This is not rocket science, here. If you don’t make yourself a valued, enthusiastic, hardworking part of the team then you will be gone. Attitude is 9/10ths of working in any corporation. If you want to sit around and wonder why you’re all being fired it’s because you have not even met the minimum standards of a professional pharmaceutical representative. I have been in this industry for 20 years and I have a relative working in your company. I am blown away by the number of untalented, unmotivated reps that still currently work for Vanda. If I were the DOS I would fire every single one of you and replace you ALL with fresh young minds who are ready to work hard. Those college grads will run circles around you “ experienced” ( experienced aka, lazy and not productive) because you’ve lowered your own standards. In my company, we run it like a business with serious professional reps who work their asses off. We share in all management decisions and work as a team to make as much money for the company as we can. This drives our share in the market and our stockholders are beyond pleased with our performance.
Shut the eff up and please leave the board if you don't have anything valuable to contribute! GOOD people were let go from Vanda, including President's Club winners, that had the right attitude and numbers but they obviously didn't kiss enough butt like some of those that consistently have numbers in the toilet did and were kept!
The problem is that the company does not respect the employees so the employees do not respect the company. Our CEO seriously told people that he distrusts them and meetings and also said that maybe the employees should be selling Latuda instead of Fanapt (and that was a slap in the face to many).
Many of us left good jobs for this opportunity only to be let down over and over again as well as lied to! And, what's even more messed up is that some of those in upper management like a witch/C U Next Tuesday regional would smile to the face of reps, pump them for information, and then hung them out to dry with the layoff.
This is the same regional who used to lick the butt of a "superstar" rep and actually pass along managerial administrative work to that person and then laid off the the person this past June.
There are some good managers here but the large majority are cowards and I know a few that actually had backbone and spoke up were let go too.
Also, the HR "department" is a joke that doesn't handle investigations properly and has such a limited understanding of laws that it is truly disgraceful (and the reps often know more than any HR rep does)!
Ask around and see if any rep that has requested a personnel file in the past actually got one or got the standard "We're working on getting that to you" answer.
It's also disgusting the way that they obviously let people go that weren't on plans but simply for taking disability to have legitimate and, sometimes, live-saving surgeries.
This is one diseased company and it breaks the hearts of many people who cared deeply about it because it is truly broken and beyond repair!