Understand that however they make decisions on separation that one of the first concerns is risk to the organization. Great efforts are made to remove subjectivity and use objective measures instead. In recent displacements things like competencies (a subjective assesment converted to objective through numeric scoring by Mgt.), maintaining existing customer relationships, distance to center of workload to name a few. THEN final decisions are not made by management (where subjective bias could be asserted) but rather HR or HR in concert with an outside consultant. Generally they get it pretty right but there are always some head scratchers. After going through this several times what I can share confidently is those displaced, be it unsettling at best, will end up finding other work and doing just fine. Best to all those caugfht up in this, things will get better.
So a rep with a lower salary and outperforming the majority has a high likelihood of placement vs a more seasoned salaried rep with lesser performance?