I was Laid off but $2000 Stimulus Is Too Much

You seem to have forgotten about CHOP. They took over a portion of a major American city for over a month and declared their independence from the US government. Cops didn’t shoot anyone. But, those guys were just protestors.

Frankly, I think all of these jackasses, conservative and liberal, are rioters and domestic terrorists. I want law enforcement to shut it ALL down. No place for violence and destruction because you didn’t get your way.

Were you that white boy with the Confederate flag in the Capital?

You must be listening to right wing media. Plenty of the violent protesters during the BLM protests were arrested and charged. In the town where I live, many of those who were the most violent and were looting were white boys having some fun and not really protesting against police killing black people. If any of the BLM protesters had broken into the capital yesterday you would have seen a massacre of the protesters.

Yes, just like people were tear gassed and arrested at the Capitol and will be charged. But, why were the liberals ‘protestors’, and the conservatives ‘rioters’ and ‘domestic terrorists’? What happened at the Capitol is no better or no worse than what happened in Portland and Seattle. And, you can say that BLM protestors would have been shot, but that’s just you running your mouth - you have no evidence that would have been the case. They weren’t massacred anywhere, despite massive destruction and the complete takeover of major US cities. All of these groups, once they turn violent and destructive, are rioters and domestic terrorist. That’s my point. The media condones and supports the actions of one group and vilifies the other, based solely on political ideology. It’s disgusting.

Yes, just like people were tear gassed and arrested at the Capitol and will be charged. But, why were the liberals ‘protestors’, and the conservatives ‘rioters’ and ‘domestic terrorists’? What happened at the Capitol is no better or no worse than what happened in Portland and Seattle. And, you can say that BLM protestors would have been shot, but that’s just you running your mouth - you have no evidence that would have been the case. They weren’t massacred anywhere, despite massive destruction and the complete takeover of major US cities. All of these groups, once they turn violent and destructive, are rioters and domestic terrorist. That’s my point. The media condones and supports the actions of one group and vilifies the other, based solely on political ideology. It’s disgusting.

Bullshite False Equivalence! That’s the Freaking US Capitol! They went in through the back and “the Blue” let them out and escorted them out the front. Video after video showing the cops opening the barrier and welcoming those nutcases in! There’s no both sides so stop it Tom, Bill, or Jim! And yet, these Terrorists are on Social Media telling what they did. Why aren’t they arrested yet? That Arkansas Billy Bob who stole Pelosi’s mail and “rubbed his nuts” on his desk is doing Media interviews. I mean WTF White privilege!! Want to know why the cops let them in, because some are Proud Boys!

Bullshite False Equivalence! That’s the Freaking US Capitol! They went in through the back and “the Blue” let them out and escorted them out the front. Video after video showing the cops opening the barrier and welcoming those nutcases in! There’s no both sides so stop it Tom, Bill, or Jim! And yet, these Terrorists are on Social Media telling what they did. Why aren’t they arrested yet? That Arkansas Billy Bob who stole Pelosi’s mail and “rubbed his nuts” on his desk is doing Media interviews. I mean WTF White privilege!! Want to know why the cops let them in, because some are Proud Boys!

Keep telling yourself there’s no equivalence. BLM desecrated FEDERAL buildings in Portland and Seattle and took over those cities for months. They videotaped themselves burning buildings, beating people, and destroying both public and private property. Liberal mayors and chiefs of police pulled out and handed the cities over to them to loot and riot. Why is it you’re ok with that? Why is it somehow white privilege now? Why can’t we join together and acknowledge this this type of behavior is disgusting, but is being allowed to happen for some reason? 2 guilty sides here, even if you might agree with the political ideology of one of them. All of this behavior is disgusting. It’s sad that you accept it from one group simply because of the color of their skin and who they vote for in elections.

