What reps think of acell

My primary frustration is that I can not complete with TB, DA, and S Shugars ..... as long as DD and BH allows them to keep their old IPads with all The old cases that we were able to sell the shot out of this stuff with.

heck- I wish I could get the stuff that Kay is giving the non-performers

One major difference between all three basketball Hall of Famers and these three a** clowns is that all three basketball professionals had extensive backgrounds in their respective field. They all fought for YEARS gaining the experience and learning from years of failure to rise to the level they did. Please feel free to post the YEARS of experience these jokers have in their respective field. Golfer, hospital admin paper pusher, and college graduate don’t give you sufficient experience in Med Device Mgmt. At least the individual that’s the lowest one on the corp org chart was able to graduate college unlike the top sales leader for the company.

This post was lame the first time....

TB a.k.a Mr Personality. Ever heard the guy crack a joke or make a clever comment? NEVER. Guy just fake laughs at other people’s jokes and repeats the same phrases he steals from other managers. If I have to hear his brilliant elementary advice again for the 100th time I’m gonna throw up. This guys coconut is completely empty.

TB a.k.a Mr Personality. Ever heard the guy crack a joke or make a clever comment? NEVER. Guy just fake laughs at other people’s jokes and repeats the same phrases he steals from other managers. If I have to hear his brilliant elementary advice again for the 100th time I’m gonna throw up. This guys coconut is completely empty.

now that you say this I thought back. You’re absolutely right. Never anything funny or witty. Starts a lot of his sentences with like DD says. No singular thought waves

Anybody have any clue what the director of sales was saying on the conference call today? It was nonsensical jabbering and all over the map. The more he talked the more absurd it got. He’s even more of an idiot than I realized.

Anybody have any clue what the director of sales was saying on the conference call today? It was nonsensical jabbering and all over the map. The more he talked the more absurd it got. He’s even more of an idiot than I realized.

I loved that call! Absolutely hilarious listening to that guy attempt to provide insight and explain the business. He’s so clueless and inarticulate that you can’t not be entertained by the consistent stupidity. Holy cow was that special. Can we do it again tomorrow?

One major difference between all three basketball Hall of Famers and these three a** clowns is that all three basketball professionals had extensive backgrounds in their respective field. They all fought for YEARS gaining the experience and learning from years of failure to rise to the level they did. Please feel free to post the YEARS of experience these jokers have in their respective field. Golfer, hospital admin paper pusher, and college graduate don’t give you sufficient experience in Med Device Mgmt. At least the individual that’s the lowest one on the corp org chart was able to graduate college unlike the top sales leader for the company.
Still waiting on that long list of experience that has made these individuals so good at what they do.

yep. Here’s the direct link I used. More than happy to share. I encourage everyone to submit your TB and JS emails and texts regarding off label promotion, file sharing unapproved documents, and homemade presentations.


Anyone that doesn’t come forward now will be considered part of the coverup and at the very least complicit. That’s why we are getting ahead of this. So we can say “hey, I reported this because I knew it was wrong and didn’t want to participate but TB and JS constantly pressured us to participate”. And that’s the truth.

Remind me who was named 30+ times in the DOJ report????? Oh yea, THE DIRECTOR OF SALES. He sets the tone for the circus. So don’t be surprised when his buddies like TB still thumb their nose at the department of justice, the OIG, and compliance.

Would you put a bank robber in charge of the bank and then be surprised when money goes missing? Well, that’s essentially what the CEO did at ACell.

It amazes me how I come to this site daily to read the posts and there is constant removal of freedom of speech. How much is this company paying to have the internet scrubbed of their wrong doing????

IMPRESSIVE! Almost 2 dozen posts removed, congrats to acell leadership.

Dont worry, the date for everyone to find a new job has been set. Tuesday, November 17th is the day. Maybe call that recruiter that lied to you about how much money everyone makes at acell (FYI you can lookup the failed IPO attempt to see what everyone was paid, its public). As of the 17th, you will see the cards start falling before then, so when that happens, know this is real.

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye!

  • mbryan   Oct 20, 2020 at 11:05: AM
It amazes me how I come to this site daily to read the posts and there is constant removal of freedom of speech. How much is this company paying to have the internet scrubbed of their wrong doing????

We do not accept payment to remove posts. However we do remove posts that include accusations of illegal behavior and other posting violations when we become aware of them.

We allow discussions of illegal/unethical behavior that include reference to publicly available or corroborated information.

We do not accept payment to remove posts. However we do remove posts that include accusations of illegal behavior and other posting violations when we become aware of them.

We allow discussions of illegal/unethical behavior that include reference to publicly available or corroborated information.

Makes sense. So can I reference factual criminal records of the VPS and Florida Area Manager? I would like to think thats not an accusation as the cases are closed, mug shots public, and even in the case write ups, mention Acell as the employer.

We do not accept payment to remove posts. However we do remove posts that include accusations of illegal behavior and other posting violations when we become aware of them.

We allow discussions of illegal/unethical behavior that include reference to publicly available or corroborated information.

Thanks for the clarification Bryan. Seeing that this is a pretty popular board filled with accuracies that are so unbelievable it’s funny & entertaining, we appreciate your hard work. We know the ACell board has you working OT but it’s not our fault. The truth hurts for some so please continue to let the truth that doesn’t violate your policies be heard.