When is the next restructure?

Cafe Pharma had no information or prediction of layoffs when that happened two years ago. Unfortunately these comments are not reliable without proof. We can all expect something to happen with hiring freezes and paten expectations coming. But the real question is when?! This October, maybe next? Doesn’t really matter. No one will walk away from this company at this point. We have all been here too long and wouldn’t risk our severances. It’s one thing if you want a different career path but definitely don’t race to another’s pharmaceutical company. The risk of layoffs is everywhere!
Where were you two years ago in a cubicle in corporate office? Café Pharma hit it on the nose two years ago, major bloodletting were posted all over these boards.

Nailed it! Two years ago posters on CP were spot on AND the chosen ones were forewarned. Some jumped ship a few months prior to the axe job, others scurried in house from the field AND others were moved to other safe haven franchises in the months prior.

In my current region plenty of the chosen ones have scurried out of cc in the last year at the advice of their DCO. What is left is what Merck coins the disposable ones! Older, too much time off, set in their ways, overpaid and an overall drain on mama Merck' s bank account.

As for me, my DCO just got me a gig in Oncology ahead of this final, epic annihilation. Be well.
Nailed it! Two years ago posters on CP were spot on AND the chosen ones were forewarned. Some jumped ship a few months prior to the axe job, others scurried in house from the field AND others were moved to other safe haven franchises in the months prior.

In my current region plenty of the chosen ones have scurried out of cc in the last year at the advice of their DCO. What is left is what Merck coins the disposable ones! Older, too much time off, set in their ways, overpaid and an overall drain on mama Merck' s bank account.

As for me, my DCO just got me a gig in Oncology ahead of this final, epic annihilation. Be well.

I was also told that Oncology is the only safe place for now. My counterpart just got a job with them and couldn't be happier. It would be silly to leave the company with the pending severance on the line.
Who is the village idiot?

Anyone in chronic care including reps, ctl's and dco's. Hanging on for jobs that won't exist, hanging on for severence taxed at the bonus rate. OK, get your check and then what? You won't get hired with cc skills and you are paid tens of thousands over the going rate. It won't be a Merry Christmas. Those are the village idiots.
Not at all - imagine giving up $100k and 2 years of insurance then going to another company that lays you off with no tenure. People would be crazy to leave now!

Anyone in chronic care including reps, ctl's and dco's. Hanging on for jobs that won't exist, hanging on for severence taxed at the bonus rate. OK, get your check and then what? You won't get hired with cc skills and you are paid tens of thousands over the going rate. It won't be a Merry Christmas. Those are the village idiots.
Lots of jobs out there people. Don’t listen to the negative nellies. Merck trained you well, don’t leave until you get the severance. Everyone I know that was let go in 2017 landed and landed quickly, most with more money.
Lots of jobs out there people. Don’t listen to the negative nellies. Merck trained you well, don’t leave until you get the severance. Everyone I know that was let go in 2017 landed and landed quickly, most with more money.

Lol! "trained you well" - What do you mean? Trained us to deliver food and recite 3 key messages? Very few people here have many skills outside of Pharma. Merck has drained us sorry to say.
The Syneos deal only includes certain product lines and not the entire portfolio. The Chronic Care contract for the Steglatro franchise with Pfizer runs for the duration of 2020. There is a little bit of truth in all the posts in this thread, but it is incorrect that Chronic Care will be dissolved at the end of this year.