"WP remains the most productive drug discovery site in the network"
By what measure? Food consumption in the cafeteria?
So how many drugs have come out of KW in the past fifteen years - I think the answer is somewhere around zero.? Big investments in KW and Boston have not panned out, but everyone else is in Boston so apparently we need to be there too despite the utter lack of any successes. WP and Montreal were both more successful yet both got cut by NJ favoring management to save the NJ sites. Look how great that has turned out. The tide has turned and They've finally figured it out - won't say it publicly, but behind closed doors will acknowledge it. That's why discovery research is going to be phased out in NJ and the resources redirected to fund new discovery sites in Cambridge and SF. Also , no one wants to live there , getting very difficult to recruit anyone there. Feel sorry for the good people in KW but that's the way upper management sees it.