What's going on @ Otto Bock?

Looks like the negativity took a break. Now that Ben is gone things have started to turn around for the better. I even heard some of the sales folks want to come back. Yeaaaaa

looks like it was business back to normal for awhile, but the reps are swamped with report after report and endless conference calls meaning nothing, the reps have been getting tired of it , and they just want to do their job and sell and make money. They can't make money as they have 8 different product areas to hit to attain a decent commission, whicj no one does.
Now their trying to sell everything but what they need to sell, cryo, small orthotics, kneehab and soon bone growth stimulator, really? With 3 top competitors selling the same thing almost exclusively, they won't compete, having to buy the unit for $2500 and turn around and sell for $2800 to $3200 and just another quota you won't hit.
They have not one person in management that knows the world of CPM, that's why they are getting eaten up in that market. machine prices way to high to compete and trying to sell machines to make up the company quota each month, with CG sharing in the commissions for each sale, they have that kind of money to give out? Plus they hired 30 people to sit in a depot and clean machines and answer phones just in case Medicare shows up. Where is that money coming from. Wait till the new manufacturer sells the machines to the competition!

looks like it was business back to normal for awhile, but the reps are swamped with report after report and endless conference calls meaning nothing, the reps have been getting tired of it , and they just want to do their job and sell and make money. They can't make money as they have 8 different product areas to hit to attain a decent commission, whicj no one does.
Now their trying to sell everything but what they need to sell, cryo, small orthotics, kneehab and soon bone growth stimulator, really? With 3 top competitors selling the same thing almost exclusively, they won't compete, having to buy the unit for $2500 and turn around and sell for $2800 to $3200 and just another quota you won't hit.
They have not one person in management that knows the world of CPM, that's why they are getting eaten up in that market. machine prices way to high to compete and trying to sell machines to make up the company quota each month, with CG sharing in the commissions for each sale, they have that kind of money to give out? Plus they hired 30 people to sit in a depot and clean machines and answer phones just in case Medicare shows up. Where is that money coming from. Wait till the new manufacturer sells the machines to the competition!

OMG! Can you believe this mess????? I think some one should look at the language and interpretation of the Medicare situation requiring to have some one in the Depots. Lord knows if Chris Fishmonger interpreted it it is bound to be wrong. Hell, he couldn't even get the tape straight on the floors of the depots. He is a complete waste of oxygen! Kaizen!!!!

that medicare rule has been in effect for years, but all they required was that if no one was at the office, there needed to be a local number someone could call that would be forwarded to a live person answering it, either rep, psr or tempe, where did they find the MONEY to hire these people, why not give out a raise to all of us, 4 years, no raise for hardly anyone, the answering machine now says, "hello Apria, uh, I mean Otto Bock"

Wait a minute...are you all talking about Ben David who used to be the owner of a Nursing Agency in Baltimore that he destroyed because he couldn't treat his employees well?? Now he moved to the West Coast without telling anyone - he up and disappeared - ha....everything I have read in this forum all happened on the East Coast as well!!!

Wait a minute...are you all talking about Ben David who used to be the owner of a Nursing Agency in Baltimore that he destroyed because he couldn't treat his employees well?? Now he moved to the West Coast without telling anyone - he up and disappeared - ha....everything I have read in this forum all happened on the East Coast as well!!!

Word is he is now in Indiana - anyone know?

News is A.S., OBOS overseer was behind the shutting down of the OB fabrication plant in Orlando. Granted they weren't making money, but as CFO for OB, how long before he shuts down OBOS? They aren't close to target and have saved money the last month by letting most middle management go, but bottom line is they are not profitable and HG can only sink so much money into them.
They cannot fight the non competes anymore, unless you know their trade secrets, which they have none, since outsourcing to other company's to do things for them, manufacturing and business. Who needs their secrets anyways, other companies are more profitable with what they have

Anyone have any accurate info? Reading through this forum it seems that our days are numbered. But talk around my region is upbeat and positive. I know I probably shouldn't be reading on here but I want a balanced viewpoint. Not to mention I want to be prepared should anything happen to me like I hear when people are whispering around. Reps are applauded and lifted up at the meetings then we hear months later that they were fired. Then the people who fired them are fired. The people who were turning the business around were then fired. I need a program to keep up with who the good guys and bad guys are. Can anyone anonymously share with us the overall plan for OS please? Is there even a plan?

I'm going to go ahead and take a jab at it. Looks like simple math to me, fellas.
=dishonest, immoral, and in-cahoots.
Defintion of ca·hoots(ka-hoots)
Questionable collaboration; secret partnership

Am I close?

I'll use my decoder ring and reverse engineer the comment.

"don't forget your popcorn" = interesting stuff about to happen, sit back and enjoy the show.

"sunlight is on the horizon" = new information is about to be released and we will no longer be in the dark.

"go with your gut" = what we've all believed will happen someday is about to actually happen.

"Behold, I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves". A.K.A. (BD, KF, PD & DS)" = uh... I don't know. Something about how Ben & crew were out to devour the company?

Am I close? Details people, details!