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I was Laid off but $2000 Stimulus Is Too Much

If I beat you to death because I’m cold and I want your coat, is that better/worse than beating you to death b/c I hate the color of your skin? I’d argue that the behavior is bad, regardless of the motivation.

And, to answer your question, one side is protesting perceived unjust police shootings and the other is protesting perceived election fraud. That might matter to you, but it doesn’t to me. I’m disgusted by the behavior of both.
Ah. Your key words are "perceived unjust police shootings". Nice one.

Ah. Your key words are "perceived unjust police shootings". Nice one.
Watched a black man get murdered on live tv by a white cop. Think he wasn’t even charged and his crime was a counterfeit $20 bill. Then I watch white guys storm our capital and threaten my elected officials - many with the help of police. Justice in America you fascist

Ah. Your key words are "perceived unjust police shootings". Nice one.

Not intending to be coy. Nearly every shooting by police, including those that have motivated and inspired protests, has shown, after investigation, to be just in nature. And none have been proven to be racially motivated; the unjust ones have been bad police work. The fact that someone gets upset and feels that they were unjust and racially motivated doesn’t make it true. Feelings like anger and shock don’t make you right. Hence the word ‘perceived’.

Watched a black man get murdered on live tv by a white cop. Think he wasn’t even charged and his crime was a counterfeit $20 bill. Then I watch white guys storm our capital and threaten my elected officials - many with the help of police. Justice in America you fascist

Why only identify people by their race? I would hope all of us would be a bit more than the color of our skin. Do you think and act exactly like all other people who share your skin color? If not, then why assume if something bad happens that it must be due to the color of the skin of those involved? If a negative altercation occurs between people of different colors, it didn’t necessarily happen BECAUSE they were different colors.

Not intending to be coy. Nearly every shooting by police, including those that have motivated and inspired protests, has shown, after investigation, to be just in nature. And none have been proven to be racially motivated; the unjust ones have been bad police work. The fact that someone gets upset and feels that they were unjust and racially motivated doesn’t make it true. Feelings like anger and shock don’t make you right. Hence the word ‘perceived’.

Nearly every shooting? Share your many data sources, please? Otherwise, we put this post in the "entertainment posing as news file", which is rife with segments of your patron saint, Tucker Carlson. The guy whose employer says that "no reasonable viewer looks to him for facts"


Nearly every shooting? Share your many data sources, please? Otherwise, we put this post in the "entertainment posing as news file", which is rife with segments of your patron saint, Tucker Carlson. The guy whose employer says that "no reasonable viewer looks to him for facts"



Frankly, the information is easy to find. Again, your FEELINGS don’t make you right.

Manhattan Institute? I guess thats better than a Newsmax or Parler poll of policemen. I'd prefer that you share a non-partisan data source to make your point that most officers that shoot unarmed black people were not motivated by race to pull that trigger.

Going after the reporting source? The data comes from a Washington Post investigation. It was simply reported by the Manhattan Institute. And, if you doubt it’s validity, please explain why. You asked for data/facts, and they were provided. When they don’t tell the story you want, you try to cast doubt on the publisher of the article. Nice try, but it’s too easy to see through.

And ‘most officers’? There were 14 unarmed blacks killed nationally in 2019. Along with 25 unarmed whites. First, that’s obviously not an epidemic or some sort of systematic termination of blacks by police. The incredibly small number of blacks killed should tell you that. Add in, there’s no information in the world, outside of a confession, that answers the question of the policemen’s motivation. What makes you believe that race was a factor? What data/facts do you have to back up your claim? And, why aren’t you asking about the unarmed whites? Why aren’t those shootings due to the color of their skin?

When something bad happens AND the individual is black, there’s no evidence to suggest it was BECAUSE they were black. Sometimes bad things happen to people. And sometimes those people are black. And sometimes they’re white. That’s a fact.

Going after the reporting source? The data comes from a Washington Post investigation. It was simply reported by the Manhattan Institute. And, if you doubt it’s validity, please explain why. You asked for data/facts, and they were provided. When they don’t tell the story you want, you try to cast doubt on the publisher of the article. Nice try, but it’s too easy to see through.

And ‘most officers’? There were 14 unarmed blacks killed nationally in 2019. Along with 25 unarmed whites. First, that’s obviously not an epidemic or some sort of systematic termination of blacks by police. The incredibly small number of blacks killed should tell you that. Add in, there’s no information in the world, outside of a confession, that answers the question of the policemen’s motivation. What makes you believe that race was a factor? What data/facts do you have to back up your claim? And, why aren’t you asking about the unarmed whites? Why aren’t those shootings due to the color of their skin?

When something bad happens AND the individual is black, there’s no evidence to suggest it was BECAUSE they were black. Sometimes bad things happen to people. And sometimes those people are black. And sometimes they’re white. That’s a fact.

