When is the next restructure?

No. They still really need chronic care until JANUVIA goes generic at least.

Good try. There are still too many of us. Most days you spend five hours stretching out two hours worth of work and then go home. Stop pretending that you do more than you really do. They could cut half and we'd have a realistic work load. Half of the offices don't even see reps.

Good try. There are still too many of us. Most days you spend five hours stretching out two hours worth of work and then go home. Stop pretending that you do more than you really do. They could cut half and we'd have a realistic work load. Half of the offices don't even see reps.

Truth hurts. Its lunch time, and i only have two more people to call on after this. Its not my fault. I dont have enough seeable targets. I would love to have more people to see. A productive day is when I can see and actually talk to 4-5 HCPs. Its really sad.

Truth hurts. Its lunch time, and i only have two more people to call on after this. Its not my fault. I dont have enough seeable targets. I would love to have more people to see. A productive day is when I can see and actually talk to 4-5 HCPs. Its really sad.

Critical Care is going to have a major restructure, really industry wide. Fewer offices will see us because the docs know insurance companies have the control over what is written. Patients raise hell over the number of reps that are seen. Insurance companies incentivize for genetics to be written. And we are needed why? Merck is going to cut soon and this one is going to be ugly. It has become a situation where we need the company more than the company needs us.

Just kidding. I really don’t...but I do like to speculate.

I just heard that there have been alot of closed door meetings about upcoming changes and reevaluations of the business model. We should hear the results in the next month or so. You should be networking. Ive heard that there is going to be no hand raising this time around unfortunately.

I just heard that there have been alot of closed door meetings about upcoming changes and reevaluations of the business model. We should hear the results in the next month or so. You should be networking. Ive heard that there is going to be no hand raising this time around unfortunately.

Please let me take my severance and move on.

Will next restructure be national or local?

More than likely it will be national but with local considerations for access and declining marketshare. The last restructure was an absolute failure. Very few reps actually have enough work to do. They need to call more offices and ask about access and make sure that they dont make the same mistakes. I really hope that they allow handraisers. This is getting ridiculous.