Keep telling yourself there’s no equivalence. BLM desecrated FEDERAL buildings in Portland and Seattle and took over those cities for months. They videotaped themselves burning buildings, beating people, and destroying both public and private property. Liberal mayors and chiefs of police pulled out and handed the cities over to them to loot and riot. Why is it you’re ok with that? Why is it somehow white privilege now? Why can’t we join together and acknowledge this this type of behavior is disgusting, but is being allowed to happen for some reason? 2 guilty sides here, even if you might agree with the political ideology of one of them. All of this behavior is disgusting. It’s sad that you accept it from one group simply because of the color of their skin and who they vote for in elections.
Agree the riots in Portland and Seattle were awful and lawless and many were arrested there and charged. Does not give reason for our PRESIDENT and some in congress to egg on their cult followers to invade the capital and threaten our elected leaders. Yes I do call false equivalency - you need to turn off your cult network and listen to reason for once. These people are bat shit crazy and believe in lizard people and that Democrats are pedophiles and want to plant chips in them if they get vaccinated. If you want to side with people like that you go right ahead. I side with the BLM movement which at least stands for something.

Keep telling yourself there’s no equivalence. BLM desecrated FEDERAL buildings in Portland and Seattle and took over those cities for months. They videotaped themselves burning buildings, beating people, and destroying both public and private property. Liberal mayors and chiefs of police pulled out and handed the cities over to them to loot and riot. Why is it you’re ok with that? Why is it somehow white privilege now? Why can’t we join together and acknowledge this this type of behavior is disgusting, but is being allowed to happen for some reason? 2 guilty sides here, even if you might agree with the political ideology of one of them. All of this behavior is disgusting. It’s sad that you accept it from one group simply because of the color of their skin and who they vote for in elections.

I saw nothing but Surburban White Males in Portland and Seattle burning buildings and looting. BLM knows better. They know how the media and you people would portray them. It’s bullshite how Don Jr and crew have a video in a tent while those nut jobs broke on and that chick got killed over lies. Newsflash, they don’t give a FUCK about those poor azz people who vote for them. Come on. Don’t be stupid and naive.

Agree the riots in Portland and Seattle were awful and lawless and many were arrested there and charged. Does not give reason for our PRESIDENT and some in congress to egg on their cult followers to invade the capital and threaten our elected leaders. Yes I do call false equivalency - you need to turn off your cult network and listen to reason for once. These people are bat shit crazy and believe in lizard people and that Democrats are pedophiles and want to plant chips in them if they get vaccinated. If you want to side with people like that you go right ahead. I side with the BLM movement which at least stands for something.

I didn’t side with anyone. It’s all disgusting. Violence and destruction is wrong, regardless of how people justify it. BLM could be peaceful just like lizard people could be peaceful. I don’t let my political leanings justify bad behavior.

Agree. The republicans are learning that when you make a deal with the devil the devil ALWAYS wins. Trump is earning his place on the trash heap of history.

Their new copy/paste strategy will be to lump those Trumpists guilty of murder, sedition and treason with those black numbskulls and white Antifa anarchists that burned stores and stole stuff from Target and Walmart.

Bullshite False Equivalence! That’s the Freaking US Capitol! They went in through the back and “the Blue” let them out and escorted them out the front. Video after video showing the cops opening the barrier and welcoming those nutcases in! There’s no both sides so stop it Tom, Bill, or Jim! And yet, these Terrorists are on Social Media telling what they did. Why aren’t they arrested yet? That Arkansas Billy Bob who stole Pelosi’s mail and “rubbed his nuts” on his desk is doing Media interviews. I mean WTF White privilege!! Want to know why the cops let them in, because some are Proud Boys!

Wasting your time, whoever you are. Let them vent and rage. When the mandatory 10 year sentences fall on those people, (Thank you, #45!) there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth on Hannity and Carlson. Oh wait...they're too liberal. OAN and Newsmax talking heads will fire 'em up again.

Their new copy/paste strategy will be to lump those Trumpists guilty of murder, sedition and treason with those black numbskulls and white Antifa anarchists that burned stores and stole stuff from Target and Walmart.

I see that you’re already trying to rewrite history. Do you understand it was only two months ago - people haven’t forgotten what really happened.

Their new copy/paste strategy will be to lump those Trumpists guilty of murder, sedition and treason with those black numbskulls and white Antifa anarchists that burned stores and stole stuff from Target and Walmart.

What about those ‘black numbskulls’ and ‘Antifa anarchists’ who took over cities, destroyed public and private property and beat and murdered people? Are you ok with us lumping those in? Or are you going to pretend that never happened?

And, was it ok to steal and destroy in Target and Walmart? You act like that’s just kids stuff or something.

As said before - all of this bullshit is bad. Let’s not pretend that one side is righteous and the other evil. They should all be shot or thrown in jail when resorting to violence, destruction, and theft.

