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When was the last time you hear of an employee


retiring when having reached an age generally considered close to or at ‘retirement age’ ?

Think about that.

In the past 5 years, how many people do you know who’ve retired from Nono Nordisk ?

Like none. Zero.

In the field, some people get close. Late 50’s, early 60s.
In the home office, forget about it. Under 1% will get there and grab the brass ring on the 60 y/o plus 10 years of service.

And if you’re a white male, with any real talent or ambition, it’s even less, because Lars told you last year that 45/45/10 is the RULE going forward.

45% leaders will be male
45% will be female
10% will be those who do not, or chose not to identify as either male or female

Performance, experience, diversity of experiences (eg worked in different but relative industries, or having worked outside the US), your education, leadership skills DO NOT MATTER.

What matters is what’s in your pants, or not.

So, males are screwed. Because more times than not, you’ll be passed over bc you have a penis and have identified yourself as having one. You opportunities are very slim going forward and they get even more slim with age.

When will you see retirement parties at Novo Nordisk ?
Maybe never, unless you’re female or don’t identify with a gender bc you’re protected to the finish line.
Until you get close … until you get close.


This is policy at novo. period. They would tell you if you don’t like it leave. The good news is Novo is a one molecule company that has many many many many issues with just getting this molecule to pharmacies. New drug In town, NNI is toast in 10-15 years anyway, you post is 100% correct.

Well, that explains why you don’t understand basic math either.
Physics major, USNA (look it up you dumbass).
My civilian career was in the pharmaceutical industry where I worked in sales, ops, training, and marketing strategy, with 3 top 10 companies for over 25 years.
I know I’m a dinosaur being in my late 50’s, but, I get more done in my day before you get your little woke-a$$ outta bed.

And that’s while I’m ‘retired’ at my beach house.
I catch more fish before 8 than the number of reported (alleged) calls you make in a day.

I guess you’ll be at Starbucks around 9 to pick up coffee for your nurses, then to Panera for your next noon-time delivery.

Time to reapply my sunscreen, have a nice day buttercup.

We can’t even get ozempic samples for new starts. Maybe Lars should worry about that not his 45/45/10 game to appease the 2%
Lars stop letting NNI lie to you.. employees are miserable in the field in the US

Tally hoe, well said, I’m in Kailua, Hawaii on the beach, where is your beach house?


Physics major, USNA (look it up you dumbass).
My civilian career was in the pharmaceutical industry where I worked in sales, ops, training, and marketing strategy, with 3 top 10 companies for over 25 years.
I know I’m a dinosaur being in my late 50’s, but, I get more done in my day before you get your little woke-a$$ outta bed.

And that’s while I’m ‘retired’ at my beach house.
I catch more fish before 8 than the number of reported (alleged) calls you make in a day.

I guess you’ll be at Starbucks around 9 to pick up coffee for your nurses, then to Panera for your next noon-time delivery.

Time to reapply my sunscreen, have a nice day buttercup.

Physics major, USNA (look it up you dumbass).
My civilian career was in the pharmaceutical industry where I worked in sales, ops, training, and marketing strategy, with 3 top 10 companies for over 25 years.
I know I’m a dinosaur being in my late 50’s, but, I get more done in my day before you get your little woke-a$$ outta bed.

And that’s while I’m ‘retired’ at my beach house.
I catch more fish before 8 than the number of reported (alleged) calls you make in a day.

I guess you’ll be at Starbucks around 9 to pick up coffee for your nurses, then to Panera for your next noon-time delivery.

Time to reapply my sunscreen, have a nice day buttercup.
So, why are you concerned about who is getting promoted/hired, keyboard warrior? Fact is, this is the life you wish you had, instead of the tired, angry incel life, you have. Or maybe deep down you’re questioning your own sexuality. It’s ok. Take your time.

So, why are you concerned about who is getting promoted/hired, keyboard warrior? Fact is, this is the life you wish you had, instead of the tired, angry incel life, you have. Or maybe deep down you’re questioning your own sexuality. It’s ok. Take your time.
The Novo Defender is back. We aren’t allowed to question novo or their decisions on CP. He/she/they will cut you down with names and insults until you stop.

So, why are you concerned about who is getting promoted/hired, keyboard warrior? Fact is, this is the life you wish you had, instead of the tired, angry incel life, you have. Or maybe deep down you’re questioning your own sexuality. It’s ok. Take your time.
You both are pathetic. One calls the other "woke" and you scream "incel" and insinuate homosexual tendencies as an insult. Both of you are the exact same, just different generations and buzzwords.

retiring when having reached an age generally considered close to or at ‘retirement age’ ?

Think about that.

In the past 5 years, how many people do you know who’ve retired from Nono Nordisk ?

Like none. Zero.

In the field, some people get close. Late 50’s, early 60s.
In the home office, forget about it. Under 1% will get there and grab the brass ring on the 60 y/o plus 10 years of service.

And if you’re a white male, with any real talent or ambition, it’s even less, because Lars told you last year that 45/45/10 is the RULE going forward.

45% leaders will be male
45% will be female
10% will be those who do not, or chose not to identify as either male or female

Performance, experience, diversity of experiences (eg worked in different but relative industries, or having worked outside the US), your education, leadership skills DO NOT MATTER.

What matters is what’s in your pants, or not.

So, males are screwed. Because more times than not, you’ll be passed over bc you have a penis and have identified yourself as having one. You opportunities are very slim going forward and they get even more slim with age.

When will you see retirement parties at Novo Nordisk ?
Maybe never, unless you’re female or don’t identify with a gender bc you’re protected to the finish line.
Until you get close … until you get close.
Virtually no one will voluntarily retire from here.
They'll get pushed out before Novo needs to pay.

Why weren’t you calling for balance and equality when white males represented 90% of
Pharma leadership 10 years ago?
Better question…why weren’t you speaking up? This knee jerk reaction to everything that happens is bullshit. Shame on you for not being more vocal or demanding what’s fair 10 years ago. Fair is being qualified for a job. If you were qualified and didn’t get it because of whatever reason then that is an injustice. To blindly say you have the job without being qualified and basing it strictly on skin color, sexual orientation or gender (or lack there of) is an even bigger injustice. This will all eventually catch up to the people put in these positions and the companies that put them there. Then what? Who’s fault will it be when they fail?Stand up and take some responsibility for yourselves and stop using the media to get what you deserve. FYI…corporations are not doing this because it’s the right thing to do. They are doing it because of public pressure from the media and for political agendas.

Physics major, USNA (look it up you dumbass).
My civilian career was in the pharmaceutical industry where I worked in sales, ops, training, and marketing strategy, with 3 top 10 companies for over 25 years.
I know I’m a dinosaur being in my late 50’s, but, I get more done in my day before you get your little woke-a$$ outta bed.

And that’s while I’m ‘retired’ at my beach house.
I catch more fish before 8 than the number of reported (alleged) calls you make in a day.

I guess you’ll be at Starbucks around 9 to pick up coffee for your nurses, then to Panera for your next noon-time delivery.

Time to reapply my sunscreen, have a nice day buttercup.

NR? Still trolling the Novo boards after all these years? It’s time to let it go - you weren’t good when you were here, and nobody gives a fuck about what self-adulatory garbage you feel like spewing now. Quit pretending you’re something that you’re not (ie retired and wealthy). It’s pathetic.