I know that as a detail rep, you are used to only puking up PRB-approved detail pieces. Its important to gather your data from more than one source.

PS: Non sequitur: For fun, ask one of your black colleagues or friends how many times they've been pulled over by the police in the past two years.


I know that as a detail rep, you are used to only puking up PRB-approved detail pieces. Its important to gather your data from more than one source.

PS: Non sequitur: For fun, ask one of your black colleagues or friends how many times they've been pulled over by the police in the past two years.


I find it ironic that you said I should look at more than one source, yet you only provided one source. Regardless, I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make with that article. All it states is that deaths may have been undercounted b/c of the manner in which they were counted. The other collection methods used in this article simply increase both the number of blacks and whites killed at the hands of police. And, frankly, if you’re looking at a population of 350 million people, whether it was 14, 140, or 1400, there is still no evidence whatsoever that there is a systematic targeting of blacks by police officers. Frankly, I find it odd that blacks commit over 50% of violent crimes, yet they make up less than 50% of the police shootings, armed or unarmed. Is that white privileged at work somehow? The article mentions the disproportionality of the shooting compared to the population, but conveniently ignores the comparison versus violent crime. If this is your smoking gun, I think all you did was reinforce my initial point that there is no evidence that police target blacks. Period.

And, I can ask my black friends about getting pulled over. I’m not sure why it matters - getting pulled over AND being black doesn’t mean you got pulled over BECAUSE you were black. But, while we’re asking questions, why don’t you also ask your white friends how many times an unprovoked black person tried to instigate an altercation with them this year, verbally or physically? See what they say.

I find it ironic that you said I should look at more than one source, yet you only provided one source. Regardless, I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make with that article. All it states is that deaths may have been undercounted b/c of the manner in which they were counted. The other collection methods used in this article simply increase both the number of blacks and whites killed at the hands of police. And, frankly, if you’re looking at a population of 350 million people, whether it was 14, 140, or 1400, there is still no evidence whatsoever that there is a systematic targeting of blacks by police officers. Frankly, I find it odd that blacks commit over 50% of violent crimes, yet they make up less than 50% of the police shootings, armed or unarmed. Is that white privileged at work somehow? The article mentions the disproportionality of the shooting compared to the population, but conveniently ignores the comparison versus violent crime. If this is your smoking gun, I think all you did was reinforce my initial point that there is no evidence that police target blacks. Period.

And, I can ask my black friends about getting pulled over. I’m not sure why it matters - getting pulled over AND being black doesn’t mean you got pulled over BECAUSE you were black. But, while we’re asking questions, why don’t you also ask your white friends how many times an unprovoked black person tried to instigate an altercation with them this year, verbally or physically? See what they say.
Yeh...something tells me that you have no black friends or co-workers that you speak with. Stop the Steal!

Yeh...something tells me that you have no black friends or co-workers that you speak with. Stop the Steal!

You don’t know a thing about me, friend. But, I see that when you can’t refute the message, you just go after the messenger. If I talk to 0 or 100 or 1000 black friends each day, what exactly does that have to do with whether or not police systematically target blacks? Let’s just go ahead and acknowledge that there is no connection and your assumptions about what I do and don’t do are baseless.

It’s time to drop all that anger at others simply because they have a different skin color than you do. You’ll live a miserable life if you let it eat you up.

You don’t know a thing about me, friend. But, I see that when you can’t refute the message, you just go after the messenger. If I talk to 0 or 100 or 1000 black friends each day, what exactly does that have to do with whether or not police systematically target blacks? Let’s just go ahead and acknowledge that there is no connection and your assumptions about what I do and don’t do are baseless.

It’s time to drop all that anger at others simply because they have a different skin color than you do. You’ll live a miserable life if you let it eat you up.

If you think police systematically target blacks, please cite your sources. When an officer shots a black person, whether armed or not, national news is made. When mainstream media is reporting, the officer was NOT justified in shooting said person. After a few days, more information comes out; the person shot WAS armed, or involved in a crime and would not follow the officer’s instructions. Try this, the next time an officer stops you, say yes sir or no sir and follow the officer’s instructions. You will be alive to contest this matter in court. How do I know this? My son was an officer who lost his life in the line of duty. All he wanted was to come home every evening to his wife and sons.

If you think police systematically target blacks, please cite your sources. When an officer shots a black person, whether armed or not, national news is made. When mainstream media is reporting, the officer was NOT justified in shooting said person. After a few days, more information comes out; the person shot WAS armed, or involved in a crime and would not follow the officer’s instructions. Try this, the next time an officer stops you, say yes sir or no sir and follow the officer’s instructions. You will be alive to contest this matter in court. How do I know this? My son was an officer who lost his life in the line of duty. All he wanted was to come home every evening to his wife and sons.

I’m on your side, dimwit. You might need to read more than one post next time. Save your lecture for the other guy.