When is the realignment for chronic care?


It was stated by upper management that there is going to be a realignment. Not saying mass layoffs. You would think before 2S. Somebody out there has to know. WHAT IS GOING ON!


Next week CC will have fewer targets to call on. 2S didn’t bring any change except loss of SGLT-2 inhibitor. This thread has no idea WTF is going to happen. The only thing I know is management is so absorbed in Gig, Pilot & Marketing Crap.

What are you complaining about? 6 figure salaries, increased bonuses, Verquvo is going to be a Blockbuster
Once additional data is presented. Recently there was talk that the Victor trial was going to be stopped early because it was going great.

What are you complaining about? 6 figure salaries, increased bonuses, Verquvo is going to be a Blockbuster
Once additional data is presented. Recently there was talk that the Victor trial was going to be stopped early because it was going great.
What have you been smoking!!! The Trial is slated for 39 months and it’s only been ongoing for 18 months.
Anyway, SGLT-2’s will be going generic & Novartis has been fighting off Generic’s for the last 2 years. Verquvo BLOCKBUSTER!!! Don’t make me laugh, buy the time it gets a favorable indication the 4 Pillers will all be generic. Blame Mother Merck & Bayer research divisions for total incompetence!!

downsizing takes place before the end of the year and ~50% will be gone. seems that many are hoping for a handraiser, why else aren't people leaving for new jobs?

New jobs? Come on, everyone knows CC is where the undesirables camp out. They can't get hired elsewhere and for years, hope the "mapping" works in their favor. They drive around, deliver food, grab some sigs, then tend to mommy dooties. No company would ever hire them, they are old, lazy, and overpaid.

Now, a very select few were able to escape CC over the years. They had smarts, drive, and were well connected. The remaining 99% are simply a bunch of shit stains.

New jobs? Come on, everyone knows CC is where the undesirables camp out. They can't get hired elsewhere and for years, hope the "mapping" works in their favor. They drive around, deliver food, grab some sigs, then tend to mommy dooties. No company would ever hire them, they are old, lazy, and overpaid.

Now, a very select few were able to escape CC over the years. They had smarts, drive, and were well connected. The remaining 99% are simply a bunch of shit stains.

What a gem of a human you must be. Also, I've worked in Primary Care, specialty, Onc and rare disease at one time or another. Funny thing is all of them thought their jobs were the most important and skillsets most unique.

What a gem of a human you must be. Also, I've worked in Primary Care, specialty, Onc and rare disease at one time or another. Funny thing is all of them thought their jobs were the most important and skillsets most unique.

Very true. Fact is, anyone who can't get past the rep level in their career is a shat stain. Anyone who is a rep past 30 is pathetic, it's a high school job, bunch of do nothings. Same goes for the lifer managers who shelter in place for decades. Approving expenses and hosting calls/doing phony paperwork isn't a career. And a 55 year old riding with a rep is beyond laughable. Enjoy it for now, you are done when Key hits the cliff.

downsizing takes place before the end of the year and ~50% will be gone. seems that many are hoping for a handraiser, why else aren't people leaving for new jobs?

I call Bullshit on this one. Let me guess, you are connected to someone who is on the inside. Who is going to cover all the targets once Verquvo becomes a Blockbuster? I’ve said this before, Just wait until the Victor Trial comes out. Anyway what about 1st in class Chronic Cough drug Gefapixant? Can you say BLOCKBUSTER!! Pulmonologist & Allergist have been waiting for this medication. Merck has at least a 2 year head start on the nearest competitor. I will admit Belsomra is not a Blockbuster, but not because it sucks it’s because Merck Management Sucks!!!! If they would let us sell Belsomra to all of our Diabetes targets it will become a Blockbuster!! Long Live Chronic Care!!!!!

I call Bullshit on this one. Let me guess, you are connected to someone who is on the inside. Who is going to cover all the targets once Verquvo becomes a Blockbuster? I’ve said this before, Just wait until the Victor Trial comes out. Anyway what about 1st in class Chronic Cough drug Gefapixant? Can you say BLOCKBUSTER!! Pulmonologist & Allergist have been waiting for this medication. Merck has at least a 2 year head start on the nearest competitor. I will admit Belsomra is not a Blockbuster, but not because it sucks it’s because Merck Management Sucks!!!! If they would let us sell Belsomra to all of our Diabetes targets it will become a Blockbuster!! Long Live Chronic Care!!!!!

Wow, this poster has their head in the sand. Verq will not be a blockbuster and Gef will never make it to market. Nice knowing u chronic care.

New jobs? Come on, everyone knows CC is where the undesirables camp out. They can't get hired elsewhere and for years, hope the "mapping" works in their favor. They drive around, deliver food, grab some sigs, then tend to mommy dooties. No company would ever hire them, they are old, lazy, and overpaid.

Now, a very select few were able to escape CC over the years. They had smarts, drive, and were well connected. The remaining 99% are simply a bunch of shit stains.

Actually this poster is right. Chronic Care is the worst division in the company. Merck created this toxic culture that relies on Management to create busy work to justify their jobs. CC is so outdated, way to many Reps who are living off their past reputations selling Billion Dollar Medicines. I doubt there will be a hand raising before territory realignment, no reps will be left to sell the garbage R&D has put in their bag. Verquvo revenues are never revealed because they are so small, and stockholders are being duped into believing all is well with Keytruda leading the way. I did find out Belsomra revenue is $400 million but Management slogan is Verquvo, Verquvo, Verquvo. Belsomra has Zero incentive to sell a medicine with half a chance someone will prescribe it. Verquvo has about a 15% prescriber rate. Merck should be embarrassed of Chronic Care. Get out if you can.

I love all these posts from folks who don’t know anything. Just stirring the pot. Why would a Thursday in mid October be the date? Doubt any changes this year. Depends on cough for CC. Then they will most likely tweek our territories based on what the bag will be in 2024. I am just guessing. Have no “inside” knowledge. I’m thinking that no one with real knowledge would be in CP and posting so I take all comments with a grain of salt.

I love all of these “expert“ predictions. A very specific date, mid October with no more information. I’m guessing you’re just somebody who wants to stir the pot. I am not connected, I have no inside knowledge. My guess – we finish through the end of the year in chronic care, wait to hear what’s happening with chronic cough and then tweak territories based on the portfolio in 2024. I would imagine anybody who’s really in the know doesn’t waste their time on Café Pharma posting.

I love all these posts from folks who don’t know anything. Just stirring the pot. Why would a Thursday in mid October be the date? Doubt any changes this year. Depends on cough for CC. Then they will most likely tweek our territories based on what the bag will be in 2024. I am just guessing. Have no “inside” knowledge. I’m thinking that no one with real knowledge would be in CP and posting so I take all comments with a grain of salt.
Wake up. Look around. Vacancies everywhere. Nothing is being filled. A Thursday in mid-October is when they always announce a layoff. Your exit interview will be December 7th

Again throw some vague comments that appear to indicate that you know something just to get people anxious. Hide behind the anonymity because you can. Besides we don’t do exit interviews unless the employee requests.

What have you been smoking!!! The Trial is slated for 39 months and it’s only been ongoing for 18 months.
Anyway, SGLT-2’s will be going generic & Novartis has been fighting off Generic’s for the last 2 years. Verquvo BLOCKBUSTER!!! Don’t make me laugh, buy the time it gets a favorable indication the 4 Pillers will all be generic. Blame Mother Merck & Bayer research divisions for total incompetence!!

Verquvo is never getting a favorable indication. This drug is a DOG; nobody wants to prescribe it. Let's admit failure and shelve it already.

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