I see that you’re already trying to rewrite history. Do you understand it was only two months ago - people haven’t forgotten what really happened.
Pillaging, looting, beating and arson is pillaging, looting, beating and arson in my book. EGREGIOUS! One side claims they did it to protest police brutality, the other because they believe that their President and his lawyer sent them to carry out the crimes to "stop the steal".
It may be me, but I think storming the US Capitol to stop the federal government from certifying a presidential election is a bit more egregious, especially if you consider how we would react if Farrakhan-quoting black Muslims or liberal anarchists went in there looking for Congresspeople while armed with semi automatics and zip-ties.

Pillaging, looting, beating and arson is pillaging, looting, beating and arson in my book. EGREGIOUS! One side claims they did it to protest police brutality, the other because they believe that their President and his lawyer sent them to carry out the crimes to "stop the steal".
It may be me, but I think storming the US Capitol to stop the federal government from certifying a presidential election is a bit more egregious, especially if you consider how we would react if Farrakhan-quoting black Muslims or liberal anarchists went in there looking for Congresspeople while armed with semi automatics and zip-ties.

Like you said, pillaging, looting, beating, and arson is pillaging, looting, beating, and arson. It’s all wrong, regardless of how you justify it with the political motives of the groups. We’re trying to act like it didn’t happen a few months ago, just like it happened last week. And, you can play the game that it would have been different if it were black people, but 3 months ago showed us it wasn’t. We turned over cities to BLM and let them have their way (which was pillaging, looting, beating, and arson). There is no double standard, nor should there be. ALL of this behavior has to stop, but right now it’s ALL being condoned. Our local & national politicians should be ashamed at the shit they have let happen and even outright supported simply because they thought it would get them popularity and/or votes. It’s disgusting.

Pillaging, looting, beating and arson is pillaging, looting, beating and arson in my book. EGREGIOUS! One side claims they did it to protest police brutality, the other because they believe that their President and his lawyer sent them to carry out the crimes to "stop the steal".
It may be me, but I think storming the US Capitol to stop the federal government from certifying a presidential election is a bit more egregious, especially if you consider how we would react if Farrakhan-quoting black Muslims or liberal anarchists went in there looking for Congresspeople while armed with semi automatics and zip-ties.

First let me say is is all wrong and quit frankly embarrassing, but you can honestly say attacking individual civilians and civilian businesses is more acceptable than the government? Think about that.

First let me say is is all wrong and quit frankly embarrassing, but you can honestly say attacking individual civilians and civilian businesses is more acceptable than the government? Think about that.
Yes, they are saying that theyre the same. Thats right: In their eyes, trying to kidnap the governor of Michigan and do the same to government employees about to certify an election are as equally bad as the mayhem created by the anarchists this summer. But no worse. Just let it go....

Yes, they are saying that theyre the same. Thats right: In their eyes, trying to kidnap the governor of Michigan and do the same to government employees about to certify an election are as equally bad as the mayhem created by the anarchists this summer. But no worse. Just let it go....

I think you’ve missed my point. As you’re trying to say one is worse than the other, I’m saying it’s all bad and should all be punished. You’re taking sides. I’m not. Terrible behavior shouldn’t be tolerated, regardless of the underlying motivation. Maybe it makes you feel better to rank order who was worse, but I don’t give a fuck. There’s no reason to loot, riot, destroy, beat, and murder. Period.

I think you’ve missed my point. As you’re trying to say one is worse than the other, I’m saying it’s all bad and should all be punished. You’re taking sides. I’m not. Terrible behavior shouldn’t be tolerated, regardless of the underlying motivation. Maybe it makes you feel better to rank order who was worse, but I don’t give a fuck. There’s no reason to loot, riot, destroy, beat, and murder. Period.

One is protesting unjust Police Shootings. What’s the other mad about?

One is protesting unjust Police Shootings. What’s the other mad about?

If I beat you to death because I’m cold and I want your coat, is that better/worse than beating you to death b/c I hate the color of your skin? I’d argue that the behavior is bad, regardless of the motivation.

And, to answer your question, one side is protesting perceived unjust police shootings and the other is protesting perceived election fraud. That might matter to you, but it doesn’t to me. I’m disgusted by the behavior of both.