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I was Laid off but $2000 Stimulus Is Too Much

Churches are the arm of the conservative republicans face it. Big churches in my area hold rallies for right wing politicians. They should be taxed. After looking at the actions of the conservative evangelicals I’ll take my chances and be non religious.

I can’t comment on what churches in your area do, but I’ve never seen a church hold a rally for a candidate. Regardless, other non-profit organizations certainly endorse political candidates. Do they lose the tax free burden as well, or is this just because it’s a church?

But, it’s certainly safe to say that conservative Republicans also tend to be churchgoers. Perhaps that’s because the liberal stance is anti-religion and anti-morality. It’s tough to go to church on Sunday and then support abortion on Monday, like Biden does. I’m not sure how someone reconciles those 2 things.

And, if your faith in God is dependent upon the actions of men, I guess I can see why you’d be non-religious. If man were perfect, we wouldn’t need a Savior, would we?

I can’t comment on what churches in your area do, but I’ve never seen a church hold a rally for a candidate. Regardless, other non-profit organizations certainly endorse political candidates. Do they lose the tax free burden as well, or is this just because it’s a church?

But, it’s certainly safe to say that conservative Republicans also tend to be churchgoers. Perhaps that’s because the liberal stance is anti-religion and anti-morality. It’s tough to go to church on Sunday and then support abortion on Monday, like Biden does. I’m not sure how someone reconciles those 2 things.

And, if your faith in God is dependent upon the actions of men, I guess I can see why you’d be non-religious. If man were perfect, we wouldn’t need a Savior, would we?
Joe Biden has more morality in his little finger than you or your fellow “evangelicals” do- I could go on about all of your fake “like in the womb” crap but believe me many of us are on to you and that crap. You only give a shit about the almighty dollar and making sure the colored people don’t get uppity.

Joe Biden has more morality in his little finger than you or your fellow “evangelicals” do- I could go on about all of your fake “like in the womb” crap but believe me many of us are on to you and that crap. You only give a shit about the almighty dollar and making sure the colored people don’t get uppity.

None of those things are true.

Joe Biden has more morality in his little finger than you or your fellow “evangelicals” do- I could go on about all of your fake “like in the womb” crap but believe me many of us are on to you and that crap. You only give a shit about the almighty dollar and making sure the colored people don’t get uppity.

They don’t. There’s nothing but old White Males on planes to 3rd World Countries monthly. And they are not going to play golf either.

They don’t. There’s nothing but old White Males on planes to 3rd World Countries monthly. And they are not going to play golf either.

You’re going to have to explain that one to me. You obviously have an issue with old, white males, but I’m not following what claim you’re making against them.

Yet, somehow we had record low unemployment. Must have been magic.
The decline in unemployment is the same trend that was already happening during the last 7 years before Trump took office. In other words, the tax cuts had ZERO effect on unemployment, they just put more money in rich peoples' savings.

You’re going to have to explain that one to me. You obviously have an issue with old, white males, but I’m not following what claim you’re making against them.

You are truly a dumb fuck if you don’t know. Obviously, you’re not a part of “the rich white male” in crowd. They look down on you in disgust and feed you Bullshite conspiracies.

Your inability to produce a shred of evidence that the tax cuts helped create jobs shows you know jack shit. But keep riding the Trump train all the way to hell.
Agree. The republicans are learning that when you make a deal with the devil the devil ALWAYS wins. Trump is earning his place on the trash heap of history.

Your inability to produce a shred of evidence that the tax cuts helped create jobs shows you know jack shit. But keep riding the Trump train all the way to hell.

If you know how money works in our economy, you will realize how important tax consequences are for either starting a business or trying to maintain one. Especially for sole proprietors whose income depends on a viable, ongoing business. Small business owners (50-100 employees) take tax consequences into determining proper staffing levels. If you are just a troll, please move along. If not, Novo missed one with the recent layoff.

I dont think they'll be visiting this thread for awhile. Their handlers want them to help paint the thugs as great patriots, justifiably upset over election fraud.

And their dear leader wouldn’t go down there to join them. How truly dumb and stupid are they? Like he’d actually sit down in their trailer and have a Nattie Light.

I dont think they'll be visiting this thread for awhile. Their handlers want them to help paint the thugs as great patriots, justifiably upset over election fraud.

why weren’t you calling them domestic terrorists when they were actually taking over parts of cities, destroying things, and killing people? Why is it when they are conservative they are domestic terrorists, but protesters when they are liberal?

why weren’t you calling them domestic terrorists when they were actually taking over parts of cities, destroying things, and killing people? Why is it when they are conservative they are domestic terrorists, but protesters when they are liberal?

Bullshite False Equivalence. That was a Government Takeover. Those bastards broke into the capital during Session and the “Blue” let them. They stole letters from Pelosi’s office and the Podium. Where’s Law and Order?! Build a Wall! Those Monkeys climbed the side of the wall and busted windows and not lethal action from those cops! I wonder why? Maybe because they are Proud White Male Boys?

Bullshite False Equivalence. That was a Government Takeover. Those bastards broke into the capital during Session and the “Blue” let them. They stole letters from Pelosi’s office and the Podium. Where’s Law and Order?! Build a Wall! Those Monkeys climbed the side of the wall and busted windows and not lethal action from those cops! I wonder why? Maybe because they are Proud White Male Boys?

You seem to have forgotten about CHOP. They took over a portion of a major American city for over a month and declared their independence from the US government. Cops didn’t shoot anyone. But, those guys were just protestors.

Frankly, I think all of these jackasses, conservative and liberal, are rioters and domestic terrorists. I want law enforcement to shut it ALL down. No place for violence and destruction because you didn’t get your way.

why weren’t you calling them domestic terrorists when they were actually taking over parts of cities, destroying things, and killing people? Why is it when they are conservative they are domestic terrorists, but protesters when they are liberal?
You must be listening to right wing media. Plenty of the violent protesters during the BLM protests were arrested and charged. In the town where I live, many of those who were the most violent and were looting were white boys having some fun and not really protesting against police killing black people. If any of the BLM protesters had broken into the capital yesterday you would have seen a massacre of the protesters.