know what we don’t know yet.

agree they don't care if we are working or not, but disagree about the "liability". There is no liability for us to be in the field. We are on the payroll and active employees so that comment you made makes no sense.

Liability as far as possibly getting into an car accident somewhere in America and killing someone. They run that risk everyday when it’s business as usual- but in this environment where they are going to get rid of 50-75% of the sales team…it’s a needless risk. They’d just prefer you stay home.

Liability as far as possibly getting into an car accident somewhere in America and killing someone. They run that risk everyday when it’s business as usual- but in this environment where they are going to get rid of 50-75% of the sales team…it’s a needless risk. They’d just prefer you stay home.

Wrong. There is NO extra liability NOW than there was before their call in Nov. We are active reps on the payroll. There's liability every day with every rep with every company. There is no added on liability so I still disagree. They don't necessarily want us to stay home....we all are staying at home. Why work? Half of us, perhaps, will be gone, and if we are not we are getting a new territory. I doubt anyone is going out and if they are, maybe one call a day. I want to find out. I think I"m safe as I live in a larger metro area, but they do things differently here.

Liability as far as possibly getting into an car accident somewhere in America and killing someone. They run that risk everyday when it’s business as usual- but in this environment where they are going to get rid of 50-75% of the sales team…it’s a needless risk. They’d just prefer you stay home.

The cuts and changes will occur throught the entire company. Many decisions and announcements will begin next week and last for about two weeks. Be prepared and start looking external. If you aren't placed selling migraine, there won't be many options in other divisions. TN was actually nice to give an early warning, other bu's will get that advanced 24 hour phone call email with zero warning.. Best to get that resume out ahead of the masses, it can't hurt. It's very clear the company is making changes across the board and throughout the world. Best of luck

The cuts and changes will occur throught the entire company. Many decisions and announcements will begin next week and last for about two weeks. Be prepared and start looking external. If you aren't placed selling migraine, there won't be many options in other divisions. TN was actually nice to give an early warning, other bu's will get that advanced 24 hour phone call email with zero warning.. Best to get that resume out ahead of the masses, it can't hurt. It's very clear the company is making changes across the board and throughout the world. Best of luck

When will NuBu find out?

Next Friday we all have a calendar hold for a 2022 awards presentation…they won’t announce anything final before that time.

So, we will have find out on Mon or Tuesday, Jan 30th or 31st….went right up to the last minute

We are going to find out on Tuesday, Jan 31st.

We have a scheduled NUBU awards presentation next Friday- so they won’t tell us anything before that takes place.
This is going down to the last minute

Next Friday we all have a calendar hold for a 2022 awards presentation…they won’t announce anything final before that time.

So, we will have find out on Mon or Tuesday, Jan 30th or 31st….went right up to the last minute

The right thing to do would be to cancel the awards call. The idea of celebrating a person, only to fire them days later is downright wrong.

Buttsnifftiff should take some time in-between her hair and nail appointments to lay it on the line. Perhaps she and her sister are too preoccupied with their own self preservation. At this point, simply send out some fancy slides with the results.

I wouldn't dare to host an awards call and would have everyone on mute. Someone is bound to voice a big FU otherwise. This is a level 1 clown show at best, where's the unicycle and juggler? Lord help us all.

The right thing to do would be to cancel the awards call. The idea of celebrating a person, only to fire them days later is downright wrong.

Buttsnifftiff should take some time in-between her hair and nail appointments to lay it on the line. Perhaps she and her sister are too preoccupied with their own self preservation. At this point, simply send out some fancy slides with the results.

I wouldn't dare to host an awards call and would have everyone on mute. Someone is bound to voice a big FU otherwise. This is a level 1 clown show at best, where's the unicycle and juggler? Lord help us all.
Shut the fuck up

The right thing to do would be to cancel the awards call. The idea of celebrating a person, only to fire them days later is downright wrong.

Buttsnifftiff should take some time in-between her hair and nail appointments to lay it on the line. Perhaps she and her sister are too preoccupied with their own self preservation. At this point, simply send out some fancy slides with the results.

I wouldn't dare to host an awards call and would have everyone on mute. Someone is bound to voice a big FU otherwise. This is a level 1 clown show at best, where's the unicycle and juggler? Lord help us all.

Agree. Theyneed to cancel the awards ceremony. I don't trust any of them in this division

Next Friday we all have a calendar hold for a 2022 awards presentation…they won’t announce anything final before that time.

So, we will have find out on Mon or Tuesday, Jan 30th or 31st….went right up to the last minute

WHY in the heck will they have a ceremony announcing the winners and then possibly lay off a few? NOTHING about anything makes sense with this division. This is so ridiculous. Why would they put us in agony for 3 months? I just want to know. It's such a waste of company money to do what they've done as no one has been working since the announcement except for a few calls here and there. Millions of dollars spent on reps with cars , gas, bonus and salaries for a few hours of work a week. Falsifying calls left and right so no unreported days are shown up, and they are allowing this? It is so bizarre what is going on! Just tell us!

The right thing to do would be to cancel the awards call. The idea of celebrating a person, only to fire them days later is downright wrong.

Buttsnifftiff should take some time in-between her hair and nail appointments to lay it on the line. Perhaps she and her sister are too preoccupied with their own self preservation. At this point, simply send out some fancy slides with the results.

I wouldn't dare to host an awards call and would have everyone on mute. Someone is bound to voice a big FU otherwise. This is a level 1 clown show at best, where's the unicycle and juggler? Lord help us all.

Completely agree. This awards call is the most tasteless fiasco I’ve ever seen in pharma. Send out an announcement with the winners, send them certificates and trophies they can share in interviews, and be done with it.

From start to finish, has there ever been a Division at any company mismanaged worse than NUBU?

Completely agree. This awards call is the most tasteless fiasco I’ve ever seen in pharma. Send out an announcement with the winners, send them certificates and trophies they can share in interviews, and be done with it.

From start to finish, has there ever been a Division at any company mismanaged worse than NUBU?


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