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When was the last time you hear of an employee

HO IT, all retired within the last 5 to 6 years. And more on the horizon including myself and several collegues


about 6% of HO IT made it.

retiring when having reached an age generally considered close to or at ‘retirement age’ ?

Think about that.

In the past 5 years, how many people do you know who’ve retired from Nono Nordisk ?

Like none. Zero.

In the field, some people get close. Late 50’s, early 60s.
In the home office, forget about it. Under 1% will get there and grab the brass ring on the 60 y/o plus 10 years of service.

And if you’re a white male, with any real talent or ambition, it’s even less, because Lars told you last year that 45/45/10 is the RULE going forward.

45% leaders will be male
45% will be female
10% will be those who do not, or chose not to identify as either male or female

Performance, experience, diversity of experiences (eg worked in different but relative industries, or having worked outside the US), your education, leadership skills DO NOT MATTER.

What matters is what’s in your pants, or not.

So, males are screwed. Because more times than not, you’ll be passed over bc you have a penis and have identified yourself as having one. You opportunities are very slim going forward and they get even more slim with age.

When will you see retirement parties at Novo Nordisk ?
Maybe never, unless you’re female or don’t identify with a gender bc you’re protected to the finish line.
Until you get close … until you get close.
Hate to say it…there’s a plan in place to lay you off or manage you out to avoid paying your retirement benefits. I saw it all unfold in this last restructuring. NN just call it what it it is. LAY-OFFS.
Get used to it folks. Happening in the industry all over Your job will soon be replaced with a younger less expensive representative. Fact.