What's going on a MicroPort?

People should keep comments to themselves if they don't have anything accurate to add. This does nothing but add to the anxiety and we have plenty of that already. These are good people who work hard. A lot to ask, I know.

People should keep comments to themselves if they don't have anything accurate to add. This does nothing but add to the anxiety and we have plenty of that already. These are good people who work hard. A lot to ask, I know.

Most people I work with are crap and if I didn't want anxiety I wouldn't be here

Most people I work with are crap and if I didn't want anxiety I wouldn't be here
Dude, you have bigger problems than MPO if that's true.

I agree people need to shut up if they have nothing real to contribute. Plenty of people hear about rumors posted here. You don't have to seek it out to hear about it.

1. *here.
2. You're an ass.
3. We have a manufacturing floor full of dedicated hourly workers who have more class than you ever will.
4. Did I mention you're an ass?

Funny but seriously if you have been here 20 plus and are still making hourly that is pretty sad, no wonder so many have trouble finding work after they are laid off. Thanks Obama

1. *here.
2. You're an ass.
3. We have a manufacturing floor full of dedicated hourly workers who have more class than you ever will.
4. Did I mention you're an ass?

Ha dedicated those drones should have unionized along time ago. Now their jobs can easily be shipped somewhere else or replaced by a machine