What's going on @ Otto Bock?

another month goes by, whopping 1.8 million or there abouts, let's see what # they come up with. That seems to be the number they'll hit each month the rest of the year, how low can you go and stay afloat? Where's this great Apria deal? supposed to done last week. Did Apria get smart. Too bad BD, the days are numbered, couldn't make it to MN yourself, embarrased? We were a team, and they want that again in MN, keep your ball and go play somewhere else seems to be the word from upnorth. no one cares for your big mouth, although your pretty quiet now. Maybe you can sing showtunes like "OKLAHOMA" , I'm sure the new rep will do just fine, did anyone bother to tell them they might not have any business.

Sure, that's a funny clip. But a more accurate clip is:


Compensation Plan
Closing Rate
Company Goal
Presidents Club
Awards Dinner
Leader Board

Looks like one of us made this video. I'm trying to guess which middle-manager they are using for this video. Maybe all of them as they are all carbon-copies of one another and graduates of the BD School of "Out of Business in 18 months or Less".

Don't worry fellow Otto Bockers, we'll be profitable in 2010, guaranteed!

Funniest video ever, especially the "Starbucks" reference, since they just gave away gift cards for changing your mail profile to the first 10, what a great incentive that was, and the commission plans changing, how true over all the years, as soon as you make more, lets vhange the plan so you get less, but we'll throw in some "kickers" to make it look like you'll get more, same song and dance

LOL has anyone read the careerbuilder posting for the OK sales position??? I am sure the word in the last sentence under the description is supposed to be "exciting" yet it reads "We currently have an EXITING opportunity in our Otto Bock Orthopedics Division..." How foretelling is that!!!

I love the part that says " lucrative comission program" on the career builder website. Correct me if I'm wrong but has anyone received a comission check since the new ICP was signed? If any OB manager or BD is reading these, close the doors now and save yourself the humiliation. I'm embarassed just reading these and knowing that OB is a smudge on my resume!

joke of all jokes, what happens on Sept 20th, we adjust the reps quotas for sept with 9 billing days to go, some higher, some lower
who came up with that and for what purpose, maybe to get closer to the monthly goal by reducing commissions to some reps, or to save someones ass again, stop with the BS already, were a big enough joke throughout the industry and its getting louder, Apria is even laughing at us, what happened to the big deal with Apria? oh yea, we can't cover all their patients needs because their aren't enough "drivers" on our side. explain that 10 million dollar loss to Germany, but we'll make it up by letting more people go and reducing commissions, isn't it time to restructure the commission plan for the reps, most are averaging a whopping 3% cause no one can get close to attainment of quota

GET READY Sale reps, another ass chewing coming for you, if you haven't heard, a sales forecast meeting for the reps, they can't pay us here in Tempe, but let's fly the reps to a sales meeting and wine and dine them before the whips and chains come out, like they do here in Tempe everyday

get ready OB OS, here they go again, every 4-5 years a new buyer or investor coming your way, it's the only way to survive. now if they were only wise enough to get rid of BD and his BS ways. Another beatdown for you guys when all said and done, he'll pop his big headed ego in during one of your meetings and tell you how bad your doing, yes, YOU not him or them, but YOU. You'll be doing 15 calls a day after this and more Goldmine reporting.
Oh yea, then the commission plan will change again. If they only got rid of your orthotic initiative and sell what makes money, you might actually get somewhere and make yourself some money, not losing $300 to $500 a month less in commissions
Good Luck next week
see you here, i'm sure

Gaurav Mishra runs the show. Mishra has big plans for the US. Of course I mean the divisions that are actually profitable. He is in full support of the divestiture of Orthopedic Services after this years dismal performance. Look for a sale of pieces separately, fire sale on assets and shopping buyers for the billing and contracts. Leckey puts Mobility in a great position to attract customers away from Invacare. T.O. will continue to innovate and lead the market with top products and top sales professionals.

And to quote Meat Loaf, "Two out of three ain't bad."

I want to get back to the wine and dine the sales reps. At the last "National Sales Meeting" they had a make your own sandwich from a deli tray that somebody at corporate picked up from the Piggly Wiggly. Oh, and they ran out of bread so some of us had to low carb it. BD aint spending any money he doesn't have on wine, thats for sure. Hollah!

the only reason wine and dine was said, is because the fire sale started with $250K worth of machines sold to a competitor this month to help the numbers and they are taking the reps out to dinner at the first sales meeting with 2 more for the other regions, kind of a last supper, they call it a 2011 forecast meeting, plus dress code is business professional, get dressed for the funeral people
I was at the last meeting also and it was a joke,paid almost for everything on your own, so this meeting may have other reasons behind it