What's going on a MicroPort?

The ink just dried on my contract with a competitive company. Microport had potential but was run to the ground by incompetent management. For months after the merger a google search for Microport would redirect to a Chinese website. Not what my docs wanted to see. They didn't promote the brand or streamline their mess of a hip system. instead spent too much time and money working toward becoming an ortho giant. They're never going to be stryker but they could have been a niche company. Too bad. Now I sit back and see if my non-compete is upheld. Good luck to all those still on board. Jump ship while you still can.

If you work in a department that is staffed at the same level as during the transition you should be worried. Every department will need to be sized down to the proper level to support the current sales level.

Evolution and Profemur are two major products that is manufactured in Arlington, does that mean there will be more cuts?
Watch and see as the equipment magically starts disappearing from the shop floor. This time not going to Costa Rica but China or going to Costa Rica first then on to China, yes more cuts are coming

Watch and see as the equipment magically starts disappearing from the shop floor. This time not going to Costa Rica but China or going to Costa Rica first then on to China, yes more cuts are coming

What happened to the "only instruments may be manufactured in China, never the implants because no one will buy a hip or knee made in China so no one needs to worry about that" line?

Chinese ownership is hard enough to overcome. Chinese manufacturing will be the last nail in the coffin. I'm moving on ASAP. Too many other strong companies with better products out there that don't throw these hurdles at reps. Not worth it. Cheers and best of luck, everyone.